Justice Dept grants immunity to Bryan Pagliano for Hillary grand jury proceding

If they don't push forward with this and official charges not brought against her at any point and she somehow is the next President? You can bet your boots, she was PUT there & didn't get the job on her own merit
Sure thing buddy.

*rolls eyes*

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Does anyone else find it rather strange that until just a few short weeks ago, she couldn't fight her way out of a wet paper bag? She hasn't really changed anything in her approach to become instantly the popular frontrunner. So WTF happened?
I read a story the other day that said Hillary had not spoke to the press in 87 days. Who running for office does that and expects to win?
Number of Days Since Hillary Clinton Held A Press Conference: 87
She had two very big interviews in the last two or three weeks.

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...once they start granting immunity to people...

not sure how the "immunity" thingy works, but if they do not include, "if you are caught lying, you will be prosecuted more harshly", some in the past who were granted immunity have lied their ass off and got away clean because a "general" immunity was granted, they need to be very careful with immunities. :up:
Immunity means immunity. Once you cooperate. Clearly.

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not sure if :iagree: or :disagree: with that. :up:

I'd be very surprised if Hitlery pays the price for her incompetence.

After all she was never held accountable for Benghazi and four good men died because of her incompetence.

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

70,000 pages of documents , 32 hours of hearings -- longer than Congress took to investigate the 9/11 attacks and she wasn't held accountable ?

they didn't find anything worthy of all the foam dripping off the chins of RW's.

server dude would have been offered the same deal 2 years ago if he had anything.

She's never been held accountable for anything idiot.

Oh and you actually thought that investigation would show her incompetence?? I never did because one Govt. agency investigating another will never come up with anything.

Common sense which don't seem to have any of.

They had months of warnings and Hitlery's State Department did nothing. Others pulled out because of those warnings had we done the same there would have been no Benghazi.

she's never been found guilty of anything dolt-ettes like you dream up .... anything.

just remember this the big bad gubment is out to get you ...


Of course she hasn't dumbass. Nor do I expect her to even though she's incompetent as hell and obviously doesn't know what the word "classified" means.

Just remember the Big Bad Govt. will protect itself and roll all over you to do it.


like I said on another thread ... the gubmint gives the guy immunity so they can cover up anything they find ..

makes perfect sense if you're an idiot like you.
Don't hold your breath for her arrest though. If you do you are doomed to disappointment.

not sure if :iagree: or :disagree: with that. :up:

I'd be very surprised if Hitlery pays the price for her incompetence.

After all she was never held accountable for Benghazi and four good men died because of her incompetence.

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

70,000 pages of documents , 32 hours of hearings -- longer than Congress took to investigate the 9/11 attacks and she wasn't held accountable ?

they didn't find anything worthy of all the foam dripping off the chins of RW's.

server dude would have been offered the same deal 2 years ago if he had anything.

She's never been held accountable for anything idiot.

Oh and you actually thought that investigation would show her incompetence??

I never did because one group of Govt. Assholes investigating another group of Govt. assholes will never come up with any wrong doing.

Common sense which something you don't seem to have any of.

They had months of warnings and Hitlery's State Department did nothing. Others pulled out because of those warnings had we done the same there would have been no Benghazi.
THEN PLEASE tell us WHY the Republicans have had 9 separate investigations for 4 years now with all of them and still continuing, if NOTHING was ever to come out of it?
WHY have they WASTED millions of tax dollars for these investigations?
SIMPLY for the Republicans POLITICAL POSTURING and trying to hurt Hillary's chance in her Presidential Run....

AND THAT is lowlife, scummy to no end, in this situation, Republican Politics with a capital P.

Clinton has been asking for this IT man to testify since last Fall.... she doesn't seem worried about it or feels she has nothing to hide.

Did you really think those investigations would come up with anything?? I sure didn't.

Oh and I don't need an investigation to know that Hitlery and her State Department were grossly negligent.

Those warnings were heeded by other countries and if our State Department had done as they did there would have been no Benghazi.

As for her being POTUS?? I sincerely hope not.

Her email mess isn't a witch hunt and the fact the the DOJ has offered immunity to one of her staff speaks volumes.

Anyone wanting to vote for Hitlery should take a long step back and take a second and really good look at her and her actions.
Don't hold your breath for her arrest though. If you do you are doomed to disappointment.

not sure if :iagree: or :disagree: with that. :up:

I'd be very surprised if Hitlery pays the price for her incompetence.

After all she was never held accountable for Benghazi and four good men died because of her incompetence.

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

70,000 pages of documents , 32 hours of hearings -- longer than Congress took to investigate the 9/11 attacks and she wasn't held accountable ?

they didn't find anything worthy of all the foam dripping off the chins of RW's.

server dude would have been offered the same deal 2 years ago if he had anything.
Maybe he was and he did not accept the deal. Now he has been given hints of his own culpability and knows he had better flip.

The hearings earlier did not have all the pieces. They may now.
Don't hold your breath for her arrest though. If you do you are doomed to disappointment.

not sure if :iagree: or :disagree: with that. :up:

I'd be very surprised if Hitlery pays the price for her incompetence.

After all she was never held accountable for Benghazi and four good men died because of her incompetence.

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

70,000 pages of documents , 32 hours of hearings -- longer than Congress took to investigate the 9/11 attacks and she wasn't held accountable ?

they didn't find anything worthy of all the foam dripping off the chins of RW's.

server dude would have been offered the same deal 2 years ago if he had anything.
Maybe he was and he did not accept the deal. Now he has been given hints of his own culpability and knows he had better flip.

The hearings earlier did not have all the pieces. They may now.

a friend of mine is a criminal lawyer, he said immunity can work to prove guilt OR innocence.
Don't hold your breath for her arrest though. If you do you are doomed to disappointment.

not sure if :iagree: or :disagree: with that. :up:

I'd be very surprised if Hitlery pays the price for her incompetence.

After all she was never held accountable for Benghazi and four good men died because of her incompetence.

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

70,000 pages of documents , 32 hours of hearings -- longer than Congress took to investigate the 9/11 attacks and she wasn't held accountable ?

they didn't find anything worthy of all the foam dripping off the chins of RW's.

server dude would have been offered the same deal 2 years ago if he had anything.
Maybe he was and he did not accept the deal. Now he has been given hints of his own culpability and knows he had better flip.

The hearings earlier did not have all the pieces. They may now.

a friend of mine is a criminal lawyer, he said immunity can work to prove guilt OR innocence.

It does work so the aid can say what she needs to say without fear of reprisal.

Oh and I work with lawyers every day.
2 years and 9 investigations later I smell nothing but another RW talking point on the horizon
Yesterday,Judge Andrew Napolitano, a former Federal judge said that immunity is granted by a sitting Grand Jury in a criminal case. So the Grand Jury has been in place for some time. Also the judge said he had word from his sources that at least 6 of Hillary's aides will be subpoenaed and Hillary herself within 2 weeks. Bye, bitch.
Come on all you RWNJ's, don't you think if he had information detrimental to Mrs. Clinton he'd be dead already?

Yesterday,Judge Andrew Napolitano, a former Federal judge said that immunity is granted by a sitting Grand Jury in a criminal case. So the Grand Jury has been in place for some time. Also the judge said he had word from his sources that at least 6 of Hillary's aides will be subpoenaed and Hillary herself within 2 weeks. Bye, bitch.
Hillary can not kill the entire state dept..................
Don't hold your breath for her arrest though. If you do you are doomed to disappointment.

not sure if :iagree: or :disagree: with that. :up:

I'd be very surprised if Hitlery pays the price for her incompetence.

After all she was never held accountable for Benghazi and four good men died because of her incompetence.

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

70,000 pages of documents , 32 hours of hearings -- longer than Congress took to investigate the 9/11 attacks and she wasn't held accountable ?

they didn't find anything worthy of all the foam dripping off the chins of RW's.

server dude would have been offered the same deal 2 years ago if he had anything.
Maybe he was and he did not accept the deal. Now he has been given hints of his own culpability and knows he had better flip.

The hearings earlier did not have all the pieces. They may now.

a friend of mine is a criminal lawyer, he said immunity can work to prove guilt OR innocence.
And why would the aide need immunity if he was going to say that Clinton was innocent of all acts?

Immunity is only given if there is something that that aide had done that could be a criminal act. And immunity is given for the purpose of court testimony. Court action in this case infers a Grand Jury is convening.
2 years and 9 investigations later I smell nothing but another RW talking point on the horizon

Well if you thought one Govt. agency was going to find fault with another Govt. agency then you are one stupid ass.

And unlike you, I don't need an investigation to tell me how incompetent Hitlery is.

Hell they had months of warnings and others pulled their people out.

If our dumbass State Department had done the same there would have been no Benghazi.

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