'Kamala Harris Can Go * Herself'....Said Jill Biden

K. Harris would have to schedule effing herself out about three weeks.

She's already getting it all the time as it is.
'Harris can go f* herself.'
- Jill Biden

Jill reportedly said this about the (now) VP during the Promaries after Kamala SCORCHED Joe accurately (for being a racist)during the debates.

Wow - not very '1st-Lady'-like.


I wonder how awkward their 'get-togethers' are now.....
To be clear you’re giving props to Jill if she did in fact say this... right??
'Harris can go f* herself.'
- Jill Biden

Jill reportedly said this about the (now) VP during the Promaries after Kamala SCORCHED Joe accurately (for being a racist)during the debates.

Wow - not very '1st-Lady'-like.


I wonder how awkward their 'get-togethers' are now.....
To be clear you’re giving props to Jill if she did in fact say this... right??

Why would we do that ?

Oh yeah....cause we've all said the same thing.
'Harris can go f* herself.'
- Jill Biden

Jill reportedly said this about the (now) VP during the Promaries after Kamala SCORCHED Joe accurately (for being a racist)during the debates.

Wow - not very '1st-Lady'-like.


I wonder how awkward their 'get-togethers' are now.....

Not a real reliable source.
I suspect it's pure bollocks.
Certainly explains why Sleepy Joe had the Hoe picked for the VP job. As Brando pointed out to Pacino back in the day "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer".
'Harris can go f* herself.'
- Jill Biden

Jill reportedly said this about the (now) VP during the Promaries after Kamala SCORCHED Joe accurately (for being a racist)during the debates.

Wow - not very '1st-Lady'-like.


I wonder how awkward their 'get-togethers' are now.....

Is this today's talking point, Sleazy???? Why don't you every talk about the economy, helping the American people get through the pandemic, infrastructure, unemployment, health care, education????????

You come here every day and try to lie about and smear Democrats. This is WHY Republicans keep losing. Because attacking the people who really are doing a good job of cleaning up Republican messes is all you have. You don't have any policies or ideas to promote - just lies and hate.

The American people have rejected both your lies and your hate Sleazy. They're tired of reality TV politics and they want a government that works hard for the people, not for ratings.

If Republicans want to ever hold office again, they're going to have to come up with some actual plans, policies, and ideas and ask for the American people to vote for them. The world is watching Sleazy. Tick, tock.
Certainly explains why Sleepy Joe had the Hoe picked for the VP job. As Brando pointed out to Pacino back in the day "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer".

This isn't a sleazy movie, Foolishprince. This is the real world. You seem to think politics is some sort of cage match, for the entertainment of the masses.

I guess 600,000 people dying on Trump's watch, while he entertained you attacking Democrats, wasn't entertaining enough for you. Death is such a ratings grabber, let's go for 1,000,000, shall we?

Democrats are trying to stop the pandemic and get the country back on track, and all you care about is that life emulate bad movies.
This isn't a sleazy movie, Foolishprince. This is the real world. You seem to think politics is some sort of cage match, for the entertainment of the masses.

I guess 600,000 people dying on Trump's watch, while he entertained you attacking Democrats, wasn't entertaining enough for you. Death is such a ratings grabber, let's go for 1,000,000, shall we?

Democrats are trying to stop the pandemic and get the country back on track, and all you care about is that life emulate bad movies.

So what about the 177,000 that died under Biden? Anything to say about that? How about the over 25,000 that died in your commie country?
Why don't you every talk about the economy, helping the American people get through the pandemic, infrastructure, unemployment, health care, education????????

LOL! Red Joe has made a fucking shambles of all that, too! He's sucking Putin's dick. He destroys everything he touches, and has for 50 years.
But Bezos and gang wanted a 'Woman of Color". Never mind qualifications.

Qualifications are meaningless to Democrat voters. It's how they look, how they smile, how they dress.

Why did they nominate Biden out of the candidates that ran? He's the only one with a name they heard of before.

The real president is Soros, Biden is a figurehead picked for his allegiance to Soros' goals. That was the only "qualification" needed.
'Harris can go f* herself.'
- Jill Biden

Jill reportedly said this about the (now) VP during the Promaries after Kamala SCORCHED Joe accurately (for being a racist)during the debates.

Wow - not very '1st-Lady'-like.


I wonder how awkward their 'get-togethers' are now.....

This is typical politics and why the incumbent has the advantage. An incumbent seldom has challengers from their own party. His or her opponents on the other hand allows their parties candidates to rip each other apart saving the incumbent time to do it. It's only an even playing field when somebody is termed out like the President or Governor.
'Harris can go f* herself.'
- Jill Biden

Jill reportedly said this about the (now) VP during the Promaries after Kamala SCORCHED Joe accurately (for being a racist)during the debates.

Wow - not very '1st-Lady'-like.


I wonder how awkward their 'get-togethers' are now.....

Is this today's talking point, Sleazy???? Why don't you every talk about the economy, helping the American people get through the pandemic, infrastructure, unemployment, health care, education????????

You come here every day and try to lie about and smear Democrats. This is WHY Republicans keep losing. Because attacking the people who really are doing a good job of cleaning up Republican messes is all you have. You don't have any policies or ideas to promote - just lies and hate.

The American people have rejected both your lies and your hate Sleazy. They're tired of reality TV politics and they want a government that works hard for the people, not for ratings.

If Republicans want to ever hold office again, they're going to have to come up with some actual plans, policies, and ideas and ask for the American people to vote for them. The world is watching Sleazy. Tick, tock.
KKKanada's China Flu death rate is higher than the US death rate.

Worry about your shithole country for once.
Ironic - During the Democrat Primaries, 98% of DEMOCRAT VOTERS joined Jill Biden in telling Kamala Harris to Go F@ck Herself.

Only 2% of Democrats wanted Harris to be their President, forcing Harris to drop out.

The DNC got tge last laugh over those 98% of Democrats, though, by forcing Dementia Joe to take Harris as his VP running mate...and now here she is, one 'episode / Democrat '25th Amendment' vote away from being President.


Indeed she is. All by design my friend, all by design. Dementia Joe was selected for name recognition and nothing more....Komrade Kamala will soon be in charge (if she isn't already).
'Harris can go f* herself.'
- Jill Biden

Jill reportedly said this about the (now) VP during the Promaries after Kamala SCORCHED Joe accurately (for being a racist)during the debates.

Wow - not very '1st-Lady'-like.


I wonder how awkward their 'get-togethers' are now.....

Is this today's talking point, Sleazy???? Why don't you every talk about the economy, helping the American people get through the pandemic, infrastructure, unemployment, health care, education????????

You come here every day and try to lie about and smear Democrats. This is WHY Republicans keep losing. Because attacking the people who really are doing a good job of cleaning up Republican messes is all you have. You don't have any policies or ideas to promote - just lies and hate.

The American people have rejected both your lies and your hate Sleazy. They're tired of reality TV politics and they want a government that works hard for the people, not for ratings.

If Republicans want to ever hold office again, they're going to have to come up with some actual plans, policies, and ideas and ask for the American people to vote for them. The world is watching Sleazy. Tick, tock.
KKKanada's China Flu death rate is higher than the US death rate.

Worry about your shithole country for once.

Canada's prime minister is also a despicable racist, like Joe Biden.
Indeed she is. All by design my friend, all by design. Dementia Joe was selected for name recognition and nothing more....Komrade Kamala will soon be in charge (if she isn't already).

Today is the depressing four month anniversary. Neither she nor Dementia have been to the border in all this time after the mess they created. Imagine if Trump conducted himself this way. It would be on the MSM every night.

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