Just remember: Democrats created the new era of a lawless society

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I am not lying. like you do, and I am not denying. I simply want you to prove that the democrats created the lawless society .
I did. I posted the article (several of them actually). Ask a trusted, literate, adult to read it to you.
Remember folks, the Democrats created a lawless society when they started building "Sanctuary Cities" and "Autonomous Zones".

Well, careful what you wish for. Welcome to "Vaccine Sanctuary Cities" (along with "Firearm Sanctuary Cities").
If you do it, you're a "xenophobe". If they do it, it's totally cool.
They do not prove anything, they simply IMPLY.
Nope. You simply LIE. The articles indisputably prove. When you instruct law enforcement to stand down so that people can riot, loot, burn, and even commit murder, all because you're pissed off you lost an election, you're intentionally creating a lawless society.

And no matter how many times you deny what you know to be true, it won't change the facts. We saw the nation burning for 5 years as Trump ran for (and then won) office.
Nope. You simply LIE. The articles indisputably prove. When you instruct law enforcement to stand down so that people can riot, loot, burn, and even commit murder, all because you're pissed off you lost an election, you're intentionally creating a lawless society.

And no matter how many times you deny what you know to be true, it won't change the facts. We saw the nation burning for 5 years as Trump ran for (and then won) office.
I do not lie! You do not understand English. You are putting all evil on a particular political party and denying any culpability for your self or party.
You are putting all evil on a particular political party and denying any culpability for your self or party.
I’ve never done that and I never will. I’ll call out the Republican Party (or any Republican) for anything they do wrong.

The fact is, Democrats across the nation ordered law enforcement to stand down and allow criminal acts because they were furious they lost an election.
This is going to cause Tax Man to lose his shit (the facts always do), but here again we see Democrats building a lawless society. When we the people decide something properly and legally, the Dems just ignore it and do what they want.

This will come back to haunt them (just like it did when Harry Reid invoked the "nuclear option"). The left is always too stupid to understand that nothing occurs in a vacuum. Actions have consequences, and you will see conservatives setup "gun sanctuaries" to bypass any and all new left-wing gun legislation. And these losers will lose their shit over it. Oh well!
This is going to cause Tax Man to lose his shit (the facts always do), but here again we see Democrats building a lawless society. When we the people decide something properly and legally, the Dems just ignore it and do what they want.

This will come back to haunt them (just like it did when Harry Reid invoked the "nuclear option"). The left is always too stupid to understand that nothing occurs in a vacuum. Actions have consequences, and you will see conservatives setup "gun sanctuaries" to bypass any and all new left-wing gun legislation. And these losers will lose their shit over it. Oh well!
And we'll have a fucking insurrection before we allow the blacks to steal another election. By GOD!!!!
This is going to cause Tax Man to lose his shit (the facts always do), but here again we see Democrats building a lawless society. When we the people decide something properly and legally, the Dems just ignore it and do what they want.

This will come back to haunt them (just like it did when Harry Reid invoked the "nuclear option"). The left is always too stupid to understand that nothing occurs in a vacuum. Actions have consequences, and you will see conservatives setup "gun sanctuaries" to bypass any and all new left-wing gun legislation. And these losers will lose their shit over it. Oh well!
The sanctuary state for abortion is not lawless it is because religion is not supposed to be in government rules. Just like so much of the illegal laws passed by repukes.
And we'll have a fucking insurrection before we allow the blacks to steal another election. By GOD!!!!
Well, at least you nut-job leftists are being honest about your rioting and racism now. That's a big first step!
The sanctuary state for abortion is not lawless it is because religion is not supposed to be in government rules. Just like so much of the illegal laws passed by repukes.
Bwahaha! This has nothing to do with "religion". Science can unequivocally prove that a baby in the womb is:
  1. A human being
  2. A distinct and separate life from the mother
Science, snowflake. Not religion. Science. You continue to fight for the lawless society you deny the Democrats have created. Oops!
Bwahaha! This has nothing to do with "religion". Science can unequivocally prove that a baby in the womb is:
  1. A human being
  2. A distinct and separate life from the mother
Science, snowflake. Not religion. Science. You continue to fight for the lawless society you deny the Democrats have created. Oops!
It matters not what science can prove the law are based on religious beliefs. The fetus is not a human until birthed and can exist outside the womb.
I live in a very nice conservative town, The need for a multi million dollar food kitchen to feed poor people has opened in the last two years. Still not many but a growing number of homeless & a increase of minor crimes. Wish I had an answer, only thing I feel sure of, a country divided by hate is not in a good position to solve problems.
Too bad it isn't truly lawless, that way real Americans could put a stop to the lefts domestic terrorists, rapists, thieves and dregs of society.
I live in suburban Phoenix.

I didn't ask anyone's address. Just the name of the city.

I'm always curious about all of these reports of a conservative paradise that doesn't seem to exist.
Well I live on the west side of suburban Phoenix and it’s pretty much like those idyllic towns. No needles, no shit, little crime (other than old farts like me running red lights because their reactions are too slow to stop). A lot of people with guns and Trump signs and flags, and quite a few that carry either concealed or openly. Nice quiet and civilized.
How is that whole “Defund the Police” thing working out in left-wing Illinois?
Over supplication of the poorly worded desire for an improvement in how we police.
Americans created it, in America.
ignorant fkng losers.
best wishes for a fruitful revolution, from Canada.
Losers? We beat your loyalist asses over and over again. How many times have you and the mother country come begging us to save you? We beat you in the AWI,we tied you in the War of 1812. In WWI we saved you and again in WWII. Right now you huddle under our defensive wing while criticizing us. Canada couldn’t defeat a troop of Girl Scouts without US help. You never held up your end when you belonged to the UK, depending on them for defense. I’d be really careful who you call losers, we might decide to turn English speaking Canada into nine new states and let the Québécois form their own country.
we might decide to turn English speaking Canada into nine new states and let the Québécois form their own country.
Many of we Canadians are aware of the pending threat that's presented by our natural resources.
But how can we believe when you tell us in the next breathe that we need you to defend us against......... China? Russia?

Know thy enemy by his words!
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