Just want to explain how the media believes some lives matter more than others


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
This white doctor in Philadelphia was killed on July 17th and the media is still talking about it. But when a black mother and father was killed in front of their home, the media was done with it after one day and never talked about it again. But because this person is not only white and a doctor, they want to show that her life mattered more. The media is so full of shit and Im sick of hearing about this shit. She is gone and that's the end. Yes it was sad but how long are they going to talk about the shit?

This white doctor in Philadelphia was killed on July 17th and the media is still talking about it. But when a black mother and father was killed in front of their home, the media was done with it after one day and never talked about it again. But because this person is not only white and a doctor, they want to show that her life mattered more. The media is so full of shit and Im sick of hearing about this shit. She is gone and that's the end. Yes it was sad but how long are they going to talk about the shit?

Oh poor you. Listen, it happens the other way too. A high school football player got hazed--he was black and the team was white. He was abused and I am not condoning what happened to him. However, the fact that his parents are suing a school district for it has been on the news every night for the past week. Yes, it was news for one day. In the grand scheme of things does it rate a week of coverage of the same old story? Nope.
This white doctor in Philadelphia was killed on July 17th and the media is still talking about it. But when a black mother and father was killed in front of their home, the media was done with it after one day and never talked about it again. But because this person is not only white and a doctor, they want to show that her life mattered more. The media is so full of shit and Im sick of hearing about this shit. She is gone and that's the end. Yes it was sad but how long are they going to talk about the shit?

I surely don't like the killing the old woman in her own home thing. That was fucked up.
It's not a racial thing, it's a respect for life thing. It seems the police have decided to no longer have respect for life other than their own.
It seems commies in the the schools have indoctrinated the youngers to have less respect for life than people have traditionally had for millenia. Combine the 2 and that's where we are now. :(
It's ALL about what story brings in the most cash.
The ONLY lives that matter to them, are the ones they can abuse and rape for the most money.


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