Kakistocracy: And 11 more political putdowns

Denomination or type of Govt - What do you believe in practicing

  • Isonomy Isocracy Egalitarian - people share equal political power

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Socialist Communist Collectivism - Collective will before individual

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Free Enterprise Free Market Capitalism Conservative - Individual Liberty Free Choice Limited Govt

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Antigovt Anarchist Autocracy Autonomy - No institutionalized govt has authority over people's will

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Kakistocracy - 12 Political Putdowns Merriam-Webster

I heard of Kristocracy (rule by Judges) when I argued with a friend the Judiciary had become a Theocracy with "Divine Right to Rule."

Another friend gave me the word "Isocracy" and later I found out "Isonomy" is probably closer to what I believe, since that can apply to diverse systems used concurrently (and not one system for the entire body or state).

But now Adept Word sent me this Top Ten list that opens up with
Kakistocracy - Govt by the worst people. So that takes the cake I guess.
(Next to Idiocracy which is the most genuine horror movie I've ever seen because it's so real it's frightening.)

Any other favorite terms? Autocracy, Egalitarian.

(As for my religious denomination, I must be some subsect of Unitarian Universalist.
Like a Utilitarian Utopianist, a Humanitarian Confusionist. Or a Constitutional Extortionist.)

What type of Govt do you believe in practicing and following?
What Denomination are you politically or religiously?
Social-democracy with a strong semi-free market. ;)

One like we have but with more competition in the private sector! And yes, more investment in science and infrastructure! ;)
You needed to add the best system which all of the first world shares = social democracy. You're dishonest for not doing so.

Civilization has always had some government in economics.
You needed to add the best system which all of the first world shares = social democracy. You're dishonest for not doing so.

Civilization has always had some government in economics.

Hi Matthew: Sorry no offense.
The system froze up after I typed in 5 options and wouldn't let me edit or add more
so I save it as is. I was trying to add the option for Other so people could write in their variations.

There is no way I can include all of them, so I just started typing basic ones and expected people to adjust them as needed!

Sorry you felt you had to accuse me of "DISHONESTY" when there is no way to type in all the choices
and I had to save them because my computer or the system froze up. I was afraid to lose what I wrote so far.

Your need to PROJECT accusations in such a manner is a separate issue.
So I hope you take that into account if people do the same to you on here.
It's not part of their political denomination, but a personal issue online if
people misread each other and then ATTACH attacks and accusations that aren't necessary.

That's a separate issue, so I hope you don't go around judging people superficially
thinking you know where they are coming from, based on what you interpret.

this online system is still very limited in dimension, and people misread
each other's intent or meaning all the time. Please take that into account
and don't think it is part of their label or denomination if someone
accuses you the way you unfairly assumed and judged me for something I wasn't doing or intending either!!!

Thanks Matthew
I hope people don't think poorly of Socialist Democrats
because of how you over reacted and accused me without
any DUE PROCESS but just passed judgment based on your own authority.

The same thing that gives Christians a bad name for accusing others
and bearing false witness, you show you are equally capable of the same mistake.

I meant to keep the options open and just type out a basic template to work with,
never expected to define all the choices, and had to stop and save it when
the computer started acting weird and froze and shrunk the boxes where I couldn't type
in them or read them. So I just saved it as is. Sorry this wasn't clear!!
Social-democracy with a strong semi-free market. ;)

One like we have but with more competition in the private sector! And yes, more investment in science and infrastructure! ;)

Dear Matthew sorry to criticize back so sharply as I don't think you meant to jump on me either since we likely agree on more than not.

Since you are Socialist Democratic, what do you think of this idea of converting sweatshops into "work-study programs" with business schools to register and manage the workers like students working on educational credits and paying for school with work hours or internship credits.

What do you think of reforming prisons to expand the medical treatment to serve as prevention and early diagnosis and rehab to cut the costs of crime and invest the saved resources into health care and education? Like microlending instead of welfare so that the resources are paid forward, after each 'graduating class' pays back and becomes financially independent.

Would you be willing to cowrite a proposal to Donald Trump (or to Senators, Governors, or Candidates from each of the key border states) to invest in a pilot study program of
teaching hospitals along the border, as part of military prisons that the Veterans can guard to double as border security, and develop production and service facilities, school campuses with legal housing, residence and jobs/service access
so that this prevents the need for illegal trafficking. And it can be paid for with restitution owed for past violations of
immigration, labor, drug and trafficking laws. Or financed on credit w here the wrongdoers work off their debts over time, but in the meantime, a system like the federal reserve is set up to manage credits reimbursed to taxpayers so this is paid for using money we already invested in govt but charged to the wrongdoers (both businesses or individuals with violations)
so that amnesty is earned proportionally to the wrongs committed, and everyone has opportunity to pay back as part of the track or requirements for legal citizenship (both natural born or naturalized citizens held to the same standards of paying back for premeditated convictions in order to invoke citizenship privileges equally as people who didn't commit any crimes).

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