Kamala Harris "Hurricane relief will be based on equity and given to communties of color"

There are no violations of anything. Clearly they are making a commitment to ensure that lower income communities receive help as well. These communities will have a much tougher road to recovery. This is a bullshit thread.
Right cause hurricanes are also racist and hit black people harder /s
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How about this? White people have flood insurance, and will mainly be made whole by those insurance proceeds. Flood insurance is HEAVILY subsidized by taxpayers. In fact, if were not for flood insurance subsidies., much of the construction that goes on by the seaside would simply not happen. If you couldn't get flood insurance, no bank would lend you money to build, or for a mortgage. Indeed, it is STUPID to build a house on a fucking sand spit by the ocean (outer banks of North Carolina, for example) , knowing that soon or later it will be destroyed by a storm.

So the Federal relief money should flow to those households and businesses that DO NOT HAVE flood insurance.

Get it?
If you own a home you have some type of insurance everyone does,its law. If they chose not to sign up for Hurricane and Water damage in their policy that's on them for being stupid
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Notice that libs here try to reinterpret what our imbecile Vice President actually said. Her words. They don’t defend what she said. No no. Not our libs. They re-interpret it.

Do any of our libs defend her comments?
She reveals her lack of intelligence almost every time she opens that big mouth of hers. Reminds me of the saying: “Better to be silent and be thought an idiot than to speak and remove all doubt.”
Her and AOC talking to us like we're 3rd graders is the ultimate in disrespect though... Talk about a sick situation. Wow.
Notice that libs here try to reinterpret what our imbecile Vice President actually said. Her words. They don’t defend what she said. No no. Not our libs. They re-interpret it.

Do any of our libs defend her comments?
Just like that press secretary gave as an example when she did exactly what you are talking about. Sad stuff that the nation is under some sort of spell that it can't seem to snap out of.
Notice that libs here try to reinterpret what our imbecile Vice President actually said. Her words. They don’t defend what she said. No no. Not our libs. They re-interpret it.

Do any of our libs defend her comments?
Everyone of them supports that two bit pos.
So..........she said we have to recognize that poor people's lives are impacted more by the hurricane due to their poverty, and therefore need more help. I'd ask why this is a controversial concept for the conservatives on the board.........but I already know.

It's a fucking STUPID and nonsensical and incorrect and WRONG concept.

If people were poor before the hurricane, they're still going to be poor after the hurricane. Not much change there.

But if people were rich before the hurricane, maybe they'll suddenly be homeless and penniless after it.

You tell me - who's having the bigger problem?
You didn't give them (or us Indies and Reagan Democrats) much choice on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, did you?

Had you (a) stuck to much of the Rumpian Agenda but (b) served-up a better standard bearer, you might "own" the White House at the moment.

1. getting out of Afghanistan (even if they botched the execution big-time)

2. COVID vaccine distribution

3. repairing of NATO

...for starters.

I am NOT a fan of Sleepy Old Uncle Joe nor the present Democratic administration nor their policies.

But I understand why a great many people decided to vote Teflon Don out of office.

Karmel-Korn Harris was part of the price that had to be paid to flush Donny out of the White House.

You'll get yours

No one will ever forget what the Democrats did, and we're willing to do, to 'flush Donny out of the White House'.

I know DEMOCRATS who've told me point blank they'll never vote for another Democrat as long as they live, because of what the current bunch of corrupt progtards have done.

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