Justices Ginsburg And Kagan Officiated Over Same Sex Ceremonies; Will Have To Recuse Themselves

I have always supported gay marriage.

I first learned that homosexuals couldn't legally get married in the early 80s when I was in my early 20s.

Nothing has changed in my opinion on gay marriage. I will always support consenting adults getting married whether it's a same sex couple or not.

The poster you're replying to has very little, if any, grasp of reality. I tried reading some of it's posts but the person is so crazy it's a waste of time. There isn't even a shred of reality in it's posts.

Facts don't matter to that poster and to posters like that person. So it's not worth wasting your time trying to give it facts. It won't listen or pay attention.

So you support the father/daughter marriage currently in the news?

Non sequitur.

When the argument used by you fag supporters is equality of consenting adults, unless you apply the concept to all forms of consenting adults, you're the ultimate hypocrite.

The argument I'm using is that if you're going to deny the right to marry to gays and lesbians, you'll need a very good reason and a compelling state interest. And opponents of gay marriage bans have neither.

Would you care to address the argument I'm making.....or keep knocking the stuffing out of those strawmen.
I need you to answer a simple question in order to do so. Should a father/daughter be able to marry if they are both consenting adults?

If you want to discuss incest, start a thread. There's already one about that topic. This thread is about same sex ceremonies and the USSC.

A topic you refuse to discuss. When and if that changes, feel free to join us in our conversation about same sex ceremonies and the USSC.
I have always supported gay marriage.

I first learned that homosexuals couldn't legally get married in the early 80s when I was in my early 20s.

Nothing has changed in my opinion on gay marriage. I will always support consenting adults getting married whether it's a same sex couple or not.

The poster you're replying to has very little, if any, grasp of reality. I tried reading some of it's posts but the person is so crazy it's a waste of time. There isn't even a shred of reality in it's posts.

Facts don't matter to that poster and to posters like that person. So it's not worth wasting your time trying to give it facts. It won't listen or pay attention.

So you support the father/daughter marriage currently in the news?

Non sequitur.

When the argument used by you fag supporters is equality of consenting adults, unless you apply the concept to all forms of consenting adults, you're the ultimate hypocrite.

The argument I'm using is that if you're going to deny the right to marry to gays and lesbians, you'll need a very good reason and a compelling state interest. And opponents of gay marriage bans have neither.

Would you care to address the argument I'm making.....or keep knocking the stuffing out of those strawmen.
I need you to answer a simple question in order to do so. Should a father/daughter be able to marry if they are both consenting adults?
Why is this in a thread on legal gay marriage?
So you support the father/daughter marriage currently in the news?

Non sequitur.

When the argument used by you fag supporters is equality of consenting adults, unless you apply the concept to all forms of consenting adults, you're the ultimate hypocrite.

The argument I'm using is that if you're going to deny the right to marry to gays and lesbians, you'll need a very good reason and a compelling state interest. And opponents of gay marriage bans have neither.

Would you care to address the argument I'm making.....or keep knocking the stuffing out of those strawmen.
I need you to answer a simple question in order to do so. Should a father/daughter be able to marry if they are both consenting adults?
Why is this in a thread on legal gay marriage?

Because Conservative won't touch the issue of gay marriage with 10 foot pole.

Which is fine. The USSC will take care of him in April.
So you support the father/daughter marriage currently in the news?

Non sequitur.

When the argument used by you fag supporters is equality of consenting adults, unless you apply the concept to all forms of consenting adults, you're the ultimate hypocrite.

The argument I'm using is that if you're going to deny the right to marry to gays and lesbians, you'll need a very good reason and a compelling state interest. And opponents of gay marriage bans have neither.

Would you care to address the argument I'm making.....or keep knocking the stuffing out of those strawmen.
I need you to answer a simple question in order to do so. Should a father/daughter be able to marry if they are both consenting adults?
Why is this in a thread on legal gay marriage?
Because Dana said...

"I will always support consenting adults getting married whether it's a same sex couple or not."

And the father/daughter situation is a proposed marriage between consenting adults.

It was a valid question.

Curious...what are your thoughts on it?

Me? Let them marry...as long as it is proven that he did not cultivate her romantic interest in him when she was a child and vulnerable.
Non sequitur.

When the argument used by you fag supporters is equality of consenting adults, unless you apply the concept to all forms of consenting adults, you're the ultimate hypocrite.

The argument I'm using is that if you're going to deny the right to marry to gays and lesbians, you'll need a very good reason and a compelling state interest. And opponents of gay marriage bans have neither.

Would you care to address the argument I'm making.....or keep knocking the stuffing out of those strawmen.
I need you to answer a simple question in order to do so. Should a father/daughter be able to marry if they are both consenting adults?
Why is this in a thread on legal gay marriage?

Because Conservative won't touch the issue of gay marriage with 10 foot pole.

Which is fine. The USSC will take care of him in April.
I am a conservative. I not only touched on it....but I support it.
BECUASE I am a conservative. I am one who believes "do what makes you happy. Just don't force me to do what I don't want to do. Do not frown on me for not doing what you want me to do. Do not make me bail you out if what you do fails, but don't be surprised if I do it because I want to help you.
Do NOT group all conservatives under one umbrella.....as I don't group all progressives under one umbrella....as I would not group all cops under one umbrella.....and so on.
So you support the father/daughter marriage currently in the news?

Non sequitur.

When the argument used by you fag supporters is equality of consenting adults, unless you apply the concept to all forms of consenting adults, you're the ultimate hypocrite.

The argument I'm using is that if you're going to deny the right to marry to gays and lesbians, you'll need a very good reason and a compelling state interest. And opponents of gay marriage bans have neither.

Would you care to address the argument I'm making.....or keep knocking the stuffing out of those strawmen.
I need you to answer a simple question in order to do so. Should a father/daughter be able to marry if they are both consenting adults?
Why is this in a thread on legal gay marriage?

When the same sex marriage supporters argue from the standpoint of equality then deny equality to other types of marriage they don't like, it's used as proof to show their hypocrisy. Logic would dictate someone arguing for equality would support it with other types of marriages. If they don't, they are hypocrites, only truly about fags marrying, or a combination of both.
That's how the same sex crowd works. They claim to support equality and state that denying two consenting adults to marry is wrong. However, when two adults want to marry and meet those conditions, if it's a type of marriage the fag supporters oppose, things change.
Stop babbling, please.
I have always supported gay marriage.

I first learned that homosexuals couldn't legally get married in the early 80s when I was in my early 20s.

Nothing has changed in my opinion on gay marriage. I will always support consenting adults getting married whether it's a same sex couple or not.

The poster you're replying to has very little, if any, grasp of reality. I tried reading some of it's posts but the person is so crazy it's a waste of time. There isn't even a shred of reality in it's posts.

Facts don't matter to that poster and to posters like that person. So it's not worth wasting your time trying to give it facts. It won't listen or pay attention.

So you support the father/daughter marriage currently in the news?

Non sequitur.

When the argument used by you fag supporters is equality of consenting adults, unless you apply the concept to all forms of consenting adults, you're the ultimate hypocrite.

The argument I'm using is that if you're going to deny the right to marry to gays and lesbians, you'll need a very good reason and a compelling state interest. And opponents of gay marriage bans have neither.

Would you care to address the argument I'm making.....or keep knocking the stuffing out of those strawmen.
I need you to answer a simple question in order to do so. Should a father/daughter be able to marry if they are both consenting adults?
That's how the same sex crowd works. They claim to support equality and state that denying two consenting adults to marry is wrong. However, when two adults want to marry and meet those conditions, if it's a type of marriage the fag supporters oppose, things change.
Stop babbling, please.


When you can stop me from doing anything, I'll do it.
Edgetho, just shut the fuck up. You have no idea what you are talking about now anymore than before.

Your social con far right is dying out, and the millennials (the largest numbers in a generation) all can vote in 2016. They won't be voting for your tripe and ilk.

In case you missed it, douche.

Millennials are breaking for Conservativism -- Big time.

Not on gay marriage:


In reality, millennials are overwhelmingly embracing gay marriage....by a ratio of nearly 4 to 1.

Where opposition to gay marriage is rooted overwhelmingly in seniors. And even they have moved by 28 points in the last 20 years.
The liberal indoctrination of our youths is working well. They are morally ruining our country and the ethical foundation it was created.

By 'liberal indoctrination' you mean that youth are rejecting your agenda of hating blacks, jews and homosexuals- yes- our liberal indoctrination is working.

Bigots like you should be rejected by all Americans.
I'm not a bigot. I'm an American pro-Constitution patriot who happens to be proud of his race and its accomplishments.
Yes, you are a bigot indeed, a hater of the Constitution and American values.
So you support the father/daughter marriage currently in the news?

Non sequitur.

When the argument used by you fag supporters is equality of consenting adults, unless you apply the concept to all forms of consenting adults, you're the ultimate hypocrite.

The argument I'm using is that if you're going to deny the right to marry to gays and lesbians, you'll need a very good reason and a compelling state interest. And opponents of gay marriage bans have neither.

Would you care to address the argument I'm making.....or keep knocking the stuffing out of those strawmen.
I need you to answer a simple question in order to do so. Should a father/daughter be able to marry if they are both consenting adults?
Not when you fag supporters argued equality.
Justices Ginsburg And Kagan Officiated Over Same Sex Ceremonies; Will Have To Recuse Themselves

No conflict, any more than in in Loving. God is displeased with far right social religionists, obviously.

Wow, you know God?
Of course I do. I call him "Lord" and he calls me by my first name. You can, too.

I think you know a god, I doubt you know The God, but my guess is you think you know.
Justices Ginsburg And Kagan Officiated Over Same Sex Ceremonies; Will Have To Recuse Themselves

No conflict, any more than in in Loving. God is displeased with far right social religionists, obviously.

Wow, you know God?
Of course I do. I call him "Lord" and he calls me by my first name. You can, too.

I think you know a god, I doubt you know The God, but my guess is you think you know.
Dimwits like you think as you will.
Justices Ginsburg And Kagan Officiated Over Same Sex Ceremonies; Will Have To Recuse Themselves

No conflict, any more than in in Loving. God is displeased with far right social religionists, obviously.

Wow, you know God?
Of course I do. I call him "Lord" and he calls me by my first name. You can, too.

I think you know a god, I doubt you know The God, but my guess is you think you know.
Dimwits like you think as you will.

Is that the language your god uses? I mean calling others names doesn't seem like a spiritual trait of God.
Papa, why are you unhappy? The truth is you are a dimwit, and telling the truth is good.
Papa, why are you unhappy? The truth is you are a dimwit, and telling the truth is good.

Ahhh Jake, I am a very happy person, but you go on drawing false conclusions and report them to your god, I'm sure he likes it when you gossip to him.

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