Justice Democrats are Stupid, Racist, Uneducated, Inexperienced Bernie Sanders Supporters Gone Rogue


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Folks, we have Bernie Sanders to blame for four of the most vile freshmen Congressmen elected in 2018 who are Rashad Taliban, Anna Pressley, Donkey Face Cortez, and lman Omar. Not sure of the spelling on those. Anyhow, these butthurt Sanders rejects managed to get elected with the financial support of an entity called "Justice Democrats." They plan on manipulating more elections in 2020.
The brave Laura Loomer exposes two of the "Justice Democrat" savages who coincidentally were at an Islamic fast food joint of some kind. Folks, they are a team against us and the USA. So troubling these invaders (and Donkey Face and the one from Massachusetts) hate the First Amendment and refuse to explain themselves. Who is that qu33r and insists the savage with be elected who strokes his left ear lope? Notice one of the savages howls at the end of the vid.

We joke about these ridiculous freshmen democrat buffoons, but as you suggest, the Justice Democrats, not to mention establishment democrats, are a serious threat to our way of life, our culture, freedom and liberty.
In some ways I hate that Sanders cocksucker even more than the Hillary cocksucker; he's another open-borders, Islam-fellatrix traitor who never met a Communist dictatorship he didn't like. He's exactly like my most DETESTED political troll of all time, Noam Chomsky. And don't even get me started on that Chomsky son of a whore.

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