Just wonderin'

The Khazarian Mafia are the world's main controller of drugs and child/sex trafficking. Vladimir Putin is fighting to put a halt to their activities and that's why the West is helping Zelensky, their willing puppet.

This was what I'd found last night and have read some of it....very long read.....and will be reading more of it as time allows. I haven't yet made up my mind for or against.

Ya'll can't read or have reading comprehension issues, with the exception of Hossfly

The question(s) weren't IF the Presidents (or we) are related. That was made clear as fact because of the girls research and is confirmed in the first link provided in the OP.

Here is one of the many articles about it..... Is ruling in the genes? All presidents bar one are directly descended from a medieval English king

My questions and point of this thread had to do with the information in the second link that suggested King John (and all Presidents after) were somehow tied to the Illumanti and/or Knights of Templar and/or Freemasons AND I had went on to ask of those groups were one and the same and if you knew anything about that to please share it. And that is why this thread was put in Conspiracy Theories.

But thanks for trolling.....

Don't speak of the Illumanti unless you want your cat to disappear. Learned that the hard way.

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