Just watching the Economist guy saying the USA is THE ray of hope economically in...

The Economist and the Financial Times say you're a brainwashed gloom and doom moron lol. Thanks for wrecking the world 2001-9...
The Economist is run by the CFR, and the FT is run with help from sister-organizations and its mother-organization in Britain, the "Royal Institute of International Affairs" (RIIA), with Queen Elisabeth II at the top.

I couldn't really care what "they" say. They are always lying to you. Read your own damn sig. for god's sake. There is a reason things never change and the elites get more and more wealthy, despite who controls congress, despite who control the courts, despite who controls the white house.

Your ignorance knows no bounds, does it? Do yourself a favor and look into who runs, funds and directs the our supposed leaders. Where do they get their funding and their ideas? How do they come to their decisions? No clue, have you?

You do know that the political elites and the journalistic elites KNOW each other, yes? The most well read and widely distributed publications have a vested interest in publishing what the entrenched leaders on both sides want them to. . . it's called, ACCESS. :eusa_shhh:
#41- The only conspiracy worth a damn these days is the greedy idiot GOP and their brainwashed hater dupes. You're just on the ignorant conspiracy fringe. Like the UFO conspiracy, lol. Just a little crazier than Beckbots...and the debt cultists (only when Dems are in, of course...)...
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Approaching $20 trillion in debt.
A President who just wants to be out on the campaign trail giving speeches.
A President who loves all the trappings of being President but wants none of the work
that goes with it...

Yeh we are the ray of hope for all the world...

Maybe sometime in our past we were.
But not now...
#42- Biden was talking about the middle class losing half their assets in the Pub real estate bubble meltdown- now they're getting it back- see housing prices coming back, the Wall St return, and 7 million jobs, and now Dems fighting for them against Reaganist/Voodoo pandering to the greedy rich of the last 30 years....
#44- "Yeh we are the ray of hope for all the world...

Maybe sometime in our past we were.
But not now... "

jeeebus hater dupes are cowardly pussies lol...thanks for your help with the recovery...:cuckoo::eusa_whistle:
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I can't stand hater dupes.
And I really can't stand cowardly pussies who don't speak their mind...
Those people suck....
Especially that # 44......

Heeeeeey wait a second....!!!!! :eek:
Unfortunately see, the hater dupes believe, against all EVIDENCE, that the economy is spiralling down, the deficit ditto, O-care and everything else ditto, and Obama must be stopped...perfect chumps of the greedy idiot rich GOP.
If we are the ray of hope....
Then we don't need to spend more money that we don't have.
Obama did it he fixed it all.
We don't seem to be able to make anything anymore...
But we are really good at spending.....
#42- Biden was talking about the middle class losing half their assets in the Pub real estate bubble meltdown- now they're getting it back- see housing prices coming back, the Wall St return, and 7 million jobs, and now Dems fighting for them against Reaganist/Voodoo pandering to the greedy rich of the last 30 years....

Past 4 years from Oct 2012 would start Oct 2008, that's all Obama
In Oct 2008 our economy was in an abyss losing 700k jobs and a thousand points a month, fool. He got in 1/20/2009. It took the stimulus til 10/2009 to turn it around at 10.3% UE. Only cost 5 trillion to avert a full depression and stop 20 million homeless. You live in a Pub dupe dreamworld...
Good God you're obtuse. Any one with any knowledge of world affairs knows that Charlie Rose is one of the Globalists leading propagandists. Anything on that show can NOT be trusted. It is all lies and propaganda.

He works for Democrats and Republicans. He hold no party affiliation. HE IS A GLOBALIST. He is the worst sort of evil and a traitor to America.
So, SO TRUE!!!

WHEN will the right stop listening to the lies and just look at what is really happening in the US???

#42- Biden was talking about the middle class losing half their assets in the Pub real estate bubble meltdown- now they're getting it back- see housing prices coming back, the Wall St return, and 7 million jobs, and now Dems fighting for them against Reaganist/Voodoo pandering to the greedy rich of the last 30 years....

Past 4 years from Oct 2012 would start Oct 2008, that's all Obama

In Oct 2008 our economy was in an abyss losing 700k jobs and a thousand points a month on Wall St., fool. He got in 1/20/2009. It took the stimulus til 10/2009 to turn it around at 10.3% UE. Only cost 5 trillion to avert a full depression and stop 20 million homeless. You live in a Pub dupe dreamworld...:cuckoo:
I don't care what you think, Sean Rushbeck. I know you're brainwashed functional morons and chumps of the greedy idiot rich GOP. Thanks for the Voodoo ruin of the nonrich, 9/11, the stupidest wars EVER, a DEPRESSION and 5 years of the most incredible mindless obstruction and propaganda/hate the country's ever seen...:cuckoo::eusa_whistle::eusa_liar:

Luckily you people are dying off...lol

your just about dead yourself aint you Frankie?.....your like what?..... 83 or something....

62, thanks, and we Goodchilds (English mother's side) look great until we're carted off, not grey yet. And thanks for the Captain Midnight/ Secret squadron stuff, ya young punk- sorry you missed it, and the party...:eusa_whistle:

Pubs are megarich greedy idiots/aholes, their voters are hater dupes...got it yet?

if you are 62 Frankie i suggest you relax......you have a demeanor like a real old fart....loosen up....

Pubs are megarich greedy idiots/aholes, their voters are hater dupes...got it yet?

no i dont got Frankie....because i am not as blind as you to just think Republican Rich people are the only greedy rich people.....if push came to shove your "non-greedy" rich Democrats would side with those greedy rich Republicans in a heartbeat over you or me or anyone else....they have one thing in common Frankie.....Money....and it will rate higher than you if push came to shove....got it yet?...
Good God you're obtuse. Any one with any knowledge of world affairs knows that Charlie Rose is one of the Globalists leading propagandists. Anything on that show can NOT be trusted. It is all lies and propaganda.

He works for Democrats and Republicans. He hold no party affiliation. HE IS A GLOBALIST. He is the worst sort of evil and a traitor to America.
So, SO TRUE!!!


Actually, you're brainwashed functional moron Pub dupes LOL. And Bertrand was a very intelligent socialist. Everything you know is Pubcrappe for fringe conspiracists...:cuckoo:
#42- Biden was talking about the middle class losing half their assets in the Pub real estate bubble meltdown- now they're getting it back- see housing prices coming back, the Wall St return, and 7 million jobs, and now Dems fighting for them against Reaganist/Voodoo pandering to the greedy rich of the last 30 years....

Frankie learn how to use the quote function......this number this and that is bullshit....
WHEN will the right stop listening to the lies and just look at what is really happening in the US???


when you do that if you have any brains.....you see that both parties by playing their little games are screwing this Country up....but all you and your brother Frankie see are Republican this Republican that......and meanwhile, the Democrats are standing behind you picking your pockets.....and giggling....
your just about dead yourself aint you Frankie?.....your like what?..... 83 or something....

62, thanks, and we Goodchilds (English mother's side) look great until we're carted off, not grey yet. And thanks for the Captain Midnight/ Secret squadron stuff, ya young punk- sorry you missed it, and the party...:eusa_whistle:

Pubs are megarich greedy idiots/aholes, their voters are hater dupes...got it yet?

if you are 62 Frankie i suggest you relax......you have a demeanor like a real old fart....loosen up....

Pubs are megarich greedy idiots/aholes, their voters are hater dupes...got it yet?

no i dont got Frankie....because i am not as blind as you to just think Republican Rich people are the only greedy rich people.....if push came to shove your "non-greedy" rich Democrats would side with those greedy rich Republicans in a heartbeat over you or me or anyone else....they have one thing in common Frankie.....Money....and it will rate higher than you if push came to shove....got it yet?...

WRONG. The Dem rich want to raise their OWN taxes and help the nonrich and the country. Pub rich are greedy and STUPID, and entitled. I went to HS with them. Turn into real a-holes in college- course at boarding school you're isolated and it's hard to tell. I was about the poorest kid there not a charity case, doctor father was into education.

The dupes on message boards will never change their minds on anything- after 6 years I just yell at them. The book's coming along fine. They're perfect representatives of their ignorant class, the silent majority now brainwashed loudmouths lol...Ever see Captain Midnight 1954-7? Just watched an episode tonight on you tube- be sure it's Ovaltine...
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