JUstice Thomas to resign after election?

as if this election wasn't serious enough, the rumor is Thomas will be stepping down after the election......if you value your rights...vote Trump.

thomas wasn't fit to be a judge in the first place.
Yeah, we don't need no n1ggers ruling on constitutional issues, right Jillian?

no loon. it has nothing to do with his color. but since you judge everyone based on color, that might make sense to your limited intellect.

he wasn't fit to be a judge because he was incompetent and not smart enough.

you know.... on the merits. something imbeciles like you have no clue about.
as if this election wasn't serious enough, the rumor is Thomas will be stepping down after the election......if you value your rights...vote Trump.

thomas wasn't fit to be a judge in the first place.
Yeah, we don't need no n1ggers ruling on constitutional issues, right Jillian?
Ah...you used the Race Card, didn't you?

is that what he did? i thought he was just a moron. *shrug*
as if this election wasn't serious enough, the rumor is Thomas will be stepping down after the election......if you value your rights...vote Trump.

thomas wasn't fit to be a judge in the first place.

And you're no lawyer:slap: Thomas has many times your intellect.. We haven't seen much of one coming from you on this board regardless
Then why doesn't he use it? Or why doesn't he verbalize it? And what makes you an expert on the guy? Explain why he doesn't talk? He's the silent one on Penn and teller

Not his style, although he sure shut up the leftist half- wit Joe Biden and the rest of the leftist scum:clap2:

funny.... biden should have allowed all the other women thomas sexually harassed to speak.

i always find it amusing when right-wingers get offended by the truth and talk about it being "leftist".

either way... thomas wasn't even a judge when they put him on the court. giving him thurgood marshall's seat was disgusting.

All you leftist idiots care about is stupidity. Your style is personal destruction of people you don't agree with philosophically. Notice how you people crying over election, Obama a man who wasn't qualified for any position, other than that of a leftist agitator, you made president, or the half-wit Elizabeth Warren, who should have been laughed out of her position as college professor, let alone elected to the senate This is what the country as descended into...the dumbing down of the country...So sad:(
as if this election wasn't serious enough, the rumor is Thomas will be stepping down after the election......if you value your rights...vote Trump.

thomas wasn't fit to be a judge in the first place.
Yeah, we don't need no n1ggers ruling on constitutional issues, right Jillian?

no loon. it has nothing to do with his color. but since you judge everyone based on color, that might make sense to your limited intellect.

he wasn't fit to be a judge because he was incompetent and not smart enough.

you know.... on the merits. something imbeciles like you have no clue about.

Coming from a hit and run poster here, who rarely post anything of substance:rolleyes:

Justice Roberts screwed us over on Obamacare but this is a good piece on the rock Justice Thomas

These tempests obscure a larger truth about Thomas: that this year has also been, for him, a moment of triumph. In several of the most important areas of constitutional law, Thomas has emerged as an intellectual leader of the Supreme Court. Since the arrival of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., in 2005, and Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., in 2006, the Court has moved to the right when it comes to the free-speech rights of corporations, the rights of gun owners, and, potentially, the powers of the federal government; in each of these areas, the majority has followed where Thomas has been leading for a decade or more. Rarely has a Supreme Court Justice enjoyed such broad or significant vindication.

The conventional view of Thomas takes his lack of participation at oral argument as a kind of metaphor. The silent Justice is said to be an intellectual nonentity, a cipher for his similarly conservative colleague, Antonin Scalia. But those who follow the Court closely find this stereotype wrong in every particular. Thomas has long been a favorite of conservatives, but they admire the Justice for how he gives voice to their cause, not just because he votes their way. “Of the nine Justices presently on the Court, he is the one whose opinions I enjoy reading the most,

Partners - The New Yorker
All you leftist idiots care about is stupidity. Your style is personal destruction of people you don't agree with philosophically. Notice how you people crying over election, Obama a man who wasn't qualified for any position, other than that of a leftist agitator, you made president, or the half-wit Elizabeth Warren, who should have been laughed out of her position as college professor, let alone elected to the senate This is what the country as descended into...the dumbing down of the country...So sad:(

Off course Obama are Leftist. He's a negro and dislike White Power.
Top ten best news i've heard this year.

Not only was he unqualified to begin with, his teabagger lobbyist wife is a massive conflict of interest.

He is probably afraid he will be found in bed with a pillow over his face.
thomas wasn't fit to be a judge in the first place.

And you're no lawyer:slap: Thomas has many times your intellect.. We haven't seen much of one coming from you on this board regardless
Then why doesn't he use it? Or why doesn't he verbalize it? And what makes you an expert on the guy? Explain why he doesn't talk? He's the silent one on Penn and teller

Not his style, although he sure shut up the leftist half- wit Joe Biden and the rest of the leftist scum:clap2:

funny.... biden should have allowed all the other women thomas sexually harassed to speak.

i always find it amusing when right-wingers get offended by the truth and talk about it being "leftist".

either way... thomas wasn't even a judge when they put him on the court. giving him thurgood marshall's seat was disgusting.

All you leftist idiots care about is stupidity. Your style is personal destruction of people you don't agree with philosophically. Notice how you people crying over election, Obama a man who wasn't qualified for any position, other than that of a leftist agitator, you made president, or the half-wit Elizabeth Warren, who should have been laughed out of her position as college professor, let alone elected to the senate This is what the country as descended into...the dumbing down of the country...So sad:(

The GOP is filled with loser representatives and it's amazing how stupid Republican voters are. For you to hate Elizabeth Warren tells me you are just a partisan hack
Not his style, although he sure shut up the leftist half- wit Joe Biden and the rest of the leftist scum

By playing the race card? i find it hilarious after years and years of being a pathetic Uncle Tom, his response to allegations of misconduct was to play the race card.

that said, I do think Anita Hill was a lying sack of crap and they had no business treating her allegations seriously.
You honestly think she made it up?
Thomas has been very upset ever since Scalia died. Now he's expected to ask questions and at least to feign interest in the cases he's deliberating. Something he never had to do before.

Honestly, it's surprising that he's considering retiring now instead of decades ago.

sure... that's the reason. couldn't possibly be that the last important decision of the court was 7 to 1 and he doesn't have scalia telling him what to do anymore.

he has always been unfit to be justice of the high court.

awww.... Jroc amusing that you don't understand how he's viewed by people who know what a judge should be.
as if this election wasn't serious enough, the rumor is Thomas will be stepping down after the election......if you value your rights...vote Trump.

thomas wasn't fit to be a judge in the first place.
Yeah, we don't need no n1ggers ruling on constitutional issues, right Jillian?

no loon. it has nothing to do with his color. but since you judge everyone based on color, that might make sense to your limited intellect.

he wasn't fit to be a judge because he was incompetent and not smart enough.

you know.... on the merits. something imbeciles like you have no clue about.

Coming from a hit and run poster here, who rarely post anything of substance:rolleyes:

Justice Roberts screwed us over on Obamacare but this is a good piece on the rock Justice Thomas

These tempests obscure a larger truth about Thomas: that this year has also been, for him, a moment of triumph. In several of the most important areas of constitutional law, Thomas has emerged as an intellectual leader of the Supreme Court. Since the arrival of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., in 2005, and Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., in 2006, the Court has moved to the right when it comes to the free-speech rights of corporations, the rights of gun owners, and, potentially, the powers of the federal government; in each of these areas, the majority has followed where Thomas has been leading for a decade or more. Rarely has a Supreme Court Justice enjoyed such broad or significant vindication.

The conventional view of Thomas takes his lack of participation at oral argument as a kind of metaphor. The silent Justice is said to be an intellectual nonentity, a cipher for his similarly conservative colleague, Antonin Scalia. But those who follow the Court closely find this stereotype wrong in every particular. Thomas has long been a favorite of conservatives, but they admire the Justice for how he gives voice to their cause, not just because he votes their way. “Of the nine Justices presently on the Court, he is the one whose opinions I enjoy reading the most,

Partners - The New Yorker

nice opinion piece.

you're right dear... I don't spend my day posting extremist lunacy like you do. I actually work.

justice Roberts acted like a real judge. you just think the court is supposed to be the lapdog for rightwingnut idiots.
as if this election wasn't serious enough, the rumor is Thomas will be stepping down after the election......if you value your rights...vote Trump.

thomas wasn't fit to be a judge in the first place.

And you're no lawyer:slap: Thomas has many times your intellect.. We haven't seen much of one coming from you on this board regardless

poor dear.... looks like you're still incapable of being correct about anything.

as for intellect, you wouldn't know... he doesn't ask questions or write opinions. he did want scalia told him to.

he was never qualified for the job. he had never even been a judge. but that doesn't matter to ignorant neoconwackjobs like you.
Blog: Justice Thomas's wife scotches rumors of her husband's retirement

Ginnie Thomas, wife of Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas, took to Facebook to shoot down rumors of her husband's retirement.

The story of a possible Thomas retirement began with a Washington Examiner article, now edited to reflect Mrs. Thomas's statement. The article author, Paul Bedard, claimed that "court watchers" believed that Thomas would leave the bench after the presidential election.

The Hill:

For all those contacting me about the possibility of my husband retiring, I say --- unsubscribe from those false news sources and carry on with your busy lives.”

The Examiner reported Sunday that Thomas is “mulling retirement after the presidential election.”

The report, which cited anonymous sources, said the George H. W. Bush appointee “has been considering retirement for awhile and never planned to stay until he died. “

“It is bogus,” Gini Thomas wrote in all capital letters on her post before calling out the reporter by name. “Paul Bedard needs to find a phone in his life and unnamed sources are worth as much as their transparency is.”

She called the report "disgusting click bait by desperate people who want clicks" in the comment section.

Thomas is one of the court’s most conservative members. The court has been evenly split since the court's leading conservative Justice Antonin Scalia's unexpected death in February.
You honestly think she made it up?

Interesting question. I think she conflated otherwise innocent things into more than they were.

Here's my problem with Hill. Let's say that everything she said about Thomas was true. he was an absolute cad and horrid to work for.

But despite that, she followed him from the Department of Education to the EEOC? That doesn't make a lick of sense.
SCOTUS – What Really Makes This 2016 Election Count

This is huge and should be shared and discussed across the nation!

The stakes at play`this presidential election season have just risen by a frightening amount, as insider sources have revealed that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is considering retiring from the court.

Thomas, appointed by former President George H.W. Bush and approved by the Senate after a bitter confirmation, has been considering retirement for a while and never planned to stay until he died,” the Washington Examiner reported via its sources.

And yes, it does indicate Thomas' wife dismisses the rumors. So what? We know there will be more retirements from the court. Can we truly leave the selection of new justices to Shrillary?

Full story @ BREAKING: Bombshell News Revealed About SCOTUS Justice...
as if this election wasn't serious enough, the rumor is Thomas will be stepping down after the election......if you value your rights...vote Trump.

thomas wasn't fit to be a judge in the first place.

And you're no lawyer:slap: Thomas has many times your intellect.. We haven't seen much of one coming from you on this board regardless

Guaranteed Jillian isn't a lawyer, no matter how much she pretends otherwise.
as if this election wasn't serious enough, the rumor is Thomas will be stepping down after the election......if you value your rights...vote Trump.

thomas wasn't fit to be a judge in the first place.

And you're no lawyer:slap: Thomas has many times your intellect.. We haven't seen much of one coming from you on this board regardless
Then why doesn't he use it? Or why doesn't he verbalize it? And what makes you an expert on the guy? Explain why he doesn't talk? He's the silent one on Penn and teller

Not his style, although he sure shut up the leftist half- wit Joe Biden and the rest of the leftist scum:clap2:

funny.... biden should have allowed all the other women thomas sexually harassed to speak.

i always find it amusing when right-wingers get offended by the truth and talk about it being "leftist".

either way... thomas wasn't even a judge when they put him on the court. giving him thurgood marshall's seat was disgusting.

Is there a requirement to be a sitting judge to be named to SCOTUS?

Nope, in fact there are ZERO requirements. You don't even have to be a lawyer.

And PS Thomas was more qualified to be a Justice than Hillary was to be Sec State, or Obama was to be President. PERIOD.

You ignorant hack
thomas wasn't fit to be a judge in the first place.

And you're no lawyer:slap: Thomas has many times your intellect.. We haven't seen much of one coming from you on this board regardless
Then why doesn't he use it? Or why doesn't he verbalize it? And what makes you an expert on the guy? Explain why he doesn't talk? He's the silent one on Penn and teller

Not his style, although he sure shut up the leftist half- wit Joe Biden and the rest of the leftist scum:clap2:

funny.... biden should have allowed all the other women thomas sexually harassed to speak.

i always find it amusing when right-wingers get offended by the truth and talk about it being "leftist".

either way... thomas wasn't even a judge when they put him on the court. giving him thurgood marshall's seat was disgusting.

Is there a requirement to be a sitting judge to be named to SCOTUS?

Nope, in fact there are ZERO requirements. You don't even have to be a lawyer.

And PS Thomas was more qualified to be a Justice than Hillary was to be Sec State, or Obama was to be President. PERIOD.

You ignorant hack

If Republicans are in charge all you have to be is a right wing yes man. Simply turn in the legislation ALEC hands you. Don't read it.

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