Just nuke the Gaza strip and be done with this insanity.

The alternative would be losing to the death cult.

Yawn, your ignorance of the Islamic Faith would be amusing.

He’s an ignorant Moron. The War started when Nasser blocked Israel’s right to INTERNATIONAL WATERS and Nasser bragged he was going to destroy Israel

11 years earlier, the Zionists tried to seize the Suez Canal in conjunction with the British and French. You don't seem to have a problem with that.
Yawn, your ignorance of the Islamic Faith would be amusing.

11 years earlier, the Zionists tried to seize the Suez Canal in conjunction with the British and French. You don't seem to have a problem with that.
Another lie !! Try to educate yourself. It was initially owned by the British and France but Nasser took it over !
Please show us where those three Countries closed the Straits to anyone
Another lie !! Try to educate yourself. It was initially owned by the British and France but Nasser took it over !
Please show us where those three Countries closed the Straits to anyone
The Canal was the property of Egypt.
It was turned over when Egypt became independent of the British.

Even Eisenhower thought the Brits, French, and Zionist Squatters went too far and forced them to pull back.
After supporting Ukrainian Nazis and Israeli war crimes, Western countries have lost any right not only to reprimand others, but even to condemn anyone.
I also stand for Jewish babies in cribs not having their heads cut off, or burned alive.

It’s shameful how these libs have taken the side of savage barbarians.
Are you believing Israeli propaganda?
Hamas only has 20,000 members.
The Canal was the property of Egypt.
It was turned over when Egypt became independent of the British.

Even Eisenhower thought the Brits, French, and Zionist Squatters went too far and forced them to pull back.
Nasser took over the canal and paid the owners to finance the Aswan Dam after the Lavon affair when Eisenhower was tricked into withdrawing US financing for the dam.
The Canal was the property of Egypt.
It was turned over when Egypt became independent of the British.

Even Eisenhower thought the Brits, French, and Zionist Squatters went too far and forced them to pull back.
That's not what happened.
Israel deliberately squeezes another nation out of its territory with bomb threats. It's liberating other people's land for itself. That's what's going on, not fighting some militants. That's the plan.
He’s an ignorant Moron. The War started when Nasser blocked Israel’s right to INTERNATIONAL WATERS and Nasser bragged he was going to destroy Israel

Nasser blocked the Straits of Tiran and called for a summit with Israel. Egyptian troops were all fighting in Yemen from 1962-1972.
Lisa will make up propaganda if it isn't provided. She's a professional victim.

This is a woman who freaked out - I kid you not - because stores in her mall had too many posters with black people on them. And the Mannequins were black, too!
OMG how stupid.
Yawn, your ignorance of the Islamic Faith would be amusing.

11 years earlier, the Zionists tried to seize the Suez Canal in conjunction with the British and French. You don't seem to have a problem with that.
Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal in July of 1956 and paid for it because of the Lavon affair. He needed the money to finance the Aswan dam.
Turn it to glass. Either that or migrate to America and STOP FIGHTING OVER SAND.
Why anyone would want to live somewhere where they are surrounded by people that hate their existence is beyond me.
Muslims have proven over and over they can not act like modern adult humans.
Remember the Lavon Affair?
Correct - but what right did the Israelis have to invade? - they even attacked before the French and British forces had arrived, and departed only 3 month after, the French and British had withdrawn.

Read Moishe Dayan. The Israelis provoked Lebanon, Syria and Egypt for years. They wanted more land. They had 7,000 settlers in Gaza until 2005. Now they have found oil and gas in Gaza's coastal waters.

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