Just nuke the Gaza strip and be done with this insanity.

There is no valid justification for the continued murders done by the Palestinians. The Israelis have a right to respond to these murders and do whatever it takes to stop them.
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

The Israelis have been attacking the Palestinians since 1948.

All they are doing is creating new generations of people who want to murder them.
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

The Israelis have been attacking the Palestinians since 1948.

All they are doing is creating new generations of people who want to murder them.

No, the Israelis have been collecting 5 eyes for an eye.

It was the Arab League that attacked the Israelis in 1948.

There's more than one way to make sure that there are no more generations of Palestinians who want to murder Israelis.
28 Israeli villages are being evacuated because of increased Hezbollah attacks .

Well done Israel (and the US ) or being so stupid with your big loud mouth and your childish threats .

How does Remodelled Maniac reply sensibly ? Probably thinks we should nuke everwhere except where we live plus a few holiday islands .
You know the Ottomans weren't Arab, right?

When your landlord dies, you don't own the building.
You're a land owner and someone you've never met before knocks on your door and says your farm is now his because God said so. What would you do? You and your family have lived there for generations. What are you going to say, "Just let me get my things and I will be out of your way!"

Fuck no! If someone came up to my house and said that, I would beat the holy shit out of them!
Can you name a single example of Israel attacking Gaza out of nowhere and not in response to rocket attacks or other violence coming from Gaza? I dont think that has ever happened once. Its always the Palestinians who attack first, yet youre saying the exact opposite of the truth. Are you uninformed or are you intentionally trying to deceive people?
There are YouTube videos of the IDF shooting people fishing and farming.

There are YouTube videos of the IDF shooting people fishing and farming.

Id be careful about believing likely fake propaganda. Furthermore, are you under the impression that the call to shoot a fishermen came from the Israeli government?

The better question is, who shoots at defenseless families, murdering children and babies, raping women (and some reports that young men were also raped), decapitating people, burning people alive inside their homes and shooting any who try to escape the fires, and lastly... then taking hostages and sex slaves?

...but there was that one time with the fisherman thing, so i guess they got what they deserved. :cuckoo:
If you are a victim of the Holocaust, you get to create an apartheid State?
What do you get to do, if your people went through slavery and Jim Crow in America?
Israel is not an Apartheid state. It is the Palestinians who want to ethnically cleanse Israel of Jews. In the meantime, Muslims are 20% of Israel.

Much of the Middle East was ethnically cleansed of Jews, with their property stolen. But yeah…..let’s just make up lies about Jews and complain about them!
Id be careful about believing likely fake propaganda. Furthermore, are you under the impression that the call to shoot a fishermen came from the Israeli government?

The better question is, who shoots at defenseless families, murdering children and babies, raping women (and some reports that young men were also raped), decapitating people, burning people alive inside their homes and shooting any who try to escape the fires, and lastly... then taking hostages and sex slaves?

...but there was that one time with the fisherman thing, so i guess they got what they deserved. :cuckoo:
You should do your homework, dude, before trying to debate this issue.
I already told you, troll, I don't know the answer. How old are you? You talk like a 12 year old!
Please tell us WHY you don’t know Are you INCAPABLE of understanding what Olmert offered Abbas and WHY it was unsatisfactory??
There's oil and gas fields of the coast of Gaza.

Between 2012 and 2018, Netanyahu gave Qatar approval to transfer a cumulative sum of about a billion dollars to Gaza, at least half of which reached Hamas, including its military wing. According to the Jerusalem Post, in a private meeting with members of his Likud party on March 11, 2019, Netanyahu explained the reckless step as follows: The money transfer is part of the strategy to divide the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

Anyone who opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state needs to support the transfer of the money from Qatar to Hamas. In that way, we will foil the establishment of a Palestinian state (as reported in former cabinet member Haim Ramon’s Hebrew-language book “Neged Haruach”, p. 417).

They attacked Gaza in July because of oil and gas?
You're a land owner and someone you've never met before knocks on your door and says your farm is now his because God said so. What would you do? You and your family have lived there for generations. What are you going to say, "Just let me get my things and I will be out of your way!"

Fuck no! If someone came up to my house and said that, I would beat the holy shit out of them!

You're a land owner and someone you've never met before knocks on your door and says your farm is now his because God said so.

Cool story! What does that have to do with the Palestinians who never owned the farm?

You and your family have lived there for generations. What are you going to say,

You're gonna say, I lived here because I paid rent. I never owned it.
Not capable of understanding a basic question ( MORON
What gets me is that innocent Israelis have been tortured to death by subhuman monsters - and that leftist is back to blaming Israel!

One example: a subhuman barbaric Muslim terrorist cut a living near-term fetus out of a pregnant Israeli‘s womb, and with the umbilical cord still attached, STABBED the fetus to death - and then shot the mother in the back.

And these antisemitic leftists are back to shitting on Jews.


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