Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating

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During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
I do not agree the Government should force people to stop eating meat but less meat is better and healthier but it is a personal choice and should stay that way...

The problem with conservatives and Republicans is even if it's just a "suggestion," they lose their fk'n minds and invoke "Big Brother!" It's so tiring; esp. when those animals were attacking Michelle Obama for planting of a garden on the WH grounds to encourage better eating habits! Why can't these people relax and move on? I'm still hearing the Clinton's name being invoked! WHY? After they're dead and gone, conservatives will continue to dig up their dead bodies to make a point! I'd rather have overprotective liberals than non-thinking conservatives who've ignored the seriousness of a pandemic! End rant! :(
Americans are obese. that's not a threat, it's a fact. So is heart and vascular disease, cancer and diabetes.

That's not the question. The question is whether government should have the power to tell us what to eat.

Telling the people what is good and healthy is a far cry from forcing them to do so. However, IMO tobacco needs to be placed on the Schedule I list of drugs, and its production, farming to be outlawed. Since you are so concerned about money, read this:

Smoking-related illness in the United States costs more than $300 billion each year, including:

I do not agree the Government should force people to stop eating meat but less meat is better and healthier but it is a personal choice and should stay that way...
The problem with conservatives and Republicans is even if it's just a "suggestion," they lose their fk'n minds and invoke "Big Brother!" It's so tiring;
I hear ya. It is a bit "knee jerk". But, they're merely responding to the fact that liberals can't seem to distinguish between what we should do, and what we should be forced to do. Pretty much every time they start making a fuss about something, nanny-state laws are sure to follow. Which is also "so tiring".
OMFG...........I just watched the video.............she was lying soooo bad that she was dancing around on the stage like she needed to go pee...........


Then went on to .........I occasionally like Cheeseburgers...........OMFG

Reminds me of this.........LMAO
Telling the people what is good and healthy is a far cry from forcing them to do so.

All too often they're one in the same. But you raise another question - should politicians be telling us what is good and healthy? Really? Including Trump?

However, IMO tobacco needs to be placed on the Schedule I list of drugs, and its production, farming to be outlawed.
Yep. And if someone else has a different opinion?

Since you are so concerned about money, read this:
Who said I'm so concerned about money?
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.
Publishing guidelines and regulating eating are two entirely different things.

The article, including its title, is blatantly dishonest, but the sheep buy the whole thing.

The alternate universe remains alive, well, paranoid, misguided and ignorant.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.

So what?
We occasionally spend $350 for two steaks.
And I dont know where you're buying your pizzas but I've never paid 80 bucks for two of em.
The article, including its title, is blatantly dishonest, but the sheep buy the whole thing.
She didn't say she would regulate meat................she was dancing like a woman about to pee on herself....................trying to appease the base.............aka .......LYING..........finally she went I OCCASSIONALLY LIKE CHEESEBURGERS.............LMAO

If she was an honest person..........she would have said..................NO......I like steaks and Cheesburgers and I'm gonna eat them if I want...................But your TRIBE has to appease the mindless idiots you created.

This shit is FUNNY TO WATCH........thanks for the laugh.
The article, including its title, is blatantly dishonest, but the sheep buy the whole thing.
She didn't say she would regulate meat................she was dancing like a woman about to pee on herself....................trying to appease the base.............aka .......LYING..........finally she went I OCCASSIONALLY LIKE CHEESEBURGERS.............LMAO

If she was an honest person..........she would have said..................NO......I like steaks and Cheesburgers and I'm gonna eat them if I want...................But your TRIBE has to appease the mindless idiots you created.

This shit is FUNNY TO WATCH........thanks for the laugh.
So I was correct that the thread title, the title of the linked article, and the point of the linked article are lies.

Good. But I already knew that.
A dietary guideline isn't a regulation. Very dishonest headline from TownHell. She said we should eat less red meat. She's correct.
Here's you some red meat. Eat it.

View attachment 399722

Nyah, that's Trump's favorite meal! He's been schlurping Putin for years! It's so sad the Republican party don't seem to have a problem with their president suck'n up to the Ruskies! WTF has happened to them? :dunno:
Americans are obese. that's not a threat, it's a fact. So is heart and vascular disease, cancer and diabetes.

That's not the question. The question is whether government should have the power to tell us what to eat.

Telling the people what is good and healthy is a far cry from forcing them to do so. However, IMO tobacco needs to be placed on the Schedule I list of drugs, and its production, farming to be outlawed. Since you are so concerned about money, read this:

Smoking-related illness in the United States costs more than $300 billion each year, including:

. . . and you folks have the unmitigated gall to call Trump a dictator?

That truly does take some nerve. . . .

The article, including its title, is blatantly dishonest, but the sheep buy the whole thing.
She didn't say she would regulate meat................she was dancing like a woman about to pee on herself....................trying to appease the base.............aka .......LYING..........finally she went I OCCASSIONALLY LIKE CHEESEBURGERS.............LMAO

If she was an honest person..........she would have said..................NO......I like steaks and Cheesburgers and I'm gonna eat them if I want...................But your TRIBE has to appease the mindless idiots you created.

This shit is FUNNY TO WATCH........thanks for the laugh.
So I was correct that the thread title, the title of the linked article, and the point of the linked article are lies.

Yes they took it out of context..........every once in a while you get one right........good boy.....wanna doggy biscuit....

Now watch that video and watch her dance.............trying to lie here way around the question.........

You know it.............she is a liar...........just not hated like Hillary.......big difference...........If your tribe had nominated Gabby.......you would have probably won this election.......

but instead..........this.

She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

WOW these communist Democrats are off the rails. Harris you stupid shit communist dirt bag, the people tell YOU what to do not the other way around so shut your traitorous lying pie hole.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.
Americans are obese. that's not a threat, it's a fact. So is heart and vascular disease, cancer and diabetes.

That's an awfully broad brush.

All my life, I've had the opposite problem. I tend to be underweight, and have especially had a problem with it since my injury last year, after which I abruptly dropped from about 150 pounds to 135 (with 170 being what seems to be optimal for me, based on having once been that heavy, and been generally strongest and healthiest at that weight).

So, should government take the role of protecting me against obesity, along with everyone else for whom that is actually a problem, by denying me or making it more difficult or expensive for me to get the nourishment that I need to put on weight and keep it on?
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