Just What Is God Afraid Of

Stone age....stoned. I get it!

And the bullshit rolls on:

He took me in spirit to a great, high mountain and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God.
It gleamed with the splendor of God. Its radiance was like that of a precious stone, like jasper, clear as crystal.
It had a massive, high wall, with twelve gates where twelve angels were stationed and on which names were inscribed, (the names) of the twelve tribes of the Israelites.
There were three gates facing east, three north, three south, and three west.
The wall of the city had twelve courses of stones as its foundation, on which were inscribed the twelve names of the twelve apostles 11 of the Lamb.
12 The one who spoke to me held a gold measuring rod to measure the city, its gates, and its wall.
The city was square, its length the same as (also) its width. He measured the city with the rod and found it fifteen hundred miles 13 in length and width and height.
He also measured its wall: one hundred and forty-four cubits 14 according to the standard unit of measurement the angel used.
15 The wall was constructed of jasper, while the city was pure gold, clear as glass.
The foundations of the city wall were decorated with every precious stone; the first course of stones was jasper, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald,
the fifth sardonyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh hyacinth, and the twelfth amethyst.
The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each of the gates made from a single pearl; and the street of the city was of pure gold, transparent as glass.
16 I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God almighty and the Lamb.
17 The city had no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gave it light, and its lamp was the Lamb.
The nations will walk by its light, 18 and to it the kings of the earth will bring their treasure.
During the day its gates will never be shut.
The treasure and wealth of the nations will be brought there,
but nothing unclean will enter it, nor any (one) who does abominable things or tells lies. Only those will enter whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.


The universe was created in six days about 6000 years ago

Two naked teens and a snake in garden determined the fate of the whole human race

There was a flood in which the water level reached a hight of 29.000 ft and evaporated in a few

Big fish puked up live men

Walls came tumbling at the sound of a trumpet

A virgin gave birth to the god of the universe

A man was able to walk on water

People were healed of leprosy by laying hands on them

Water was turned into fine wine

5000 hungry men plus women and children who also ate were fed with two fish and five loaves then 12 baskets of leftovers were collected

A man was hiung on a cross and bled like a hog only to show up two days later fit as a fiddle

There were basically six acknowledged historians in the world at that time. Not a one of them documented any part of this.
I swear you must write for Carrot Top.......... :eusa_whistle:

I'm just searching for that one person who will come up and say they believe all this load of bullshit.....it's ain't rocket science.
I believe it. You are the one full of bull#$%^.
It's brainwashing and ignorance. Actually not a hard thing to work out. Each generation has brainwashed the next all the way back to the stone age. End of problem.

Death is dying....that's why they call it dead.

Sure thing there Skippy, you keep telling yourself you have all the answers........ You really are a fucking narcissist. :lmao:

Actually, he is not claiming to have all the answers.

Campbell is suggesting that most of the claims in the bible are not sound.

There is no implication about who has all the answers and who does not in Campbells opinion. He also does not indicate how to find them.
You're giving him too much credit. He's not "simply stating"........... and yes he is claiming, from a theological stand point, to have all the answers by unequivocally stating the bible is wrong. I've seen his kind too many times to count on message boards and in person who's goal isn't to discuss but to deride. It's the sign of an angry, closed mind whether it be Secular, Christian, Islamic, Jewish, etc ad nausium.
So if you want me to cut the idiot a break you've come to the wrong door. :dunno:
Here I am Caaaaammmmpbell, I am the one you have been searching for.
Let's start with creation. No where in the Bible does it say that God created the Earth 6,000 years ago.
It says He created. Read the 1st verse in Gen. It is past tense. Done deal.
Then read the second verse. It says It/earth was void. (or voided). A created earth cannot be a void. it's substance. It can become void though. The first verse was Earthbowl 1 between God and His army, and Satan and his army. Void and Dark was Earthbowl 2. Earthbowl 3 was a renewed Earth, this time with children. Earthbowl 4,5, and 6 are in Earth's future.

That the renovation took six days can be scientifically ascertained, and I will hunt up the scientific equation for you when I get time. I can't remember the figures, but if you take the rate of expansion of the universe, and divide it by the rate of the stretching of time, you get the 6 days it took to recreate our planet.

I'm gunnin' for ya Caaammmmmmpbell........ :)
Earth wasn't recreated by God, it was CREATED by God. Have no idea what you are talking about.
Here I am Caaaaammmmpbell, I am the one you have been searching for.
Let's start with creation. No where in the Bible does it say that God created the Earth 6,000 years ago.
It says He created. Read the 1st verse in Gen. It is past tense. Done deal.
Then read the second verse. It says It/earth was void. (or voided). A created earth cannot be a void. it's substance. It can become void though. The first verse was Earthbowl 1 between God and His army, and Satan and his army. Void and Dark was Earthbowl 2. Earthbowl 3 was a renewed Earth, this time with children. Earthbowl 4,5, and 6 are in Earth's future.

That the renovation took six days can be scientifically ascertained, and I will hunt up the scientific equation for you when I get time. I can't remember the figures, but if you take the rate of expansion of the universe, and divide it by the rate of the stretching of time, you get the 6 days it took to recreate our planet.

I'm gunnin' for ya Caaammmmmmpbell........ :)

Well...a good starting fact would be that they couldn't write scrolls till about 6.000 years ago and they told it like it just happened.

Besides that...one of your Christian cohorts had it calculated to the month, October I think he said.

What difference does it make...it's bullshit anyway.
Here I am Caaaaammmmpbell, I am the one you have been searching for.
Let's start with creation. No where in the Bible does it say that God created the Earth 6,000 years ago.
It says He created. Read the 1st verse in Gen. It is past tense. Done deal.
Then read the second verse. It says It/earth was void. (or voided). A created earth cannot be a void. it's substance. It can become void though. The first verse was Earthbowl 1 between God and His army, and Satan and his army. Void and Dark was Earthbowl 2. Earthbowl 3 was a renewed Earth, this time with children. Earthbowl 4,5, and 6 are in Earth's future.

That the renovation took six days can be scientifically ascertained, and I will hunt up the scientific equation for you when I get time. I can't remember the figures, but if you take the rate of expansion of the universe, and divide it by the rate of the stretching of time, you get the 6 days it took to recreate our planet.

I'm gunnin' for ya Caaammmmmmpbell........ :)
Earth wasn't recreated by God, it was CREATED by God. Have no idea what you are talking about.

Gen. 1, He created heaven and earth. He didn't create heaven and void. And Heaven wasn't dark and void, and in need of light after he created it. Just one of those creations referred to in Gen. 1 became dark and void. Only one had to be refurbished for the children God was yearning for, and which He DID create 6,000. years ago. Fossils will bear this out. This earth is not 6,000 years old. The Adamic race is.

The earth will have to be refurbished again to accommodate us, according to Revelation.
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I mean passing through pearly gates into a compound means it was built that way to keep something out. Just more proof that stone age people were ignorant and scared of their shadows.

you'd have fit right in

but. please, tell us more about your old job. :popcorn:

Cammmmmmpbelllll, The gates keep out the dogs, those who have accepted the gift of salvation, but have preached or taught false doctrine, causing souls to be lost.
That structure that is surrounded by gates in heaven, will be transfered to earth. It is not quite the size of the USA. Looks like the boundaries of Israel will have to be expanded to accommodate it.
I mean passing through pearly gates into a compound means it was built that way to keep something out. Just more proof that stone age people were ignorant and scared of their shadows.

you'd have fit right in

but. please, tell us more about your old job. :popcorn:

Cammmmmmpbelllll, The gates keep out the dogs, those who have accepted the gift of salvation, but have preached or taught false doctrine, causing souls to be lost.
That structure that is surrounded by gates in heaven, will be transfered to earth. It is not quite the size of the USA. Looks like the boundaries of Israel will have to be expanded to accommodate it.

I'll be in hell gettin reacquainted with all my old friends. I always liked that old song, "Don't Fence Me In" ...............especially with a bunch of bible thumpin hypocrites.
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you'd have fit right in

but. please, tell us more about your old job. :popcorn:

Cammmmmmpbelllll, The gates keep out the dogs, those who have accepted the gift of salvation, but have preached or taught false doctrine, causing souls to be lost.
That structure that is surrounded by gates in heaven, will be transfered to earth. It is not quite the size of the USA. Looks like the boundaries of Israel will have to be expanded to accommodate it.

I'll be in hell gettin reacquainted with all my old friends. I always liked that old song, "Don't Fence Me In" ...............especially with a bunch of bible thumpin hypocrites.

But I thought dead is dead :confused:

Lighten up Cammbell, no one is forcing you to believe in a force higher than you.

You will be dead.... what do you care?

Me? Im not taking any chances. :eusa_pray:

Oh, and I am still praying for you Buddy. :tongue:
"I'll be in hell gettin reacquainted with all my old friends."

Your father was hoping you'd join him and your brother Jesus, seeing that you are co-heir of the universe. Being brother to the King comes with responsibilities. You would have been required to rule and reign with the rest of the family. You are royality in God's eyes.
But, see there? Free will in action. Have it your way. He won't impose.
you'd have fit right in

but. please, tell us more about your old job. :popcorn:

Cammmmmmpbelllll, The gates keep out the dogs, those who have accepted the gift of salvation, but have preached or taught false doctrine, causing souls to be lost.
That structure that is surrounded by gates in heaven, will be transfered to earth. It is not quite the size of the USA. Looks like the boundaries of Israel will have to be expanded to accommodate it.

I'll be in hell gettin reacquainted with all my old friends. I always liked that old song, "Don't Fence Me In" ...............especially with a bunch of bible thumpin hypocrites.
I thought you did not believe in either? If you believe in hell you believe in heavean, can't have one without the other. You are a LIAR cammmmpbelllllll.
Cammmmmmpbelllll, The gates keep out the dogs, those who have accepted the gift of salvation, but have preached or taught false doctrine, causing souls to be lost.
That structure that is surrounded by gates in heaven, will be transfered to earth. It is not quite the size of the USA. Looks like the boundaries of Israel will have to be expanded to accommodate it.

I'll be in hell gettin reacquainted with all my old friends. I always liked that old song, "Don't Fence Me In" ...............especially with a bunch of bible thumpin hypocrites.

But I thought dead is dead :confused:

Lighten up Cammbell, no one is forcing you to believe in a force higher than you.

You will be dead.... what do you care?

Me? Im not taking any chances. :eusa_pray:

Oh, and I am still praying for you Buddy. :tongue:

LOL....don't waste your breath there ol' bud. Do you rkmember the best night's sleep you ever had..........what about the last time you were anesthesi ed for surgery or tests......that's what death will be like. NOTHING

People who were dealing with idiots thousands of years ago saw a way to scare the dog shit out of them and gain control at the same time. I suppose I kinda understand ignorant sheep and goat herders whose best forms of transportation was walking or riding a camel or jackass getting into that cluless bullshit but what's your excuse
It's brainwashing and ignorance. Actually not a hard thing to work out. Each generation has brainwashed the next all the way back to the stone age. End of problem.

Death is dying....that's why they call it dead.

How profound.

What's sad is you actually think that is profound.
It's brainwashing and ignorance. Actually not a hard thing to work out. Each generation has brainwashed the next all the way back to the stone age. End of problem.

Death is dying....that's why they call it dead.

How profound.

What's sad is you actually think that is profound.

What's sad is that billions still worship the imagined gods of ancient times when everybody knew nothing and were scared of everything. It doesn't get any sadder than that.
It's brainwashing and ignorance. Actually not a hard thing to work out. Each generation has brainwashed the next all the way back to the stone age. End of problem.

Death is dying....that's why they call it dead.

How profound.

What's sad is you actually think that is profound.

What's sad is that billions still worship the imagined gods of ancient times when everybody knew nothing and were scared of everything. It doesn't get any sadder than that.

What is sad is that one could watch this amazing film and not see GOD throughout it...........

The beauty of pollination - YouTube
It's brainwashing and ignorance. Actually not a hard thing to work out. Each generation has brainwashed the next all the way back to the stone age. End of problem.

Death is dying....that's why they call it dead.

How profound.

What's sad is you actually think that is profound.

What's sad is that billions still worship the imagined gods of ancient times when everybody knew nothing and were scared of everything. It doesn't get any sadder than that.

Anthropological projection, that also not even a first..... Jeeze are you fucking pathetic. :cuckoo: :lmao:
How profound.

What's sad is you actually think that is profound.

What's sad is that billions still worship the imagined gods of ancient times when everybody knew nothing and were scared of everything. It doesn't get any sadder than that.

Anthropological projection, that also not even a first..... Jeeze are you fucking pathetic. :cuckoo: :lmao:

You are delusional...'course all the thumpers are. They have a thought and all of a sudden to them it becomes a fact. Dinosaurs riding on a hundred yard long boat along with millions of species of hungry animals waiting for a five mile deep flood to recede. Give us a phuckin break
I mean passing through pearly gates into a compound means it was built that way to keep something out. Just more proof that stone age people were ignorant and scared of their shadows.

Yawn. Seriously what's the point of this thread? To prove that you're smart and other people aren't?

Well, you failed in that mission.

The Abrahamic religion was founded by a Bronze age people, (roughly 3500 -1200 BC) not by a stone age people.
I mean passing through pearly gates into a compound means it was built that way to keep something out. Just more proof that stone age people were ignorant and scared of their shadows.

Yawn. Seriously what's the point of this thread? To prove that you're smart and other people aren't?

Well, you failed in that mission.

The Abrahamic religion was founded by a Bronze age people, (roughly 3500 -1200 BC) not by a stone age people.


So now the two naked teens in a garden with a talking snake determining the eternal fate of all mankind is no longer a myth. I'm a Jack and the Beanstalk man myself.

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