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Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Wake me up when the Jews have flown four American airliners into oblivion over American skies and killed 3,000 Americans...

3,000 Americans didn't die on 9-11, you dumbass.


My, my, my... we ARE getting testy about all this, aren't we?

3000... 2900...

All Americans... mostly Americans...

Nice round numbers...

And sufficiently close to the mark so as to be statistically defensible...

Don't bother me with minutiae...

Close enough for government work...

And close enough for our purposes here...
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the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful people.

less than .001% of them are violent extremists.

Probably closer to 2%

But 50% of Muslims remain silent when that 2% act. And 48% encourage the 2% - even though they don't directly act.
And half the Muslim world celebrated on 9-11 by burning American flags and eating sweets.

But Americans are the "haters".

Hell Roudy, there people in this forum who celebrated on 9-11 and defending Muslims for every goddamed they do.
Wake me up when the Jews have flown four American airliners into oblivion over American skies and killed 3,000 Americans...

3,000 Americans didn't die on 9-11, you dumbass.


My, my, my... we ARE getting testy about all this, aren't we? 3000... 2900...

All Americans... mostly Americans...

Nice round numbers...

And sufficiently close to the mark so as to be statistically defensible...

Don't bother me with minutiae...

Close enough for government work...

And close enough for our purposes here...

just around 2,600 Americans died on 9-11.

not that you really care
"...just around 2,600 Americans died on 9-11... not that you really care
2900+ total fatalities for the day...

Including a relative handful of non-Americans...

But Americans by a vast and overwhelming majority...

Nobody cares about your deviation specificity from the rounded figures...

But I do care about the Americans who died on 9-11...

Far more, I'll wager, than some around here, who engage in Radical Islam Excuse-Making...
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the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful people.

less than .001% of them are violent extremists.

Probably closer to 2%

But 50% of Muslims remain silent when that 2% act. And 48% encourage the 2% - even though they don't directly act.
And half the Muslim world celebrated on 9-11 by burning American flags and eating sweets.

But Americans are the "haters".

Really now? I'd like to see some evidence to support that claim.

Not holding my breath though.
If there is this much of an argument about whether Islam is peaceful or not, I think this thread answers itself. If Islam was peaceful this thread would have died after the first page.

Why do anti-semite threads go on

and on

and on

an on?
2900+ total fatalities for the day...

Including a relative handful of non-Americans...

But Americans by a vast and overwhelming majority...

Nobody cares about your deviation specificity from the rounded figures...

But I do care about the Americans who died on 9-11...

Far more, I'll wager, than some around here, who engage in Radical Islam Excuse-Making...

Some of worked at Ground Zero, to help with the recovery effort.

Some of us were at the 10th Anniversary Memorial ceremony at Ground Zero, and looked into the eyes of thousands of victims' family members as they passed through the gates.

...and other folks fan the flames of anti-Muslim hatred, in order to redirect hatred of Jews and Israel.

..other folks feign their love of the United States, and wave the American flag in order to feign Zionist support for America's security.

...other folks claim to be Patriots, when they are really TRAITORS.
Really now? I'd like to see some evidence to support that claim.

Not holding my breath though.

you know, many folks consider anti-Muslim hatred to be "anti-Semitism".

I used to disagree. Now I'm not so sure.
"making claims"? Were you at the bombing of Hiroshima? If not then by your reasoning it didn't happen.

You don't know my reasoning.

Maddrasa's vary widely - it's an Arab word for any type of educational institution - whether secular or religious, and of any religion. So what Maddrasas are you talking about or, do you just assume they are all the same? :dunno:

Link to where exactly I'm "defending" Islamic teaching.

What ever you say. Just don't go putting words in my mouth.

We were attacked by terrorists.

Some of them are definately extremist, I don't disagree there.

It wasn't quite as simple as that.

This is the first time you've asked.


Which madrassas?

If not, it's you who are making claims that are false and you have no way of proving. This is my last word on the matter.

I have made no claims I haven't supported dude.

The usual smugness from a moderator who just lost his ass in a debate.

What debate was that?

Actually it was "as simple as that" in bin-Laden's psychotic mind. US (ie Christian) boots on muslim soil....didn't matter we were defending the Saudi oil fields. In fact OBL would probably have preferred they get lit up like Saddam did in Kuwait....daddy issues.

As I just said, I have no further tolerance for a debate on the practices vs. the theories behind 21st century islam. I have no idea why you've been inside a mosque if that's true. If you're a muslim say so and we can cut to the chase. I'm acquainted with several apostate muslims who can no longer tolerate their faith. I've seen the dead bodies, have you? I've heard the broadcasts, have you? I've seen the heads on posts....have you? And don't convolute the issue by claiming these are "terrorist" acts. Terrorism is simply a tactic, not an aberration of faith. All muslims by definition, are now terrorists in one form or another. And understand this; supporting that ideology will not make you the last one beheaded. In fact it may hasten you to the front of the line because converts can not be trusted and traitors are universally despised.

Thanks for summing up your point of view. Most bigots aren't so honest.

So tell me, what are you going to do about those American Muslims?
No you need to check your facts. Another total distortion and misrepresentation.

After they shot people randomly, When the attack began, They announced that all Muslims are free to go, however to prove that you are really a Muslim, you need to recite the daily prayers, or tell them the name of Mohammed's mother.

How far will you go in these whitewashing attempts?

"If you want Kenya in peace, it will not happen as long as your boys are in our lands,'' rebel spokesman Ali Mohamud Rage said in a statement posted on an Islamist website.
Shocked witnesses said the gunmen tried to weed out non-Muslims for execution by interrogating people on their religion or asking them to recite the Shahada, the Muslim profession of faith.

Read more: Boy, 4, confronts gunman as Kenyan troops tighten grip on Nairobi shopping mall siege | News.com.au

Those among the terrified hostages at the mall who failed to prove they were Muslims were selected for execution. Al-Shabaab said two Britons were among those doing the killing. They were Liban Adam, 23, and Ahmed Nasir Shirdoon, 24, both from London. Security agencies have refused to confirm their identities but acknowledge that it would be no surprise if UK citizens were involved.

Kenya shopping mall attack: Who are al-Shabaab, the multinational force of terror at the heart of the Nairobi shopping centre massacre? - Africa - World - The Independent

I'm not white washing anything Roudy. I'm pointing out that Muslims were also killed because Al Shabab are extremists.

On NPR they were broadcasting interviews of people who survived the attack and one lady who was a Muslim, had lost 10 relatives. One of them was a child was shot in the hip (he survived) but his mother and 15 year old sister were shot. The excuse given for their execution was that they were not wearing a Hijab.

As I pointed out Al shabab is a pack of rabid dogs. I hope they are shot down on sight for what they've done.

No one is defending them. I just refuse to jump on your Muslim-Hate Bandwagon.
And I refuse the concept of any and all threads pointing out Islamic atrocities to be diverted, and then attacked and flamed as "Muslim hate bandwagons". All you ever do 24/7 is apologize and misrepresent in defense of Islam. We get it.

Well well well...many apologies for attempting to divert your anti-Islam bigotry fest :)
And half the Muslim world celebrated on 9-11 by burning American flags and eating sweets....

that is a racist and disgusting lie!!!!!!

got any evidence for your hateful crap?

No YOU are the liar. There are plenty of videos on YouTube that shows muslims dancing in the streets. Those piece of shit Palestinians have several videos of celebration on 9/11.

Muslims are generally bad people. Even the ones who don't engage in violence still support it, and they ALL treat their women like second class citizens. Do you see honor killings in other religions? Stoning women to death for being raped, going on rampages over some stupid cartoons and burning effigies every chance they get. Muslims fucking suck.
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...All muslims by definition, are now terrorists in one form or another. And understand this; supporting that ideology will not make you the last one beheaded. In fact it may hasten you to the front of the line because converts can not be trusted and traitors are universally despised.

American Conservative thinking, in its purest form.

Adolf Hitler would say, "Jawohl!!!!!"
3,000 Americans didn't die on 9-11, you dumbass.


My, my, my... we ARE getting testy about all this, aren't we? 3000... 2900...

All Americans... mostly Americans...

Nice round numbers...

And sufficiently close to the mark so as to be statistically defensible...

Don't bother me with minutiae...

Close enough for government work...

And close enough for our purposes here...

just around 2,600 Americans died on 9-11.

not that you really care

You mean not that YOU really care...."truther" are ya? Here's some truth. Different muslim sects attack each other's mosques with relish. Look at what Zarqawi and al-Masri did to shia mosques in Iraq. Tell me when Methodists have ever burned and looted a Baptist church? Well, it's common practice in the ME....of course with U.S. ROEs we couldn't even approach a mosque unless there was an active sniper inside and then only to use minimal force. Sanctuary except from each other....they love shooting each other on the pilgramage to Mecca....getting the picture yet? They have no respect for each other, no tolerance for the tiniest slight, barbaric attitudes toward women and slavery etc etc etc. What should we expect from a society that still wipes it's ass with a stone and worships a child-molestor named "Mo"?
No you need to check your facts. Another total distortion and misrepresentation.

After they shot people randomly, When the attack began, They announced that all Muslims are free to go, however to prove that you are really a Muslim, you need to recite the daily prayers, or tell them the name of Mohammed's mother.

How far will you go in these whitewashing attempts?

"If you want Kenya in peace, it will not happen as long as your boys are in our lands,'' rebel spokesman Ali Mohamud Rage said in a statement posted on an Islamist website.
Shocked witnesses said the gunmen tried to weed out non-Muslims for execution by interrogating people on their religion or asking them to recite the Shahada, the Muslim profession of faith.

Read more: Boy, 4, confronts gunman as Kenyan troops tighten grip on Nairobi shopping mall siege | News.com.au

Those among the terrified hostages at the mall who failed to prove they were Muslims were selected for execution. Al-Shabaab said two Britons were among those doing the killing. They were Liban Adam, 23, and Ahmed Nasir Shirdoon, 24, both from London. Security agencies have refused to confirm their identities but acknowledge that it would be no surprise if UK citizens were involved.

Kenya shopping mall attack: Who are al-Shabaab, the multinational force of terror at the heart of the Nairobi shopping centre massacre? - Africa - World - The Independent

I'm not white washing anything Roudy. I'm pointing out that Muslims were also killed because Al Shabab are extremists.

On NPR they were broadcasting interviews of people who survived the attack and one lady who was a Muslim, had lost 10 relatives. One of them was a child was shot in the hip (he survived) but his mother and 15 year old sister were shot. The excuse given for their execution was that they were not wearing a Hijab.

As I pointed out Al shabab is a pack of rabid dogs. I hope they are shot down on sight for what they've done.

No one is defending them. I just refuse to jump on your Muslim-Hate Bandwagon.
And I refuse the concept of any and all threads pointing out Islamic atrocities to be diverted, and then attacked and flamed as "Muslim hate bandwagons". All you ever do 24/7 is apologize and misrepresent in defense of Islam. We get it.

Bigotry gets old Roudy.

No one defends terrorism. But god forbid that they should have the audacity to see Muslims as human beings.
No YOU are the liar. There are plenty of videos on YouTube that shows muslims dancing in the streets. Those piece of shit Palestinians have several videos of celebration on 9/11.

Muslims are generally bad people. Even the ones who don't engage in violence still support it, and they ALL treat their women like second class citizens. Do you see honor killings in other religions? Stoning women to death for being raped, going on rampages over some stupid cartoons and burning effigies every chance they get. Muslims fucking suck.

you sir, are a liar.

there are no videos of 500 millions celebrating 9-11.

but there are videos of tens of thousands of Iranians, mourning on 9-11 for the dead in the USA.

as far as your general hatred of Muslims, you are no different than a Nazi.
2900+ total fatalities for the day...

Including a relative handful of non-Americans...

But Americans by a vast and overwhelming majority...

Nobody cares about your deviation specificity from the rounded figures...

But I do care about the Americans who died on 9-11...

Far more, I'll wager, than some around here, who engage in Radical Islam Excuse-Making...

Some of worked at Ground Zero, to help with the recovery effort.

Some of us were at the 10th Anniversary Memorial ceremony at Ground Zero, and looked into the eyes of thousands of victims' family members as they passed through the gates.

...and other folks fan the flames of anti-Muslim hatred, in order to redirect hatred of Jews and Israel.

..other folks feign their love of the United States, and wave the American flag in order to feign Zionist support for America's security.

...other folks claim to be Patriots, when they are really TRAITORS.
And some who doth protest too much are American Muslims with a vested interest in pushing as much off the blame-plate of Islam as can be practicably managed...

And some are non-Muslim American Liberals who are unrealistically devoted to Religious Egalitarianism in the face of a threat which they cannot conceive nor believe, even though it is all too real and as plain as the nose on most folks faces...

And some are just False-Flag Alternative-Agenda Accusers who fly off the handle at the least criticism of their beloved Islam and their beloved Religious Tolerance for the Intolerant and attribute all sorts of nefarious motives to what is a very simple Sounding of the Warning Klaxon about this alien and entirely incompatible belief-system called Islam...

And others are just, well...

You mean not that YOU really care...."truther" are ya? Here's some truth. Different muslim sects attack each other's mosques with relish. Look at what Zarqawi and al-Masri did to shia mosques in Iraq. Tell me when Methodists have ever burned and looted a Baptist church? Well, it's common practice in the ME....of course with U.S. ROEs we couldn't even approach a mosque unless there was an active sniper inside and then only to use minimal force. Sanctuary except from each other....they love shooting each other on the pilgramage to Mecca....getting the picture yet? They have no respect for each other, no tolerance for the tiniest slight, barbaric attitudes toward women and slavery etc etc etc. What should we expect from a society that still wipes it's ass with a stone and worships a child-molestor named "Mo"?

Some Jewish Rabbis suck the dicks of babies during circumcision.

Most Jews refuse to condemn this disgusting practise.

Some Jews stone and spit at Christians in Jerusalem

does this also bother you?

or is your feigned outrage only directed to Muslims aka the new Juden?
It saddens me to see Jews fan the flames of anti-Muslim hatred (anti-Semitism).

They think that by making Christians hate Muslims more, they will hate Jews less.

...what will these fools do when Christians realize what's going on?

the Jews will once again, reap the eternal flame.

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