Just some more "propaganda" "rightwing trash" from those "wingnuts!"

CNN report states:

According to a transcript of the chat, reprinted in the complaint, Lombard allegedly told the officer that he had to hide the abuse from his partner and that he drugged the child with allergy medication.

"His partner" indicates he was in a homosexual relationship.
More news stories and blogs cover this story as a race or gay story.

The news in this story was an adopted child of 5 was subject to sickening abuse by someone who was trusted to protect this child.

If all you concerned citizens bothered by race or gayness (BTW most male pedophiles are your best friend's father down the street) want a witch hunt it should be aimed at the agency who placed this child and another in this home.

NC has a very strict and long process to approve a gay couple for adoption. Apparently the fact that his partner was not also a parent to either child says someone was very derelict in their duty.
If leftwing news sources told the whole story no one would need to ask questions like where, how, when these two guys got a hold of these children. It is in the arrest warrant. To bad you did not take the time to read it. Oh' that's right why read any information that comes from that "Propaganda shoveling" "rightwing rag" WND linked into their article.
I am a newbie and still unable to post links.
this info is from; psychology(.)ucdavis(.)edu(/)rainbow(/)html(/)facts(_)molestation(.)html
For the present discussion, the important point is that many child molesters cannot be meaningfully described as homosexuals, heterosexuals, or bisexuals (in the usual sense of those terms) because they are not really capable of a relationship with an adult man or woman. Instead of gender, their sexual attractions are based primarily on age. These individuals – who are often characterized as fixated – are attracted to children, not to men or women.
Using the fixated-regressed distinction, Groth and Birnbaum (1978) studied 175 adult males who were convicted in Massachusetts of sexual assault against a child. None of the men had an exclusively homosexual adult sexual orientation. 83 (47%) were classified as "fixated;" 70 others (40%) were classified as regressed adult heterosexuals; the remaining 22 (13%) were classified as regressed adult bisexuals. Of the last group, Groth and Birnbaum observed that "in their adult relationships they engaged in sex on occasion with men as well as with women. However, in no case did this attraction to men exceed their preference for women....There were no men who were primarily sexually attracted to other adult males..." (p.180).
Dr. Carole Jenny and her colleagues reviewed 352 medical charts, representing all of the sexually abused children seen in the emergency room or child abuse clinic of a Denver children's hospital during a one-year period (from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992). The molester was a gay or lesbian adult in fewer than 1% in which an adult molester could be identified – only 2 of the 269 cases (Jenny et al., 1994).

In the article another study is done in Canada using non- ped hetero and homo men.

Science cannot prove a negative. Thus, these studies do not prove that homosexual or bisexual males are no more likely than heterosexual males to molest children. However, each of them failed to prove the alternative hypothesis that homosexual males are more likely than heterosexual men to molest children or to be sexually attracted to children or adolescents.
and yet how much attention was recently devoted to the death and funeral of a pedie? and then you wonder why people think they can get away with this...it does not matter the sexual orientation as the op article mentions that the mans has a partner and can only molest the child when his parnter was out of town....

The distinction between a victim's gender and a perpetrator's sexual orientation is important because many child molesters don't really have an adult sexual orientation. They have never developed the capacity for mature sexual relationships with other adults, either men or women. Instead, their sexual attractions focus on children – boys, girls, or children of both sexes.
Over the years, this fact has been incorporated into various systems for categorizing child molesters. For example, Finkelhor and Araji (1986) proposed that perpetrators' sexual attractions should be conceptualized as ranging along a continuum – from exclusive interest in children at one extreme, to exclusive interest in adult partners at the other end.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation
I am a newbie and still unable to post links.
this info is from; psychology(.)ucdavis(.)edu(/)rainbow(/)html(/)facts(_)molestation(.)html
For the present discussion, the important point is that many child molesters cannot be meaningfully described as homosexuals, heterosexuals, or bisexuals (in the usual sense of those terms) because they are not really capable of a relationship with an adult man or woman. Instead of gender, their sexual attractions are based primarily on age. These individuals – who are often characterized as fixated – are attracted to children, not to men or women.
Using the fixated-regressed distinction, Groth and Birnbaum (1978) studied 175 adult males who were convicted in Massachusetts of sexual assault against a child. None of the men had an exclusively homosexual adult sexual orientation. 83 (47%) were classified as "fixated;" 70 others (40%) were classified as regressed adult heterosexuals; the remaining 22 (13%) were classified as regressed adult bisexuals. Of the last group, Groth and Birnbaum observed that "in their adult relationships they engaged in sex on occasion with men as well as with women. However, in no case did this attraction to men exceed their preference for women....There were no men who were primarily sexually attracted to other adult males..." (p.180).
Dr. Carole Jenny and her colleagues reviewed 352 medical charts, representing all of the sexually abused children seen in the emergency room or child abuse clinic of a Denver children's hospital during a one-year period (from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992). The molester was a gay or lesbian adult in fewer than 1% in which an adult molester could be identified – only 2 of the 269 cases (Jenny et al., 1994).

In the article another study is done in Canada using non- ped hetero and homo men.

Science cannot prove a negative. Thus, these studies do not prove that homosexual or bisexual males are no more likely than heterosexual males to molest children. However, each of them failed to prove the alternative hypothesis that homosexual males are more likely than heterosexual men to molest children or to be sexually attracted to children or adolescents.
What does that have to do with the news not fully reporting the aspects of the players in a crime?
Don't confuse her with facts... you know how homophobes are. It's like the old Wilie Nelson story... what are you going to believe... her or your lying eyes? :lol:
Don't confuse her with facts... you know how homophobes are. It's like the old Wilie Nelson story... what are you going to believe... her or your lying eyes? :lol:
Actually more people understand how the pedophile enablers like Jillian pushing "diversity" and "wealth spreading" around for these pedophiles work. You know the ones who are always accusing grandmothers of being "homophobes" because they don't care for the agenda of these "sexual diversity" / "pedo" pushers and enablers..... Oh' dear the FBI must have lied when they applied for that warrant! I suppose that is why everyone associated with these pedo's are scrubbing their sites of his data so quickly. Thank goodness for those cool web snapshots.
Don't confuse her with facts... you know how homophobes are. It's like the old Wilie Nelson story... what are you going to believe... her or your lying eyes? :lol:
Actually more people understand how the pedophile enablers like Jillian pushing "diversity" and "wealth spreading" around for these pedophiles work. You know the ones who are always accusing grandmothers of being "homophobes" because they don't care for the agenda of these "sexual diversity" / "pedo" pushers and enablers..... Oh' dear the FBI must have lied when they applied for that warrant! I suppose that is why everyone associated with these pedo's are scrubbing their sites of his data so quickly. Thank goodness for those cool web snapshots.
Pedophilia enablers? What the fuck are you talking about? Not only is this above post blatant propaganda, it is patently dishonest.

How many times must people here tell you? There is no known link between homosexuality and pedophilia.

Did that sink in? No?

There is no known link between homosexuality and pedophilia.
There is no known link between homosexuality and pedophilia.
There is no known link between homosexuality and pedophilia.

How about now?

Complaining about media bias is one thing. Using that complaint to push unproven, hateful talking points, as you have in the above post, is dishonest and disgusting.
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The fact he is sodomizing the kid pretty much tells you his sexual orientation right away.

I don't believe it is all that relevant to the story. The story is this creep adopted this kid as his sex toy, and was willing to share him.

Now, if you want to argue that allowing gays to adopt children is a good idea, this story and a couple others I have heard of (There was a story here about a lesbian couple who also adopted a cambodian girl for abuse as well) this could be a good bit of anecdotal evidence that this kind of thing is a VERY BAD IDEA, but making a big production out of the obvious is not helpful.

Now, I do think this guy should be put in a very big jail for a very long time. I think he should get to sentenced to a term twice as long as Madhoff got. And it should be solitary on stale bread and dirty water.

I do think it odd that given the huge production the MSM gave the witch hunt at the same school, was it three years ago, and the total silence except for a few odd screams of outrage is an indictment in itself

Actually one would need to compare the number of adoptions to homosexuals with the number of confirmed abuses to make a determination if it is a "good" idea or not. A couple sensational cases prove nothing. Supposed straights are caught as well doing this crap.

I do not believe the Homosexual lifestyle is a good one, BUT within the confines of our laws, such couples that prove to be acceptable as parents should be allowed to adopt.

While I suspect one can be taught to act homosexual there is no compelling evidence of such and so should not be a consideration in adoption.

Hiding the fact the guy is gay is a big problem though, along the lines of how the press gets all quiet about race in some crimes while screaming it in others.
Snapshot of NAMBLA's home page for April fools at stupidchildren.com

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We welcome all kinds of writing, from news reporting and analysis to opinion pieces to original fiction and book reviews to scholarly articles, non-fiction, and everything in between. You may use the topical index along the left column of our home page as a guide, but don't feel that you have to fit within those topics. We are looking for diverse views and expressions that reflect the benevolent nature of man/boy love and the injustice inherent in efforts to suppress it, as well as constructive dialog on all related issues. All submissions are welcome, but as always, we reserve the right to select what we will publish.

Original poetry, art, music and video will all be considered. Of course, in the current climate, we will not be publishing any nudity and we request that you not send nude images.


The facts strongly support our case. The more clearly we present them, the stronger our case becomes. We need any help you can provide with the basic work of identifying, assembling and/or analyzing the most recent and relevant statistics and peer-reviewed research on subjects including the character and outcomes of man/boy love relationships, the realities of child neglect and abuse, the true effects of policies which criminalize love and reward authoritarianism, the misleading nature of mainstream media on these subjects, and the lies and distortions promulgated by various parties with vested interests in fueling the anti-man/boy-love hysteria -- including an analysis of what they stand to gain.
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To assist those "stonewalling" society as a whole; NAMBLA has put together a few reference selections. You can assist them by sending more information that you have found and help their cause. Nambla is looking for volunteers to help desensitize society and assist in their "MAN/BOY love relationships".

More at their website...

Adam, Barry "Age, Structure, and Sexuality: Reflections on the Anthropological Evidence on Homosexual Relations," Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 11, No. 3/4, pp. 19-34, Summer 1985. (Also published as The Many Faces of Homosexuality: Anthropological Approaches to Homosexual Behavior. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1986.)
Compares data from 19 different named cultures, and many more not named, where man/boy homosexual relationships are institutionalized, to support the view that the kinship structures of a society largely determine the prevalent modes of sexual expression in that society, whatever they may be.

Baurmann, M. C. Sexuality, Violence, and Psychological After-Effects: A Longitudinal Study of Cases of Sexual Assault which were Reported to the Police. Wiesbaden: Bundeskriminalamt, 1988.
A massive longitudinal study of all reported victims of sex offenses against minors in the German State of Lower Saxony during a four-year period from 1969-1972, with six to ten year follow-ups, under the direction of the German Ministry of Justice. The total sample is over 8,000, including over 800 boys up to age 14. Violence and/or coercion were present in roughly half the reported offenses against girls, and were correlated with negative outcomes. None of the boys experienced force or coercion, and no negative outcomes were observed for any of the boys. The study used both subjective and multiple standardized objective measures. It is by far the most in-depth large study and the largest in-depth study in this field.

Bauserman, R., & Rind, B. (1997). Psychological correlates of male child and adolescent sexual experience with adults: A review of the nonclinical literature. Archives of Sexual Behavior,26, pp. 105-141.

Best, Joel Threatened Children: Rhetoric & Concern about Child Victims. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.
A highly recommended, pioneering survey of a constellation of social problems and their recent magnification. Provides thorough statistical evaluations and analyses of the most common fears and prejudices underlying society's concerns about child abduction, sexual abuse, and other urban myths, from a sociological perspective. Describes media pandering to public fears.

Constantine, Larry L. "Effects of Early Sexual Experiences: A Review and Synthesis of Research," in Constantine, L. L., Martinson, F. M., (eds.) Children and Sex: New Findings, New Perspectives. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1981.
Reviews 30 studies, most of which include child-adult contacts. Breaks down experiences by outcome for the younger partner as: positive, neutral, or negative. Examines relationships between several variables and observed outcomes.

Constantine, Larry L. "Child Sexuality: Recent Developments and Implications for Treatment, Prevention, and Social Policy," International Journal of Medicine and Law, 1983 No. 2, pp. 55-67.
Reviews findings of the above article. Discusses implications for treatment, prevention, and social policy. Includes proposals for legal revisions.
Among the findings of this major literature review:
"The most important determinant in the outcome of childhood incest or adult-child sexual encounters is the child's perception of freedom of choice in participating." Among the observed implications:
"The research to date points to the child's subjective experience as the central concern. If it is the child's person which is to be protected from being violated against the child's will, then it is the child's will which governs the determination."

Coxell, A., King, M., Mezey, G., & Gordon, D. (1999). "Lifetime prevalence, characteristics, and associated problems of non-consensual sex in men: Cross sectional survey" British Medical Journal, 318, pp. 846-850.
An important study. The data presented in this research report indicate that non-consensual sexual experiences before and after age 16 are associated with increased psychological problems, but consensual sexual experiences are not. This is the first large empirical study to present data, in English, that directly addresses the question of the significance of consent.

Freedman, Estelle "Uncontrolled Desires": The Response to the Sexual Psychopath, 1920-1960." Journal of American History vol. 74 no. 1 (June 1987). Pp. 83-106.

Gagnon, John "Female Child Victims of Sex Offenses," Social Problems, Vol. 13, pp. 176-192, 1965.
Investigates common characteristics of girls who have experienced various kinds of sexual contact with adults, based upon a large sample from the original Kinsey study.

Gay, Judith "`Mummies and Babies' and Friends and Lovers in Lesotho," Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 11, No. 3/4, pp. 97-116, Summer 1985. (Also published as The Many Faces of Homosexuality: Anthropological Approaches to Homosexual Behavior. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1986.)
Examines institutionalized woman/girl love in southern Africa, noting the key role of these relationships in providing the girls with emotional support prior to marriage and providing a network of support for women in new towns or schools.

Jones, G. P. "The Study of Intergenerational Intimacy in North America: Beyond Politics and Pedophilia," Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 20, pp. 275-295, 1990.

McClintock, Martha K. and Gilbert Herdt "Rethinking Puberty: The Development of Sexual Attraction," Current Developments in Psychological Science, Volume 5, No. 1 (December, 1996).

Money, John "Juvenile, Pedophile, Heterophile: Hermeneutics of Science, Medicine and Law in Two Outcome Studies," International Journal of Medicine and Law, 1983 No. 2 pp. 39-54.
An unusually detailed investigation of two consensual long-term "pedophiliac" relationships. This long-term, prospective case study finds the relationships to be non-harmful and possibly beneficial for both partners. Money is among the most widely cited American authors on pediatric sexology and sexual and gender development.

Nelson, Joan "Incest: Self-Report Findings From a Nonclinical Sample," Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 463-477, Nov. 1986.
Nelson looks at the experiences of 100 subjects who have had sex with relatives. Results indicate that outcomes vary from negative to positive.

Okami, Paul "Self-reports of "Positive" Childhood and Adolescent Sexual Contacts with Older Persons: An Exploratory Study," Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 20, pp. 437- 457, 1991.
Examines how contacts are perceived by the younger partner in later life. Investigates relationships between "positive" self-assessment and several variables.

Okami, Paul "Sociopolitical Biases in the Contemporary Scientific Literature on Adult Human Sexual Behavior with Children and Adolescents," in Feierman, J. (ed.) Pedophilia: Biosocial Dimensions. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1990.

Okami, Paul "`Child Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse': The Emergence of a Problematic Deviant Category," Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 109-130, Feb. 1992.
Okami discusses the nature and origins of recent attacks against sexual expression by young people, and finds much of the literature on the subject of sexual contacts between minors to be scientifically unsound. Highly recommended reading.

Okami, Paul and Goldberg, Amy "Personality Correlates of Pedophilia: Are They Reliable Indicators?" Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 297-328, August, 1992.
A critical and extensive review of the literature. Okami finds that " ... professionals in the field continue to express belief in a 'typical' psychological profile for pedophiles ... Empirical support is equivocal and in certain cases absent(p. 306). ... With the exception of the tautological diagnosis of "sexual deviate," little clinically significant pathology was found among either "pedophiles" or "sex offenders against minors." (Abstract)

Rind, B. and Bausermann, R. "Biased Terminology Effects and Biased Information Processing in Research on Adult-Nonadult Sexual Interactions -- An Empirical Investigation," Journal of Sex Research,Volume 30 No. 3 (August 1993), pp. 260-269. Includes tables, references.

Rind, B., & Tromovitch, P. (1997). A meta-analytic review of findings from national samples on psychological correlates of child sexual abuse. The Journal of Sex Research, 34, pp. 237-255.

Rind, B., Tromovitch, P., and Bauserman, R. (1998) A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples, Psychological Bulletin,124, pp. 22-53.

Rubin, Gayle "Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality" in Abelove, Barale, Halperin, et al, (Eds.), The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader. (1992).

Rule, Jane "Teaching Sexuality" in Flaunting It, Vancouver, New Star Press, 1982.

Sandfort, Theo "Sex in Pedophiliac Relationships: An Empirical Investigation Among a Nonrepresentative Group of Boys," Journal of Sex Research Vol.20, No.2, pp. 123-142 May, 1984.
"The sexual contacts were found to have had no negative influence upon the boys' sense of general well-being, nor did the boys perceive in these contacts a misuse of authority by the adult." (Quoted from the Abstract)

Sandfort, Theo The Sexual Aspect of Paedophile Relations. Amsterdam: Pan/Spartacus, 1982.
A detailed presentation, explanation, and discussion of data from a study of 25 ongoing consensual long-term relations between men and boys. Recommends that future legislation should observe young peoples' right of sexual self-determination.

Sandfort, Theo Boys On Their Contacts With Men. Elmhurst, New York: Global Academic Publishers, 1987.
Summarizing Sandfort's earlier studies, this book also contains extensive quotes in context from the boys interviewed.

Tindall, R. H. "The Male Adolescent Involved With a Pederast Becomes an Adult," Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 373-382, 1978.
A longitudinal study of nine cases covering a span of over thirty years which finds the relationships to be non-harmful, with positive benefits in some cases.

Copyright © NAMBLA, 2003. All rights reserved.


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NAMBLA's goal is to end the oppression of men and boys who have mutually consensual relationships.

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Stories of Man/Boy Love
Stories of Man/Boy Love


The rain spattered lightly on the windshield and just as lightly the wiper blades pushed the drops aside as I drove through the now gray woods. Also light was the breathing of the sleeping boy whose head, covered with thick black hair, lay in my lap. The rest of his body crumpled up between me and the door. Looking down at him, I dropped my hand from the wheel and pushed the hair back from his forehead. It flopped back and I repeated the action several times. Best keep my eyes and mind on the road, Beau. The cargo you carry is irreplaceable and precious beyond words. Beautiful black haired Kyle in the front with me and the two brothers, Jason and Jamie, also asleep in the back, were entrusted to me last Friday after school and now on Sunday, our weekend over, I will deliver them back to their homes safe and sound.

Their homes were an hour or so ahead of us down in the valley. Our road had led up last Friday. Up to the gentle mountains that surrounded our small town. The weather had been our friend all the way to the cabin, throughout our wandering and fooling around in the hidden meadows on Saturday, only to turn its shoulder on us with a thunderstorm on Saturday night. I have to laugh, thinking back on that night. Kyle and I were already sawing logs when the first boom brought two wide eyed boys, (with equally wide grins), flying into our bed. I didn't mind the extra passengers as much as Kyle. He was pooped and wanted to sleep. As he often said, in the coy manner I liked so well, "Beau, I need my beauty rest.” And just as often I straight-eyed him and said, "Kyle, you don't need any beauty rest. You are just as beautiful as you need to be."

As the storm continued we'd slowly wiggled our four bodies into comfortable positions and one by one had come to drift off into the dream world of sleep.

Morning had come early - too early as the result of too many bodies and too little bed. First one moves, then another. Then two, then three, and all at once, laughter and squeals and hands and feet and legs and arms and knees and elbows everywhere. Then just as quick Jason and Kyle are on the back porch watering the grass that was already wet.

Rain continues as we approach our home. Our first stop drops Jamie and Jason, but not before a kiss and a hug, and a brief report to mom that we are on our way. I look forward to the same arms and boy-scented breath tomorrow after school. Kyle sits next to me, chatting away as he usually does, with a hand resting on and off my leg. It is so easy to be casual with him, and him with me. At 13, Kyle and I have known each other for three years. We have had a fine and close relationship. I feel for him very deeply. And he knows it.

As we pull into his driveway his chatting turns towards us. "Thanks, Beau. I really had a great time. I hope we can go back next weekend. I am sure glad though that that thunderstorm didn't start any sooner.” The last sentence he accompanies with his coy grin, cocked head and million dollar wink. What a boy.

As we unload and report to his parents the sun returns. A third boy hug and kiss, and a run for his bike, leaves me alone with his dad. Being alone with a boy's father used to be unsettling, and at times old feelings still creep back every once and a while. They were all dispelled by the hand on my shoulder and the voice saying, as I watched Kyle ride off down the street, "Thanks for loving my son. Beau. I wish I had the gift. I sure hope Kyle has it when he is a man.” I'll do my best. What a boy. How sweet it is.

From the NAMBLA Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 8, Pg. 14, Oct 1986.
Copyright © NAMBLA, 2008

You just don't know when to give up on a lost cause, do you, rodISHI?

The KKK references the Bible ad-nauseum to justify their murdering of blacks. That doesn't mean the Bible endorses racial murder.

Even if you continue to filibuster, your logical fallacies will not go away.

I repeat...
eagleseven said:
How many times must people here tell you? There is no known link between homosexuality and pedophilia.

Did that sink in? No?

There is no known link between homosexuality and pedophilia.
There is no known link between homosexuality and pedophilia.
There is no known link between homosexuality and pedophilia.

How about now?

Complaining about media bias is one thing. Using that complaint to push unproven, hateful talking points, as you have in the above post, is dishonest and disgusting.
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If an underage child is a male and the adult involved in any act of a sexual nature with said child is a male, what more is there. Two males enjoining in sexual practices and physical acts is homosexual behavior. If an adult male searches out and seeks to have a sexual encounter with an underage male then he is both a homosexual and a pedophile. He's a homosexual whether he touches the boy or not just as he is a pedophile whether he touches the boy or not.

Get a grip trissy!
If an underage child is a male and the adult involved in any act of a sexual nature with said child is a male, what more is there. Two males enjoining in sexual practices and physical acts is homosexual behavior. If an adult male searches out and seeks to have a sexual encounter with an underage male then he is both a homosexual and a pedophile. He's a homosexual whether he touches the boy or not just as he is a pedophile whether he touches the boy or not.

If an adult male searches and seeks out to have a sexual encounter with an underage female then he is both a heterosexual and a pedophile.

What more is there?
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