Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating

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During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.

You're an idiot, Meister.

Q. Do you have kids. If you do, do you read labels or don't you really care about children?

Q. Do you smoke, and ignore the warning sign on the package?

What you need to consider is not that the government would force people to eat less meat, but what this current government is doing to democracy in America. That you can't see what Trump has done and is doing is why I call you an idiot.
You're deflecting with your name calling, Rye. It's not up to the government to be dictating what the children should be eating.
It's up to the parents to lay the parameters as to the child's diet, along with their own diet. If they don't want to let the
children eat what the school's menu is, they can pack their children's lunches for them.

You're one of those Californian cradle to the grave type of people. You're pathetic.
Now go back to the name calling, Rye. It's all you have.

Okay, you've typed cast me, after calling me an idiot. Do you see the irony: Do as I say, not as I do?

The government has yet to force We the People to eat less meat. You and the others above are claiming Sen. Harris will promote and enforce meat eating to be a crime. This type of hyperbole is not only dishonest it is not credible.

But something incredible still creates a circle jerk among self describe conservatives and trump supporters. It's sad that you too join the fray, and umpire you are not.
This is what the liberals do, they call other people a name, and in Rye's case, called me an idiot, then turns around
and says that I called him an idiot. This is right out of the democrat playbook. I never called you an idiot, Rye.

Go back and look at the title of the OP, okay?
What's this umpire stuff?

Mea culpa, you did not call me an idiot, you stated:

"You are a communist, Rye."

Name calling is name calling, don't you agree.

A. What's the umpire stuff?

Q. I'm certain you know.
You should embrace that you're a communist, it's not a mental state, it's a philosophy , not like I'm calling you an idiot, or an ignorant fuck, along those lines.

If you're referring to me a being a mod, well, I am one when I'm moderating a post or a thread. When I'm not moderating, I'm a poster just
like you, Rye, and I can give my opinions freely, But I think you already knew that.

Fine, so I will treat you as one of the callous conservatives, and expose the hypocrisy that brings with your comments the principle all callous conservatives carry with them: I got mine, fuck the rest of you.

I admit to being a liberal Democrat, and I believe and will support by my votes these first two paragraphs in the Declaration of Independence:

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

I'm not suggesting you don't support these principles, but the fact is Trump does not, in deed, in word and in policies. And I believe that both trump and mcconnell are a great threat to the principles laid out in the DoI and in the Preamble to COTUS.
And yet your side tramples on the Constitution daily............burn the flag .......shit on it.......attack the police........burn others property.........And order others to do as you say or else...........You ignore our immigration laws and think you have the right to pick and choose which one you obey.

Pardon me when I don't give a damn about you............or your BLM Burn Loot Murder DNC party

I took an oath while in the service.......To support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic........

The DNC are now basically Domestic terrorist.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.
Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

The article is from a "fake news" internet site and is a complete lie. There are no laws regulating how much meat Americans eat and there never will be. This is more right wing fear mongering and hysteria.

The "National Nutritional Guidelines" Harris talking about amending, is the daily dietary recommendations (suggested not legislated) issued by the NIH. The NIH has always tried to recommend that Americans eat less red meat, since the dangers of cholesterol became a thing. The original guidelines were amended after extensive lobbying by the both the beef and dairy industries, and already recommends more red meat and dairy than the NIH believes is optimum for your health.

So you have no issues with the beef industry lobbying to have you eat more of their product - essentially trying to "kill you with cholesterol", for their own benefit and profit, but you have HUGE issues, with Kamala suggested you to eat less meat for the good of your health and the good on your economy.

Fear mongering and hysteria is all Republicans have. They'll take away your hamburgers!!! Oh the humanity!!

Gullible fools to the end.
I pointed this out earlier. They believe this stuff.

Back before Trump won and commandeered the term, we used "fake news" to describe sites like Breitbart, WND, Alex Jones, and many others because they'd just make shit up out of thin air (like this) and the right wingers would eat it up (like this). It's still happening.

You Progs LIVE for control, you can play stupid all you like but the fact remains Moochelle DICTATED what those kids could eat at lunch, you're no different. If a Prog thinks something is bad they want it changed or eliminated. You cannot defend what your side believes.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.

You're an idiot, Meister.

Q. Do you have kids. If you do, do you read labels or don't you really care about children?

Q. Do you smoke, and ignore the warning sign on the package?

What you need to consider is not that the government would force people to eat less meat, but what this current government is doing to democracy in America. That you can't see what Trump has done and is doing is why I call you an idiot.
You're deflecting with your name calling, Rye. It's not up to the government to be dictating what the children should be eating.
It's up to the parents to lay the parameters as to the child's diet, along with their own diet. If they don't want to let the
children eat what the school's menu is, they can pack their children's lunches for them.

You're one of those Californian cradle to the grave type of people. You're pathetic.
Now go back to the name calling, Rye. It's all you have.

Okay, you've typed cast me, after calling me an idiot. Do you see the irony: Do as I say, not as I do?

The government has yet to force We the People to eat less meat. You and the others above are claiming Sen. Harris will promote and enforce meat eating to be a crime. This type of hyperbole is not only dishonest it is not credible.

But something incredible still creates a circle jerk among self describe conservatives and trump supporters. It's sad that you too join the fray, and umpire you are not.
This is what the liberals do, they call other people a name, and in Rye's case, called me an idiot, then turns around
and says that I called him an idiot. This is right out of the democrat playbook. I never called you an idiot, Rye.

Go back and look at the title of the OP, okay?
What's this umpire stuff?

Mea culpa, you did not call me an idiot, you stated:

"You are a communist, Rye."

Name calling is name calling, don't you agree.

A. What's the umpire stuff?

Q. I'm certain you know.
You should embrace that you're a communist, it's not a mental state, it's a philosophy , not like I'm calling you an idiot, or an ignorant fuck, along those lines.

If you're referring to me a being a mod, well, I am one when I'm moderating a post or a thread. When I'm not moderating, I'm a poster just
like you, Rye, and I can give my opinions freely, But I think you already knew that.

Fine, so I will treat you as one of the callous conservatives, and expose the hypocrisy that brings with your comments the principle all callous conservatives carry with them: I got mine, fuck the rest of you.

I admit to being a liberal Democrat, and I believe and will support by my votes these first two paragraphs in the Declaration of Independence:

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

I'm not suggesting you don't support these principles, but the fact is Trump does not, in deed, in word and in policies. And I believe that both trump and mcconnell are a great threat to the principles laid out in the DoI and in the Preamble to COTUS.
Open up your eyes, Rye. Show me where it says the government will dictate what shall and what shall not be eaten. Until then you shouldn't be throwing any stones at any American. Good grief, that is quite a rabbit trail, dude.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.
Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

The article is from a "fake news" internet site and is a complete lie. There are no laws regulating how much meat Americans eat and there never will be. This is more right wing fear mongering and hysteria.

The "National Nutritional Guidelines" Harris talking about amending, is the daily dietary recommendations (suggested not legislated) issued by the NIH. The NIH has always tried to recommend that Americans eat less red meat, since the dangers of cholesterol became a thing. The original guidelines were amended after extensive lobbying by the both the beef and dairy industries, and already recommends more red meat and dairy than the NIH believes is optimum for your health.

So you have no issues with the beef industry lobbying to have you eat more of their product - essentially trying to "kill you with cholesterol", for their own benefit and profit, but you have HUGE issues, with Kamala suggested you to eat less meat for the good of your health and the good on your economy.

Fear mongering and hysteria is all Republicans have. They'll take away your hamburgers!!! Oh the humanity!!

Gullible fools to the end.
I pointed this out earlier. They believe this stuff.

Back before Trump won and commandeered the term, we used "fake news" to describe sites like Breitbart, WND, Alex Jones, and many others because they'd just make shit up out of thin air (like this) and the right wingers would eat it up (like this). It's still happening.

You mean like Trump not denouncing white supremacists? Kamala and Joe are running with that fucking lie.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.
Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

The article is from a "fake news" internet site and is a complete lie. There are no laws regulating how much meat Americans eat and there never will be. This is more right wing fear mongering and hysteria.

The "National Nutritional Guidelines" Harris talking about amending, is the daily dietary recommendations (suggested not legislated) issued by the NIH. The NIH has always tried to recommend that Americans eat less red meat, since the dangers of cholesterol became a thing. The original guidelines were amended after extensive lobbying by the both the beef and dairy industries, and already recommends more red meat and dairy than the NIH believes is optimum for your health.

So you have no issues with the beef industry lobbying to have you eat more of their product - essentially trying to "kill you with cholesterol", for their own benefit and profit, but you have HUGE issues, with Kamala suggested you to eat less meat for the good of your health and the good on your economy.

Fear mongering and hysteria is all Republicans have. They'll take away your hamburgers!!! Oh the humanity!!

Gullible fools to the end.
I pointed this out earlier. They believe this stuff.

Back before Trump won and commandeered the term, we used "fake news" to describe sites like Breitbart, WND, Alex Jones, and many others because they'd just make shit up out of thin air (like this) and the right wingers would eat it up (like this). It's still happening.

You mean like Trump not denouncing white supremacists? Kamala and Joe are running with that fucking lie.
Kinda goes with the territory for them...........normal day for the unethical assholes.........
The black genocide of abortion supported by the left is the most racist fucking thing I have ever witnessed.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.

You're an idiot, Meister.

Q. Do you have kids. If you do, do you read labels or don't you really care about children?

Q. Do you smoke, and ignore the warning sign on the package?

What you need to consider is not that the government would force people to eat less meat, but what this current government is doing to democracy in America. That you can't see what Trump has done and is doing is why I call you an idiot.
You're deflecting with your name calling, Rye. It's not up to the government to be dictating what the children should be eating.
It's up to the parents to lay the parameters as to the child's diet, along with their own diet. If they don't want to let the
children eat what the school's menu is, they can pack their children's lunches for them.

You're one of those Californian cradle to the grave type of people. You're pathetic.
Now go back to the name calling, Rye. It's all you have.

Okay, you've typed cast me, after calling me an idiot. Do you see the irony: Do as I say, not as I do?

The government has yet to force We the People to eat less meat. You and the others above are claiming Sen. Harris will promote and enforce meat eating to be a crime. This type of hyperbole is not only dishonest it is not credible.

But something incredible still creates a circle jerk among self describe conservatives and trump supporters. It's sad that you too join the fray, and umpire you are not.
This is what the liberals do, they call other people a name, and in Rye's case, called me an idiot, then turns around
and says that I called him an idiot. This is right out of the democrat playbook. I never called you an idiot, Rye.

Go back and look at the title of the OP, okay?
What's this umpire stuff?

To be fair, I've called him an idiot, and a poseur, and a commie cuck, and a twat, and a fucking idiot.

He deserves all of it.

Name calling is name calling, don't you agree Meister?

See this post above: I put up this kind of shit everyday. It seems people on your side of the aisle are incapable of writing anything of substance, anything thoughtful and of course nothing thought provoking.

When I get their crap I admit I jump into the gutter, why not, it seems off topic crap has become acceptable; hell, they echo it all among themselves. Maybe you ought to add a forum:
Circle Jerks & Conspiracy Stories

YOU dumb ass, you act as vile and hate filled as anyone here and then pretend you're above it. Go Eff yourself.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.
Publishing guidelines and regulating eating are two entirely different things.

The article, including its title, is blatantly dishonest, but the sheep buy the whole thing.

The alternate universe remains alive, well, paranoid, misguided and ignorant.

You're about as ignorant as it gets kid. You never met a Prog regulation you didn't like.
Nice, ignorant comment there. Well done.

Clear, Concise and spot on response. An echo of the same bullshit which the Right Wing Earps daily
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

Red Scare? She said it and you agree with her.

Is the stupid pill you take each morning OTC or an Rx?

She said it and you agree with her.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.
Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

The article is from a "fake news" internet site and is a complete lie. There are no laws regulating how much meat Americans eat and there never will be. This is more right wing fear mongering and hysteria.

The "National Nutritional Guidelines" Harris talking about amending, is the daily dietary recommendations (suggested not legislated) issued by the NIH. The NIH has always tried to recommend that Americans eat less red meat, since the dangers of cholesterol became a thing. The original guidelines were amended after extensive lobbying by the both the beef and dairy industries, and already recommends more red meat and dairy than the NIH believes is optimum for your health.

So you have no issues with the beef industry lobbying to have you eat more of their product - essentially trying to "kill you with cholesterol", for their own benefit and profit, but you have HUGE issues, with Kamala suggested you to eat less meat for the good of your health and the good on your economy.

Fear mongering and hysteria is all Republicans have. They'll take away your hamburgers!!! Oh the humanity!!

Gullible fools to the end.
I pointed this out earlier. They believe this stuff.

Back before Trump won and commandeered the term, we used "fake news" to describe sites like Breitbart, WND, Alex Jones, and many others because they'd just make shit up out of thin air (like this) and the right wingers would eat it up (like this). It's still happening.

You Progs LIVE for control, you can play stupid all you like but the fact remains Moochelle DICTATED what those kids could eat at lunch, you're no different. If a Prog thinks something is bad they want it changed or eliminated. You cannot defend what your side believes.
You don't know my politics.

But I do know that, since I think that Trump is a dangerous buffoon, that makes me a radical pinko socialist Hitler Nazi Fascist Maoist commie.

So you don't know my politics, and I wouldn't expect someone like you to.
Your attack on the former first lady is unwarranted. She never wore a coat like this one:

Correct. She wore dresses like this.

View attachment 399820

Well at least she wore clothes.

View attachment 399824

You elected a conman and a grifter, and he brought his sleazy, whore of a wife with him. Really classy family.

And ask any guy which one they'd rather wake up next to on a Saturday morning. :D

Most men would choose the fun loving decent human being over the greedy, gold digging whore. Less chance of getting your wallet picked clean, or ending up in doctor's office. The only people interested in waking up next to hookers and whores, are those who don't want emotional entanglements, or someone coming around later with a little bundle of joy. Rock stars frequently hire hookers for just those reasons. Even those who just want a piece of tail, don't want a gold digger or a skank.

Very few men could afford to have a woman like that wake up with them in the morning. They get 4 figures for one hour of time. That "sleepover" would be mighty pricey.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.
Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

The article is from a "fake news" internet site and is a complete lie. There are no laws regulating how much meat Americans eat and there never will be. This is more right wing fear mongering and hysteria.

The "National Nutritional Guidelines" Harris talking about amending, is the daily dietary recommendations (suggested not legislated) issued by the NIH. The NIH has always tried to recommend that Americans eat less red meat, since the dangers of cholesterol became a thing. The original guidelines were amended after extensive lobbying by the both the beef and dairy industries, and already recommends more red meat and dairy than the NIH believes is optimum for your health.

So you have no issues with the beef industry lobbying to have you eat more of their product - essentially trying to "kill you with cholesterol", for their own benefit and profit, but you have HUGE issues, with Kamala suggested you to eat less meat for the good of your health and the good on your economy.

Fear mongering and hysteria is all Republicans have. They'll take away your hamburgers!!! Oh the humanity!!

Gullible fools to the end.
I pointed this out earlier. They believe this stuff.

Back before Trump won and commandeered the term, we used "fake news" to describe sites like Breitbart, WND, Alex Jones, and many others because they'd just make shit up out of thin air (like this) and the right wingers would eat it up (like this). It's still happening.

You mean like Trump not denouncing white supremacists? Kamala and Joe are running with that fucking lie.
Kinda goes with the territory for them...........normal day for the unethical assholes.........

And its on video for any lying liberal to watch...and they ignore his eulogy for a KKK leader. Plus Kamala herself called him a rapist and racist. :laughing0301: His own VP...who dropped out of the primary before there was even a vote. Strong candidate.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

I won't click your link to a far right propaganda site.

I did a search on this.

She said she would change dietary guidelines.

Who follows the government dietary guidelines now? Who expects anyone to follow them in the future? If you believe people follow that I have some wonderful ocean beachfront property in Colorado to sell you.

No one is going to regulate your meat intake. Don't be absurd.

Eat all the meat you want.

Just stop with the lies. It's so ridiculous. Especially since the truth is a matter of seconds away using any search engine.

By the way, how's the weather in moscow today comrade?

LOL, derp, dope, russian bot. You're an idiot.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.
Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

The article is from a "fake news" internet site and is a complete lie. There are no laws regulating how much meat Americans eat and there never will be. This is more right wing fear mongering and hysteria.

The "National Nutritional Guidelines" Harris talking about amending, is the daily dietary recommendations (suggested not legislated) issued by the NIH. The NIH has always tried to recommend that Americans eat less red meat, since the dangers of cholesterol became a thing. The original guidelines were amended after extensive lobbying by the both the beef and dairy industries, and already recommends more red meat and dairy than the NIH believes is optimum for your health.

So you have no issues with the beef industry lobbying to have you eat more of their product - essentially trying to "kill you with cholesterol", for their own benefit and profit, but you have HUGE issues, with Kamala suggested you to eat less meat for the good of your health and the good on your economy.

Fear mongering and hysteria is all Republicans have. They'll take away your hamburgers!!! Oh the humanity!!

Gullible fools to the end.
I pointed this out earlier. They believe this stuff.

Back before Trump won and commandeered the term, we used "fake news" to describe sites like Breitbart, WND, Alex Jones, and many others because they'd just make shit up out of thin air (like this) and the right wingers would eat it up (like this). It's still happening.

You mean like Trump not denouncing white supremacists? Kamala and Joe are running with that fucking lie.
It's easy, since Trumpsters make it so easy to believe.
Thread closed, this thread fell off the cliff with no resemblance of the OP.
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