Justice Dept grants immunity to Bryan Pagliano for Hillary grand jury proceding

If they don't push forward with this and official charges not brought against her at any point and she somehow is the next President? You can bet your boots, she was PUT there & didn't get the job on her own merit
Uh oh. Knowing how law enforcement investigations work....once they start granting immunity to people around someone 2 things are true:

- Shits real...and real crimes are present that have scared people into not wanting to talk
- Investigators know it's big and someone is being prepared to get charged
3, You DON'T grant immunity to innocent people.
I want to see Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin make a plea deal with the DOJ. If i were them I'd get a body guard!
Look for Hillary to get a Presidential pardon...with the excuse that she got one not because she did anything illegal, but because there is really* nothing to go on, but it's in the interest of the nation that she be able to concentrate on the election for DEMOCRACY!

*Really, no foolin', it's totally true, and even if she didn't she didn't know she was doing it. She investigated herself and found she did nothing wrong, so let's just put this one to bed folks.
Just what can this witness talk about? All he did was put in the server. He needs to be in a discussion with Hillary that it isn't secure for top secret documents. What are the chances of that chat?
Just what can this witness talk about? All he did was put in the server. He needs to be in a discussion with Hillary that it isn't secure for top secret documents. What are the chances of that chat?
If his company ran a "mirror" server he has ALL the emails. Colorado River Servers could not even pass their state test to handle their local DMV.

And she KNOWINGLY ran the worlds most guarded intel through them. His staff even had access but NO security clearing. And his staff DID include NON U.S. born islamics.

BAD news.
it's about time, why oh why they waited a year ...till in the primary season to give the guy immunity is pretty scuzzy of them...

I don't blame him, who would testify in a witch hunt, without immunity... ;)
it's about time, why oh why they waited a year ...till in the primary season to give the guy immunity is pretty scuzzy of them...

I don't blame him, who would testify in a witch hunt, without immunity... ;)
You are talking about taking down a high profile political person NOT a corner hooker. Its a chess game, not checkers.
The Justice Department has reportedly granted immunity to a former State Department staffer who worked on Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

A senior U.S. law enforcement official toldThe Washington Poston Wednesday that the FBI secured the cooperation of Bryan Pagliano, who worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign before setting up the private server at her New York home in 2009.

Current and former agents told the newspaper that agents will likely want to interview Clinton and her senior aides about the decision to use a private server, and whether any of the participants knew they were sending classified information in emails as part of the ongoing investigation.

Lynch said on "Special Report with Bret Baier" that the investigation is being handled by the agency’s “career independent lawyers” and that they will “review the facts and the evidence and make a determination in due course.”

Lynch, nominated by President Obama to the attorney general post in 2014, also said the agency would look “efficiently, fairly, thoroughly, without any kind of artificial deadline” into whether Clinton broke any laws as secretary of state by using a private email server for official communications.

DOJ reportedly grants immunity to former State Dept staffer in Clinton email probe | Fox News
Finally, some movement. Let this be just the first aide that gets immunity.

Well, they probably should also open up investigations into Colin Powell and Condi Rice's email accounts, because they have the same issues----:banghead:
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com
The Justice Department has reportedly granted immunity to a former State Department staffer who worked on Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

A senior U.S. law enforcement official toldThe Washington Poston Wednesday that the FBI secured the cooperation of Bryan Pagliano, who worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign before setting up the private server at her New York home in 2009.

Current and former agents told the newspaper that agents will likely want to interview Clinton and her senior aides about the decision to use a private server, and whether any of the participants knew they were sending classified information in emails as part of the ongoing investigation.

Lynch said on "Special Report with Bret Baier" that the investigation is being handled by the agency’s “career independent lawyers” and that they will “review the facts and the evidence and make a determination in due course.”

Lynch, nominated by President Obama to the attorney general post in 2014, also said the agency would look “efficiently, fairly, thoroughly, without any kind of artificial deadline” into whether Clinton broke any laws as secretary of state by using a private email server for official communications.

DOJ reportedly grants immunity to former State Dept staffer in Clinton email probe | Fox News
Finally, some movement. Let this be just the first aide that gets immunity.

Well, they probably should also open up investigations into Colin Powell and Condi Rice's email accounts, because they have the same issues----:banghead:
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com
Maybe they will after this one. I want to see the Clinton Foundations books and server as well.
Just what can this witness talk about? All he did was put in the server.
That's all?

He wasn't approached by her (or her aides) later, with a request that he describe how to permanently delete files so they couldn't be recovered? After the subpoena for those files was issued?

Then the Democrats have nothing to worry about.
The Justice Department has reportedly granted immunity to a former State Department staffer who worked on Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

A senior U.S. law enforcement official toldThe Washington Poston Wednesday that the FBI secured the cooperation of Bryan Pagliano, who worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign before setting up the private server at her New York home in 2009.

Current and former agents told the newspaper that agents will likely want to interview Clinton and her senior aides about the decision to use a private server, and whether any of the participants knew they were sending classified information in emails as part of the ongoing investigation.

Lynch said on "Special Report with Bret Baier" that the investigation is being handled by the agency’s “career independent lawyers” and that they will “review the facts and the evidence and make a determination in due course.”

Lynch, nominated by President Obama to the attorney general post in 2014, also said the agency would look “efficiently, fairly, thoroughly, without any kind of artificial deadline” into whether Clinton broke any laws as secretary of state by using a private email server for official communications.

DOJ reportedly grants immunity to former State Dept staffer in Clinton email probe | Fox News
Finally, some movement. Let this be just the first aide that gets immunity.

Well, they probably should also open up investigations into Colin Powell and Condi Rice's email accounts, because they have the same issues----:banghead:
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com
Maybe they will after this one. I want to see the Clinton Foundations books and server as well.

Well there has been absolutely no one that has been investigated over the last 25 years more than the Clinton's have. No charges have ever been brought to fruition on any of them, so don't hold your breath on this one.

I think the right wing just likes to throw you all a bone every now & then.

The Justice Department has reportedly granted immunity to a former State Department staffer who worked on Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

A senior U.S. law enforcement official toldThe Washington Poston Wednesday that the FBI secured the cooperation of Bryan Pagliano, who worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign before setting up the private server at her New York home in 2009.

Current and former agents told the newspaper that agents will likely want to interview Clinton and her senior aides about the decision to use a private server, and whether any of the participants knew they were sending classified information in emails as part of the ongoing investigation.

Lynch said on "Special Report with Bret Baier" that the investigation is being handled by the agency’s “career independent lawyers” and that they will “review the facts and the evidence and make a determination in due course.”

Lynch, nominated by President Obama to the attorney general post in 2014, also said the agency would look “efficiently, fairly, thoroughly, without any kind of artificial deadline” into whether Clinton broke any laws as secretary of state by using a private email server for official communications.

DOJ reportedly grants immunity to former State Dept staffer in Clinton email probe | Fox News
Finally, some movement. Let this be just the first aide that gets immunity.

Well, they probably should also open up investigations into Colin Powell and Condi Rice's email accounts, because they have the same issues----:banghead:
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com
Maybe they will after this one. I want to see the Clinton Foundations books and server as well.

Well there has been absolutely no one that has been investigated over the last 25 years more than the Clinton's have. No charges have ever been brought to fruition on any of them, so don't hold your breath on this one.

I think the right wing just likes to throw you all a bone every now & then.

How about their list of friends? You remember them right?
Court documents also claim that Clinton was friends with an unnamed woman who kept images of naked underage children on her computer, helped to recruit underage children for Epstein… and photographed underage females in sexually explicit poses‘. While Clinton cut off ties with Epstein abruptly around the time of Epstein's arrest, this woman’s abuses apparently did not end their relationship as she was reportedly one of the 400 guests at Chelsea Clinton’s 2010 wedding. (Daily Mail)

  • Grigory Loutchansky, linked by Interpol to the Russian mafia, money laundering, drug trafficking, nuclear smuggling across the Baltics, and international arms trading, attended a Democrat Party White House dinner in October of 1993. Loutchansky got a private two-minute meeting and a picture with Mr. Clinton. (The Washington Times, 2/11/97; The Detroit News, 2/16/97; New York Post, 11/1/96; Time, 7/8/96) Loutchansky was invited back to a second DNC dinner in July 1995. A year before, Canada had blocked Loutchansky from entering Canada because he had failed a background check. Canadian officials also had questions about the source of Loutchansky's Nordex company's assets. (The Washington Times, 3/1/97) Both of Clinton's CIA Directors James Woolsey and John Deutch described Loutchansky's Nordex company as an "organization associated with Russian criminal activity."

  • Eric Wynn, a twice-convicted securities promoter who pleaded guilty to stock manipulation that benefited a member of the Bonanno organized crime family and who served two years in prison for theft and tax charges, attended a December 1995 White House coffee with Clinton. In 1996, Wynn attended four other DNC fund-raising events involving Clinton. Wynn has been arrested five times during the last six months while out on bail for aggravated assault on a police officer, resisting arrest, aggravated assault with a motor vehicle, violation of a restraining order, terroristic threats and driving while intoxicated. At least one of the arrests occurred between DNC fund-raisers Wynn attended in 1996 with Clinton. (The Detroit News, 2/16/97; The Washington Post, 2/20/97; The Star-Ledger, 2/20/97)

  • Roger Tamraz, an international fugitive from Interpol, donated $177,000 to Democrats and the DNC through his companies and attended several White House dinners and coffees in 1995-1996. Tamraz is a former financier wanted, according to a 1989 Interpol warrant, in Lebanon for embezzling $200 million from his failed bank. On June 2, 1995, Tamraz was briefed by a National Security Council (NSC) expert on Russia at the same time he was negotiating a multibillion-dollar deal to build a pipeline from oil reserves from the Caspian Sea to Turkey through Azerbaijan and Armenia. On July 26, Tamraz contributed $20,000 to the DNC. After the meeting occurred, then-DNC Party Chairman Don Fowler called an NSC official to try to overturn a recommendation that Tamraz not attend high-level White House meetings. Tamraz went on to attend four more White House events with Clinton which included receptions, dinners and the premiere of the movie "Independence Day." Tamraz, through his New York-based oil company, gave $50,000 to the DNC after going to a DNC sponsored White House reception on Sept. 11, 1995, and a dinner four days later. In October, Tamraz contributed another $100,000 at the direction of the DNC to the Virginia Democrat Party using his Tamoil Inc., company. Tamraz also had coffee with Gore on Oct. 5, 1995, and with Clinton on April 1, 1996.

  • Russ Barakat, a south Florida Democrat Party official, was indicted on criminal charges just five days after his coffee meeting at the White House in April 1995. Ultimately, Barakat was convicted for tax evasion. A Florida newspaper was full of stories about Barakat's problems with the law before his White House visit, but he was asked in for coffee anyway.

  • Norman Hsu, former Democratic fundraiser, was sentenced to more than 24 years in prison in 2009 by a judge who accused him of funding his fraud by manipulating the political process in a way that 'strikes at the very core of our democracy.' U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero sentenced the 58-year-old Hsu, who raised money for Hillary Rodham Clinton and others, to 20 years in prison for his guilty plea to fraud charges and another four years and four months in prison for his conviction at trial for breaking campaign finance laws.

  • Chung Lo contributed $10,300 to the DNC. The bulk of the money was given in July 1996, the same month Ms. Lo was arrested on 14 counts of bank and mortgage fraud. Lo's arrest came four days before she was to host a $400,000 Asian American fund-raiser featuring Clinton. The event was abruptly canceled. Lo was convicted of tax evasion in the 1980s under the name of Esther Chu. Lo had attended a White House coffee and a fund-raising event involving First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and Vice President Gore.
  • The Clinton Crime Family Exposed
Just what can this witness talk about? All he did was put in the server.
That's all?

He wasn't approached by her (or her aides) later, with a request that he describe how to permanently delete files so they couldn't be recovered? After the subpoena for those files was issued?

Then the Democrats have nothing to worry about.

I'm sure the DOJ granted this particular Clinton cohort immunity just on a lark, without knowing if he had anything interesting to say. And now that he has immunity and is talking, they are finding out that he really does know nothing.

So as I said, the Democrats have nothing to worry about.

Oh to see a warrant come down for her the night before the DNC convention! Hillary has a "John Dean" out there. Hope he is it.
I think that will be one of the Aides, Abedin or Mills.
Some one wants to go home at night and not prison.
This particular staffer had better avoid railroad tracks, isolated parks, and small aircraft.

Too many Clinton associates in the 1990s didn't. Where are they now?
Does anyone else find it rather strange that until just a few short weeks ago, she couldn't fight her way out of a wet paper bag? She hasn't really changed anything in her approach to become instantly the popular frontrunner. So WTF happened?

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