Just watching the Economist guy saying the USA is THE ray of hope economically in...

you talking about the bloated Big Oil losing it's subsidies? See what I mean, aliens? lol

Independents, not "Big Oil" are responsible for over 85% of exploration and production in the lower 48. Subsidies are non-existent, and over $40 billion in taxes as proposed by Obama would decimate the industry and result in over 100,000 jobs lost. Now THAT is some hater dupe shit.
Thank you, you DO know something about your specialty. Wonder why Pubs don't do anything for the independants and small oil, just protect Big Oil. How do you know this? It's always great to hear a hater dupe actually know something. It's usually their job- and against Pub propaganda, like everything true...

Anyway, the point of the OP is that the USA will be the engine of the world for the foreseeable future, got the world INTO this Great Pub World Recession, Obama got us out out of a true depression, but Pubs have been sabotaging a recovery every way they can, pure disfunction and 24/7/365 fear mongering and misinformation.

We could have dragged the world out of this back in 2010-11 without them. The debt "crisis" and the sequester (Boehner- "I got 98% of what I wanted") alone cost 2% growth for a year plus.

Reaganism, Voodoo, and pandering to the rich have ruined the non rich and the country over the last 30 years before the meltdown...not to mention the longest, stupidest wars ever. Change the channel.

Gosh, it took me 30 seconds to find past episodes of Charlie Rose: Charlie Rose | charlierose.com

Share This Chart With Anyone That Believes The U.S. Economy Is Not Going To Crash
By Michael Snyder, on July 21st, 2013


That chart is not adjusted for real dollars.

Look up the debt-to-GDP ratio for 1945, compare that to the debt-to-GDP ratio today, and then get back to us.
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Our debt-to-GDP is not yet where it was at the conclusion of WWII.

Anyone know how we rapidly shrank that ratio after the war? Anyone?

You better learn how we did it. Because we are going to do it again.
OOOOOoooooohh YAAAAAAA... America is such a GREAT example... of... WHAT... oh, I know... HOW TO SPEND A NATION INTO CERTAIN FINANCIAL DISASTER... yaaaa... GREAT SHINING HOPE THERE...

Like it or not, the US is the best house on a bad street.

At the present America is in a very rapid financial decline. It's an inevitable train wreck in progress. Soon we won't be able to even pay the interest on the debt. What do we do then? File bankruptcy like Detroit? Or maybe start the draconian cuts in entitlements that might save a little, but look out then, you'll see that second Civil War many here think could never happen.

Whoever thinks America is some kind of example or last hope for the world needs their head examined. And I'm blaming EVERYONE in Washington, both parties, although obama has shown all prior presidents how to spend as though he could SHIT TRILLIONS.
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Because America is an unfair evil, greedy, imperialist, empire built on the backs of the poor, the brown, and the powerless and only by destroying America can it be rebuilt into a Socialist utopia.

Silly rabbit, it's already a socialist utopia for the wealthy. Let me explain.

It starts in 1980 when you create the policy environment to globalize production, so that our Capitalists have the ability to shop the globe for the cheapest labor market. This allows the capitalist to radically lower the wages and benefits of the American middle-class.

Then, you take your profits and reinvest them into the political system in the form of lobbying and election funding. This gives you the ability to start cutting programs that do not serve the already wealthy.

It also allows you to capture the Fed and install a bubble friendly idiot like Greenspan or Bernanke. These Wall Street Sycophants pump easy money into assets markets in order to artificially inflate securities so that a wealthy elite can cash in & out before the bubble explodes, leaving the beleaguered public to finance the bailout.

You're probably wondering how the wealthy got away with creating such a socialist utopia of subsidies and bailouts and wink wink regulatory favors.

It's very simple my good man. The private sector (who owns government) pours trillions of dollars a year into a media monster which convinces guys like you that someone besides the wealthy owns government.

Silly silly silly silly boy. Have you learned nothing from history? If you want to know who the socialist daemon is, start by looking at the person who is trying to convince you that it is someone else.

Silly silly boy
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Because America is an unfair evil, greedy, imperialist, empire built on the backs of the poor, the brown, and the powerless and only by destroying America can it be rebuilt into a Socialist utopia.

Silly rabbit, it's already a socialist utopia for the wealthy.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTj9AcwkaKM]Wealth Inequality In America - YouTube[/ame]
The rest of the world thinks you people are gloom and doom disasters....LOL

We think you're an idiot. I think that balances out quite well.

I don't care what you think, Sean Rushbeck. I know you're brainwashed functional morons and chumps of the greedy idiot rich GOP. Thanks for the Voodoo ruin of the nonrich, 9/11, the stupidest wars EVER, a DEPRESSION and 5 years of the most incredible mindless obstruction and propaganda/hate the country's ever seen...:cuckoo::eusa_whistle::eusa_liar:

Luckily you people are dying off...lol

here let me help you guys.....hurry i hear they are going quick.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvKlqMjfk1Y]1950's Decoder Ring TV Commercial - YouTube[/ame]
Even Voodoo tax rates and pandering to the greedy idiot rich can't kill the good ol' US of A. Thank God the Dems got in to avert a depression and reform the health system, a Pub disaster, start working on the infrastucture, and help the non rich's opportunity. Yes, dupes, I know you haven't heard, distracted by doom and gloom BS and hate.

Yup, Cuomo might be good after Hillary.
The rest of the world thinks you people are gloom and doom disasters....LOL

We think you're an idiot. I think that balances out quite well.

I don't care what you think, Sean Rushbeck. I know you're brainwashed functional morons and chumps of the greedy idiot rich GOP. Thanks for the Voodoo ruin of the nonrich, 9/11, the stupidest wars EVER, a DEPRESSION and 5 years of the most incredible mindless obstruction and propaganda/hate the country's ever seen...:cuckoo::eusa_whistle::eusa_liar:

Luckily you people are dying off...lol

your just about dead yourself aint you Frankie?.....your like what?..... 83 or something....
We think you're an idiot. I think that balances out quite well.

I don't care what you think, Sean Rushbeck. I know you're brainwashed functional morons and chumps of the greedy idiot rich GOP. Thanks for the Voodoo ruin of the nonrich, 9/11, the stupidest wars EVER, a DEPRESSION and 5 years of the most incredible mindless obstruction and propaganda/hate the country's ever seen...:cuckoo::eusa_whistle::eusa_liar:

Luckily you people are dying off...lol

your just about dead yourself aint you Frankie?.....your like what?..... 83 or something....

62, thanks, and we Goodchilds (English mother's side) look great until we're carted off, not grey yet. And thanks for the Captain Midnight/ Secret squadron stuff, ya young punk- sorry you missed it, and the party...:eusa_whistle:

Pubs are megarich greedy idiots/aholes, their voters are hater dupes...got it yet?

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