Kamala Harris Flip-Flops on Fracking After Polls Tighten in Pennsylvania

Opposition to fracking could cost the Democrats PA
A politician lying, well there is something new. It was to be expected, think she will walk back her banning guns with an EO eventually?
Harris Lies: Never mind what I said year, let’s not ban fracking after all
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September 2019: “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.”

Alternate headline: Candidate checks electoral map, discovers why Pennsylvania’s called the Keystone State. Joe Biden has tried claim he never wanted to ban fracking, too. Harris demanded a ban while campaigning last year:

Harris not only would she ban fracking, Harris told an anti-fracking questioner at the CNN town hall last year, Harris told moderator Erin Burnett that she would also ban all offshore drilling:

Harris and Biden as dishonest pols who will say anything to get elected. Donald Trump himself said that was why Harris was his “number one draft pick” for Biden’s running mate:
THE PRESIDENT: Well, she lied. I mean, she said things that were untrue. She is a person that’s told many, many stories that weren’t true. She’s very big into raising taxes. She wants to slash funds for our military at a level that nobody has — can even believe.​

She is against fracking. Fracking is — she’s against petroleum products. I mean, how do you do that and go into Pennsylvania or Ohio or Oklahoma or the great state of Texas? She is against fracking; fracking is a big deal.​
Somebody needs to ask The Ho about Venezuela's Valdez: Oil spill covers a national park beach black, and where are the global environmentalists?

Get a load of the photos. Where is the greenie outrage?


Where are the denunciations of oil itself and the cries about oiled birds? Where is the outrage? This is a good one to get outraged about, given the pristine nature that has been destroyed.

Somehow, being socialist gives you a pass on the environmental degradation front according to this bunch, which raises questions about their sincerity on the environment.

Read more: Venezuela's Valdez: Oil spill covers a national park beach black, and where are the global environmentalists?
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