Justice Gorsuch said "Merry Christmas", leftists are triggered

Trump's gonna win this War on Christmas!

Apparently Gorsuch's book is really worth reading.

Our Fake News Media also freaked out that even appeared on a broadcast. They are clearly some of the dumbest folks to walk the face of the planet.

THE BEST AND THE BRIGHTEST: CNN Legal Analyst Does Not Know Supreme Court Justices Appear on Television.

“Not only have justices been interviewed before, but Gorsuch sat for an interview with Rangappa’s CNN colleague Ariane de Vogue just three months ago. Also, CNN extensively interviewed Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg for its heavily promoted movie RBG, a documentary that chronicles her rise to ‘superstardom.'”​

Trump really does have the ability to make his critics dumber.
Every time you get to thinking the liberal outrage mob on Twitter cannot possibly get any more stupid or insane than they already are, they go out and prove you wrong. – Supreme Court justice Neil Gorsuch appeared on Fox and Friends Tuesday morning to promote some new book he has written, something fellow justices like Sonya Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg have also done in recent years on CNN and MSNBC.

Justice Gorsuch’s appearance would have likely gone unremarked but for the fact that, as he was signing off, he wished the program’s hosts a “Merry Christmas.”

Predictably, the anti-Christian bigots in the liberal outrage mob on Twitter went utterly and completely berserk over that one. As a public service to our readers, we here at the Campaign Update have herewith compiled some of the dumbest, nastiest and just plain idiotic…er…est tweets issued by the liberal lunatics, just so you don’t have to dive into the Twitter cesspool yourselves.

(Excerpt) Read more at dbdailyupdate.com ...

The desperate cuck who wrote that article was only able to find a single tweet talking about Gorsuch saying Merry Christmas? Poor effort.
Poor Augustine opened his only package under the tree already, and it was a box of switches. *sigh* What will he do with all those light switches and no socket?
Neil Gorsuch Said ‘Merry Christmas’ On Television And People Are Going Crazy
Neil Gorsuch Said ‘Merry Christmas’ On Television And People Are Going Crazy

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch set off a minor social media frenzy Tuesday after appearing on “Fox and Friends” and wishing host Ainsley Earhardt “Merry Christmas” during an interview promoting his book.

Leftwing critics suggested the justice was signaling his sympathies with people disturbed at the secularization of American public life by saying “Merry Christmas” instead of its capacious alternative “Happy Holidays.”

GOP Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina circulated a digital Christmas card for Gorsuch as criticism mounted, and accused Democrats of an unfair smear. (RELATED: A Legal Dispute Over Mississippi’s Abortion Law Is Getting Red Hot)

Other commentators suggested the program was an inappropriate venue for a Supreme Court justice. “Fox and Friends” is said to be a staple of the president’s media diet, and generally keeps a pro-Trump editorial line. Gorsuch has given numerous interviews to promote his book “A Republic, If You Can Keep It,” which appeared in September. The book is a collection of judicial writings, essays, and autobiographical details.

ME: And so the Demonic Satanic Democrats begin their 2019 war on Christmas
So...how many people are going crazy? Evidence? Name names.

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