Kamala Harris, Deep Thoughts

This woman is so dumb she gave out blowjobs cause she thought it would help lower unemployment

Holy Shit...

Profound and convincing? I think not. I never thought anything she's ever said appeared to be profound or convincing, maybe it's just me. But she is pretty good at talking for a long time and saying nothing of any importance.

I'm with you on her saying absolutely nothing. Not sure about profound or convincing. She sounds more like an old record that starts skipping.
Well, I was convinced that she said nothing in a profound way.

Bimbo Back Better

Kamalaprop's speechwriter is Caitlin Upton, who got her start as a contestant in the 2007 Miss Teen USA. When asked why many Americans can't locate the USA on a world map, here was her Harrisian answer:

"I personally believe that United States Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps, and I believe that our education, like such as South Africa and the Iraq, everywhere like, such as, and I believe that they should. Our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S.—uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future."
A highly intelligent VP for America for a change.

But there was never any chance of her being accepted, due to the situation of endemic racism's disqualification of her skin colour.

This is another contributing reason why i'm confidently predicting a huge loss for the D party.
You Dimtard halfwits need to get new talking points. Are you really so stupid you think playing your pathetic race card will make this Single Digit IQ Cumdumpster sound smart?

If you do you are dumber than she is, Simp.
Her JOB is to appear so awful that no matter how badly Joe Biden fucks things up, nobody will call for his removal.

And it's pretty much working.

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