Kadyrov And The Snake: Chechen Boss Defeats 'Devil' In Serpent Form


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Maybe next time the snake will defeat him with a big, big bite.

Kadyrov And The Snake: Chechen Boss Defeats 'Devil' In Serpent Form

Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov (right) grapples with a snake in a screen grab from a video he posted on Instagram.

By Tom Balmforth

October 22, 2015

MOSCOW -- When it comes to posing with beasts, Chechen strongman Ramzan Kadyrov has just outdone his boss.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has stalked tigers, swum with dolphins, and flown with cranes.

But unlike Kadyrov, Putin cannot claim to have defeated "the forces of evil" in the form of a python -- all without messing up his hair or interrupting his prayer.

An October 21 Instagram post from the Kremlin-backed regional leader, known for both his quirky online activity and the rights abuses critics say he employs to rule Chechnya, includes a video montage that shows him kneeling on a prayer mat on a sandy beach, his head bowed.

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