Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating

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Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich


When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.
Surely she is joking................

During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Some time ago, some other lefty made the same statement. When people ask me why I'm so against government healthcare, this is an example of why. Once they are able to control the care you get, they will have the ability for total control over all our lives.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Some time ago, some other lefty made the same statement. When people ask me why I'm so against government healthcare, this is an example of why. Once they are able to control the care you get, they will have the ability for total control over all our lives.
And that is why Nancy Pelosie told us all that we must pass the bill before we can know what is in it... They wanted to remove our freedoms before we were able to defend them... Now along comes Biden who is doing the exact same thing... You dont get to know if I am going to destroy the court and our Constitution until after you vote....
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.
Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

Silly? You mean like Mooochelle trying to force school kids to eat food only she approved of? Like Hussein forcing all restaurants to post calorie count next to every food item they sold? Like making it illegal to sell fountain soda in cups over a certain size? Like pressuring candy companies (Mars bars) to stop making larger sized candy bars?

I think it's more than a scare, it's a threat.
And that is why Nancy Pelosie told us all that we must pass the bill before we can know what is in it... They wanted to remove our freedoms before we were able to defend them... Now along comes Biden who is doing the exact same thing... You dont get to know if I am going to destroy the court and our Constitution until after you vote....

Or if they are going to allow more states to join the union to have unchallenged control in the Senate. These people are a huge threat to our way of life and politics. They are an even bigger threat to our freedom.
More interesting question is whether there is something that Kamala Harris believes the federal government should leave untouched.

And no, it's not the bedroom. Lots of permits and affirmative consent for that.
More interesting question is whether there is something that Kamala Harris believes the federal government should leave untouched.

And no, it's not the bedroom. Lots of permits and affirmative consent for that.
"Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically" - that's right. Both the economy and society. ie everything.
More interesting question is whether there is something that Kamala Harris believes the federal government should leave untouched.

And no, it's not the bedroom. Lots of permits and affirmative consent for that.
"Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically" - that's right. Both the economy and society. ie everything.

Replace democratic with demonic and you got the truth.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.
A dietary guideline isn't a regulation. Very dishonest headline from TownHell. She said we should eat less red meat. She's correct.

She implied the government "should do something" about it.

it never stops at guidelines, it always morphs into taxes or fees, or restrictions.

But Commie dick sucking sacks of shit like you agree with it.
Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

Silly? You mean like Mooochelle trying to force school kids to eat food only she approved of? Like Hussein forcing all restaurants to post calorie count next to every food item they sold? Like making it illegal to sell fountain soda in cups over a certain size? Like pressuring candy companies (Mars bars) to stop making larger sized candy bars?

I think it's more than a scare, it's a threat.

Americans are obese. that's not a threat, it's a fact. So is heart and vascular disease, cancer and diabetes.

If you have had kids, did you raise them on whole milk, pizza and other high saturated fats? Do you read labels for salt and sugar content? Would you feed them anyone of the cereals from Post, Kellogg's or other give you kids other high sugar content breakfasts?

Your attack on the former first lady is unwarranted. She never wore a coat like this one:


"I really don't care, do you?"
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
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