Kalamazoo shooter....a "progressive" Left wing tears are flowing...not a rightwinger..again...

There are no decent people, especially not your kind.

Most people are decent, you are simply evil.

You are mentally ill and that leads to the hatred you have for your fellow man.
My hatred of humanity is because of the evil of humanity. One should hate evil, like the entire reason for this thread. Or, do you think he's a great guy?

You hate humanity, because humanity is evil and you want to kill them all.

Makes peeeeeeerfect sense...lol!

But hey, I want to thank you for showing everyone what Liberalism is all about.
That's not Liberalism, that's radical environmentalism. And this: VHEMT
(The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement)

It's all socialism.
Nope. Different things have different names. Time to grow up now. Start with this: The Wealth of Nations «

Then learn socialism, then learn what we have, a mixed economy (some of both). It works, all over the place.
The first immigrants came from Asia and became the Indians.

False, the first people came from Australia, Samoa, et al. They were a negroid race of Aborigines.

The Indians came 10,000 years later and engaged in genocide of the first people. Real genocide, no one left alive in North America, and only scattered groups in the Amazon.
Why would I kill anyone, unless of course, I can kill everyone? That I would do, in a heartbeat. Humanity is a disease.

Socialism is the disease
Nope, works fine, and it's already here, we just have a bad version of it. Learn economics, which you obviously don't know.

There's no such thing as a good version. Its failed 100% of the time.
That's just utter nonsense. Don't bother saying useless dogma.

That Social Security check you get BTW, socialism, a weak form of it. You've been living on other peoples' money for years, based on your age.

Social Security is almost bankrupt. They took my money and have it to someone else. It won't be there when I get old enough to draw it. Its a fucking joke, so yes it's a socialist policy.
and failing.
Socialism is the disease
Nope, works fine, and it's already here, we just have a bad version of it. Learn economics, which you obviously don't know.

There's no such thing as a good version. Its failed 100% of the time.
That's just utter nonsense. Don't bother saying useless dogma.

That Social Security check you get BTW, socialism, a weak form of it. You've been living on other peoples' money for years, based on your age.

Social Security is almost bankrupt. They took my money and have it to someone else. It won't be there when I get old enough to draw it. Its a fucking joke, so yes it's a socialist policy.
Oh BS. They can print the damn money if necessary and it was never yours, it's the price of doing business, life ain't a free ride.

Besides, you'll be taking far more out than you ever paid in, if you live a few years and that's all it takes. OPM, your turn is coming.

If it was as simple as just printing money, every single person on the planet would be a millionaire.

Looks like I'm not the one that needs to learn something about economics.
Left wingers are very angry indeed.
There's a hell of a lot to be angry about.
Life's a bitch. Get used to it. Seven years on and Obama and you're still angry, and you will always be so.
Yep. One should hate evil and fight it. That requires a certain about of anger.
so you beat the crap out of yourself everyday right? Fight that evil and put it in its place.
Just another Christian domestic terrorist. No doubt he will be protected by other Christians.

I say fuck him. Put his ass in the gas chamber.

Now, if he was black, or muslim, you would be making excuses for him.
Well, that would be a first for me. Is there some black or Muslim in particular that you are making that claim about or are you just a pathological liar?

I'm sure it's only a matter of time.
Left wingers are very angry indeed.
There's a hell of a lot to be angry about.
Life's a bitch. Get used to it. Seven years on and Obama and you're still angry, and you will always be so.
Yep. One should hate evil and fight it. That requires a certain about of anger.
so you beat the crap out of yourself everyday right? Fight that evil and put it in its place.
Unlike most of humanity, I keep my evil to a minimum, most times. My line dies with me. That should make you very happy, it sure as hell does me. I don't have the guilt of bringing another into this shithole called life.
Most people are decent, you are simply evil.

You are mentally ill and that leads to the hatred you have for your fellow man.
My hatred of humanity is because of the evil of humanity. One should hate evil, like the entire reason for this thread. Or, do you think he's a great guy?

You hate humanity, because humanity is evil and you want to kill them all.

Makes peeeeeeerfect sense...lol!

But hey, I want to thank you for showing everyone what Liberalism is all about.
That's not Liberalism, that's radical environmentalism. And this: VHEMT
(The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement)

It's all socialism.
Nope. Different things have different names. Time to grow up now. Start with this: The Wealth of Nations «

Then learn socialism, then learn what we have, a mixed economy (some of both). It works, all over the place.
it fails and will always fail.

You hate humanity, because humanity is evil and you want to kill them all.

Makes peeeeeeerfect sense...lol!

But hey, I want to thank you for showing everyone what Liberalism is all about.

I think leftism is evil, and is based on a hatred of mankind. Ultimately it is the hatred of one's fellow man that makes one a leftist, seeking authoritarian government that crushes the human spirit of creation and making a better world.

Paintmyhouse is an extreme version, the Pol Pot or Joseph Stalin level. He is the kind that would perpetrate genocide, but never doubt that the other leftests here would cheer him on as he marched millions into gas chambers.
Nope, works fine, and it's already here, we just have a bad version of it. Learn economics, which you obviously don't know.

There's no such thing as a good version. Its failed 100% of the time.
That's just utter nonsense. Don't bother saying useless dogma.

That Social Security check you get BTW, socialism, a weak form of it. You've been living on other peoples' money for years, based on your age.

Social Security is almost bankrupt. They took my money and have it to someone else. It won't be there when I get old enough to draw it. Its a fucking joke, so yes it's a socialist policy.
Oh BS. They can print the damn money if necessary and it was never yours, it's the price of doing business, life ain't a free ride.

Besides, you'll be taking far more out than you ever paid in, if you live a few years and that's all it takes. OPM, your turn is coming.

If it was as simple as just printing money, every single person on the planet would be a millionaire.

Looks like I'm not the one that needs to learn something about economics.
That would be far too much money, and therefore worth nothing. I gave you the place to start. Learn economics, then post. You know nothing, obviously.
Left wingers are very angry indeed.
There's a hell of a lot to be angry about.
Life's a bitch. Get used to it. Seven years on and Obama and you're still angry, and you will always be so.
Yep. One should hate evil and fight it. That requires a certain about of anger.
so you beat the crap out of yourself everyday right? Fight that evil and put it in its place.
Unlike most of humanity, I keep my evil to a minimum, most times. My line dies with me. That should make you very happy, it sure as hell does me. I don't have the guilt of bringing another into this shithole called life.
yeah I know, thank you, we don't need anymore evil in the world like you.
Unlike most of humanity, I keep my evil to a minimum, most times. My line dies with me. That should make you very happy, it sure as hell does me. I don't have the guilt of bringing another into this shithole called life.

You are the most evil creature I have encountered in this life. I've never conversed with Pol Pot or Adolf Hitler, but conversing with you gives me a taste of what that must be like.

You are a cancer of malevolence.
Unlike most of humanity, I keep my evil to a minimum, most times. My line dies with me. That should make you very happy, it sure as hell does me. I don't have the guilt of bringing another into this shithole called life.
We are grateful. Thank you. Somehow the rest of humanity will slug it out. If only there were more like you.
Unlike most of humanity, I keep my evil to a minimum, most times. My line dies with me. That should make you very happy, it sure as hell does me. I don't have the guilt of bringing another into this shithole called life.

You are the most evil creature I have encountered in this life. I've never conversed with Pol Pot or Adolf Hitler, but conversing with you gives me a taste of what that must be like.

You are a cancer of malevolence.
What makes you think that killing the one fish that is killing all the rest is evil? Would you just let that creature eat all the others? Now that would be evil.
It's not "homophobia" you moron, it's the truth.

The CDC says homos are more violent: http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/cdc_nisvs_victimization_final-a.pdf

Gays make up a disproportionate amount of serial murderers, that's a fact.

I don't really care if you and the rest of the assclown brigade get upset about it.

It makes sense. Most serial killers are mentally ill. And homosexuality is a mental disorder just like liberalism.

I think homosexuality is much more serious than just a "mental disorder". People with mental disorders don't go around raping or murdering people when they get upset.
Most rapes are committed by hetero men

"Most rapes" yes, because they are a vast majority. Yet homos make up for a disproportionate amount of sex crimes. If you don't know what that means then you're an idiot. But I suspect you do know what it means and you're just trying to spin things to fit your agenda.
I think your a stupid liar

Well I was wrong. You really are an idiot.
Unlike most of humanity, I keep my evil to a minimum, most times. My line dies with me. That should make you very happy, it sure as hell does me. I don't have the guilt of bringing another into this shithole called life.

You are the most evil creature I have encountered in this life. I've never conversed with Pol Pot or Adolf Hitler, but conversing with you gives me a taste of what that must be like.

You are a cancer of malevolence.
What makes you think that killing the one fish that is killing all the rest is evil? Would you just let that creature eat all the others? Now that would be evil.
As with all things, it is a matter of degree. Thanks again for not spawning. I fervently wish more of your ilk would follow your example.
Unlike most of humanity, I keep my evil to a minimum, most times. My line dies with me. That should make you very happy, it sure as hell does me. I don't have the guilt of bringing another into this shithole called life.

You are the most evil creature I have encountered in this life. I've never conversed with Pol Pot or Adolf Hitler, but conversing with you gives me a taste of what that must be like.

You are a cancer of malevolence.
What makes you think that killing the one fish that is killing all the rest is evil? Would you just let that creature eat all the others? Now that would be evil.
so you just want the planet gone. LOL, you are one fkd up nutjobber to say the least. hhahaahahahahahahaha holy crap, you a loonie toon....but hey, thanks for playing. see that's decent.
Unlike most of humanity, I keep my evil to a minimum, most times. My line dies with me. That should make you very happy, it sure as hell does me. I don't have the guilt of bringing another into this shithole called life.

You are the most evil creature I have encountered in this life. I've never conversed with Pol Pot or Adolf Hitler, but conversing with you gives me a taste of what that must be like.

You are a cancer of malevolence.
What makes you think that killing the one fish that is killing all the rest is evil? Would you just let that creature eat all the others? Now that would be evil.
so you just want the planet gone. LOL, you are one fkd up nutjobber to say the least. hhahaahahahahahahaha holy crap, you a loonie toon....but hey, thanks for playing. see that's decent.
No, dumbass, the planet stays and we go, so all other living things (almost without exception) can live. Is this a new concept to you? Think about it for a second instead of reacting like a child.

Many fish, one tank, one fish eating all the others, what do you do?
Unlike most of humanity, I keep my evil to a minimum, most times. My line dies with me. That should make you very happy, it sure as hell does me. I don't have the guilt of bringing another into this shithole called life.

You are the most evil creature I have encountered in this life. I've never conversed with Pol Pot or Adolf Hitler, but conversing with you gives me a taste of what that must be like.

You are a cancer of malevolence.
What makes you think that killing the one fish that is killing all the rest is evil? Would you just let that creature eat all the others? Now that would be evil.
As with all things, it is a matter of degree. Thanks again for not spawning. I fervently wish more of your ilk would follow your example.
Matter of degree how? You like the fish so you let it eat all the rest?
What makes you think that killing the one fish that is killing all the rest is evil? Would you just let that creature eat all the others? Now that would be evil.

You're a stupid guy, consumed with envy of your betters and hatred of everyone and everything.

I had an Oscar, this fish ate any other fish put in the tank. That was his natural place. But you don't want to kill just the one fish, but indeed the entire sub-species of Oscars. You are insane and evil,

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