Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating

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A dietary guideline isn't a regulation. Very dishonest headline from TownHell. She said we should eat less red meat. She's correct.

Couldn't agree more. However, that's not to say I would turn a blind eye to the situation. Look at tobacco, I'd hate to go into the local supermarket and see ground beef going for $55 per pound.

Well I suppose a hamburger a day and a pack of smokes a day are two different things, and have different impacts on one's health.
Same as a beer truck full of Corona running over you would........one's just quicker.....it's none of your business .........nor the Gov'ts ..........

Something you don't understand.........and play games with.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.

You're an idiot, Meister.

Q. Do you have kids. If you do, do you read labels or don't you really care about children?

Q. Do you smoke, and ignore the warning sign on the package?

What you need to consider is not that the government would force people to eat less meat, but what this current government is doing to democracy in America. That you can't see what Trump has done and is doing is why I call you an idiot.
You're deflecting with your name calling, Rye. It's not up to the government to be dictating what the children should be eating.
It's up to the parents to lay the parameters as to the child's diet, along with their own diet. If they don't want to let the
children eat what the school's menu has, they can pack their children's lunches for them.

You're one of those Californian cradle to the grave type of people. You're pathetic.
Now go back to the name calling, Rye. It's all you have.
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During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.

You're an idiot, Meister.

Q. Do you have kids. If you do, do you read labels or don't you really care about children?

Q. Do you smoke, and ignore the warning sign on the package?

What you need to consider is not that the government would force people to eat less meat, but what this current government is doing to democracy in America. That you can't see what Trump has done and is doing is why I call you an idiot.


You believe that whether someone does, or does not read what is in their food, or how healthy they do, or do not feed their kids is the government's or anybody else's damn business.

Whose kids are they?

. . . if you fall back on the medical care argument. . of the "cost to society," well, then, maybe you should have thought about that before you started down the path of trying to convince everyone that medical care is a "right," and not a commodity.

The goods and services of medicine are NOT a right. .. . a person has to train and educate themselves for years, and there is a limited supply of medicine and devices, you need to go back to school and learn basic economics.

Having a discussion with you about anything is like have a discussion with a grade schooler or a petty tyrant.
I do not agree the Government should force people to stop eating meat but less meat is better and healthier but it is a personal choice and should stay that way...

The problem with conservatives and Republicans is even if it's just a "suggestion," they lose their fk'n minds and invoke "Big Brother!" It's so tiring; esp. when those animals were attacking Michelle Obama for planting of a garden on the WH grounds to encourage better eating habits! Why can't these people relax and move on? I'm still hearing the Clinton's name being invoked! WHY? After they're dead and gone, conservatives will continue to dig up their dead bodies to make a point! I'd rather have overprotective liberals than non-thinking conservatives who've ignored the seriousness of a pandemic! End rant! :(

No one gave a fuck about her garden. What was bothersome was her pushing her buckshot lunch agenda and deciding what our kids eat in schools, while simultaneously stuffing her fat ass face with whatever she liked, and having her daughters at a school who’s lunch menu wasn’t dictated to.

And no one seriously ignored the “seriousness” of the COVID. However, it is essentially a second flu season. Yes, people will die. That’s terrible. But we don’t all collectively shit ourselves and lock ourselves in our homes and close peoples businesses down, destroying their livelihood every year for flu season, do we??? . You acting like all of us are going to die is absurd.

I get being scarred at first. But the numbers are in. It’s not the bubonic plague. So drop it and let’s move on.

And there is nothing worse than “over protective liberals”. Only fools want a nanny state.
And I have news for you... they aren’t being “over protective”. They don’t give a shit a out you or I. Their actions clearly demonstrate that over the years.
They want power.

Wake the f up
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.

You're an idiot, Meister.

Q. Do you have kids. If you do, do you read labels or don't you really care about children?

Q. Do you smoke, and ignore the warning sign on the package?

What you need to consider is not that the government would force people to eat less meat, but what this current government is doing to democracy in America. That you can't see what Trump has done and is doing is why I call you an idiot.
You're deflecting with your name calling, Rye. It's not up to the government to be dictating what the children should be eating.
It's up to the parents to lay the parameters as to the child's diet, along with their own diet. If they don't want to let the
children eat what the school's menu is, they can pack their children's lunches for them.

You're one of those Californian cradle to the grave type of people. You're pathetic.
Now go back to the name calling, Rye. It's all you have.

Okay, you've typed cast me, after calling me an idiot. Do you see the irony: Do as I say, not as I do?

The government has yet to force We the People to eat less meat. You and the others above are claiming Sen. Harris will promote and enforce meat eating to be a crime. This type of hyperbole is not only dishonest it is not credible.

But something incredible still creates a circle jerk among self describe conservatives and trump supporters. It's sad that you too join the fray, an umpire you are not.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.

You're an idiot, Meister.

Q. Do you have kids. If you do, do you read labels or don't you really care about children?

Q. Do you smoke, and ignore the warning sign on the package?

What you need to consider is not that the government would force people to eat less meat, but what this current government is doing to democracy in America. That you can't see what Trump has done and is doing is why I call you an idiot.

The Dims are the ones undermining Democracy. Failed coup, full of lies. Hillary should be in prison.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.

You're an idiot, Meister.

Q. Do you have kids. If you do, do you read labels or don't you really care about children?

Q. Do you smoke, and ignore the warning sign on the package?

What you need to consider is not that the government would force people to eat less meat, but what this current government is doing to democracy in America. That you can't see what Trump has done and is doing is why I call you an idiot.
You're deflecting with your name calling, Rye. It's not up to the government to be dictating what the children should be eating.
It's up to the parents to lay the parameters as to the child's diet, along with their own diet. If they don't want to let the
children eat what the school's menu is, they can pack their children's lunches for them.

You're one of those Californian cradle to the grave type of people. You're pathetic.
Now go back to the name calling, Rye. It's all you have.

Okay, you've typed cast me, after calling me an idiot. Do you see the irony: Do as I say, not as I do?

The government has yet to force We the People to eat less meat. You and the others above are claiming Sen. Harris will promote and enforce meat eating to be a crime. This type of hyperbole is not only dishonest it is not credible.

But something incredible still creates a circle jerk among self describe conservatives and trump supporters. It's sad that you too join the fray, and umpire you are not.
This is what the liberals do, they call other people a name, and in Rye's case, called me an idiot, then turns around
and says that I called him an idiot. This is right out of the democrat playbook. I never called you an idiot, Rye.

Go back and look at the title of the OP, okay?
What's this umpire stuff?
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

Red Scare? She said it and you agree with her.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.

You're an idiot, Meister.

Q. Do you have kids. If you do, do you read labels or don't you really care about children?

Q. Do you smoke, and ignore the warning sign on the package?

What you need to consider is not that the government would force people to eat less meat, but what this current government is doing to democracy in America. That you can't see what Trump has done and is doing is why I call you an idiot.

The Dims are the ones undermining Democracy. Failed coup, full of lies. Hillary should be in prison.

It's so fk'n sad; "Hillary, Hillary, Hillary!" WTF are you people going to do when she's dead and gone; dig her up to kick her around some more? It's so pathetic and anyone who approves of some man attacking women the way Trump does is no friend of mines! Calling Kamala Harris a monster? The only fk'n monster in this picture is a old, fat fk. who's about to sustain the biggest arse-kickin' in quite a while! From GOAT to goat; Trump's a very small man after all's said and done! He's holding onto power because the lawsuits, prosecutions, and recriminations will begin the last day he flies off the WH grounds in January! :itsok:
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.

You're an idiot, Meister.

Q. Do you have kids. If you do, do you read labels or don't you really care about children?

Q. Do you smoke, and ignore the warning sign on the package?

What you need to consider is not that the government would force people to eat less meat, but what this current government is doing to democracy in America. That you can't see what Trump has done and is doing is why I call you an idiot.

No kids. I read labels because I cook a ton, even if during the week I eat mostly prepared or semi-prepared stuff. I also do weight watchers so i know what im eating.

I smoke a cigar from time to time, maybe 1 a month, and occasionally a certain leafy substance. I know smoking is bad, but the real risk is in heavy smoking, not intermittent.

Yes, Trump has destroyed "democracy", we live in a dictatorship. The funny thing is the Democrats are leftists, and they are far far more likely to implement policies designed to eliminate political opposition, and keep power for as long as they can.

You are just too fucking stupid to see it.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.

You're an idiot, Meister.

Q. Do you have kids. If you do, do you read labels or don't you really care about children?

Q. Do you smoke, and ignore the warning sign on the package?

What you need to consider is not that the government would force people to eat less meat, but what this current government is doing to democracy in America. That you can't see what Trump has done and is doing is why I call you an idiot.
You're deflecting with your name calling, Rye. It's not up to the government to be dictating what the children should be eating.
It's up to the parents to lay the parameters as to the child's diet, along with their own diet. If they don't want to let the
children eat what the school's menu is, they can pack their children's lunches for them.

You're one of those Californian cradle to the grave type of people. You're pathetic.
Now go back to the name calling, Rye. It's all you have.

Okay, you've typed cast me, after calling me an idiot. Do you see the irony: Do as I say, not as I do?

The government has yet to force We the People to eat less meat. You and the others above are claiming Sen. Harris will promote and enforce meat eating to be a crime. This type of hyperbole is not only dishonest it is not credible.

But something incredible still creates a circle jerk among self describe conservatives and trump supporters. It's sad that you too join the fray, and umpire you are not.
This is what the liberals do, they call other people a name, and in Rye's case, called me an idiot, then turns around
and says that I called him an idiot. This is right out of the democrat playbook. I never called you an idiot, Rye.

Go back and look at the title of the OP, okay?
What's this umpire stuff?

Mea culpa, you did not call me an idiot, you stated:

"You are a communist, Rye."

Name calling is name calling, don't you agree.

A. What's the umpire stuff?

Q. I'm certain you know.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.

You're an idiot, Meister.

Q. Do you have kids. If you do, do you read labels or don't you really care about children?

Q. Do you smoke, and ignore the warning sign on the package?

What you need to consider is not that the government would force people to eat less meat, but what this current government is doing to democracy in America. That you can't see what Trump has done and is doing is why I call you an idiot.
I ignore you because you suck..............I don't have to listen to you.........It's not the same as saying we disagree when shitholes like Cali mandate to others what they don't believe in.

Then you wonder why people leave...........lol

You don't have a clue what the Republic is about or the term Freedom.

He's what we come to expect from years in the system as a government cog.

He think's his shit doesn't stink, and he's not a civil servant, but some form of nobility.

It's underserved and unearned ego and elitism.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.

You're an idiot, Meister.

Q. Do you have kids. If you do, do you read labels or don't you really care about children?

Q. Do you smoke, and ignore the warning sign on the package?

What you need to consider is not that the government would force people to eat less meat, but what this current government is doing to democracy in America. That you can't see what Trump has done and is doing is why I call you an idiot.
You're deflecting with your name calling, Rye. It's not up to the government to be dictating what the children should be eating.
It's up to the parents to lay the parameters as to the child's diet, along with their own diet. If they don't want to let the
children eat what the school's menu is, they can pack their children's lunches for them.

You're one of those Californian cradle to the grave type of people. You're pathetic.
Now go back to the name calling, Rye. It's all you have.

Okay, you've typed cast me, after calling me an idiot. Do you see the irony: Do as I say, not as I do?

The government has yet to force We the People to eat less meat. You and the others above are claiming Sen. Harris will promote and enforce meat eating to be a crime. This type of hyperbole is not only dishonest it is not credible.

But something incredible still creates a circle jerk among self describe conservatives and trump supporters. It's sad that you too join the fray, an umpire you are not.

They ALWAYS start with recommending, and then lead to banning. look at nanny twats like Bloomberg and his soda tax.

Leftists believe two things, government is God, and they know better than us how we should live our lives.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.

You're an idiot, Meister.

Q. Do you have kids. If you do, do you read labels or don't you really care about children?

Q. Do you smoke, and ignore the warning sign on the package?

What you need to consider is not that the government would force people to eat less meat, but what this current government is doing to democracy in America. That you can't see what Trump has done and is doing is why I call you an idiot.
You're deflecting with your name calling, Rye. It's not up to the government to be dictating what the children should be eating.
It's up to the parents to lay the parameters as to the child's diet, along with their own diet. If they don't want to let the
children eat what the school's menu is, they can pack their children's lunches for them.

You're one of those Californian cradle to the grave type of people. You're pathetic.
Now go back to the name calling, Rye. It's all you have.

Okay, you've typed cast me, after calling me an idiot. Do you see the irony: Do as I say, not as I do?

The government has yet to force We the People to eat less meat. You and the others above are claiming Sen. Harris will promote and enforce meat eating to be a crime. This type of hyperbole is not only dishonest it is not credible.

But something incredible still creates a circle jerk among self describe conservatives and trump supporters. It's sad that you too join the fray, and umpire you are not.
This is what the liberals do, they call other people a name, and in Rye's case, called me an idiot, then turns around
and says that I called him an idiot. This is right out of the democrat playbook. I never called you an idiot, Rye.

Go back and look at the title of the OP, okay?
What's this umpire stuff?

To be fair, I've called him an idiot, and a poseur, and a commie cuck, and a twat, and a fucking idiot.

He deserves all of it.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.

You're an idiot, Meister.

Q. Do you have kids. If you do, do you read labels or don't you really care about children?

Q. Do you smoke, and ignore the warning sign on the package?

What you need to consider is not that the government would force people to eat less meat, but what this current government is doing to democracy in America. That you can't see what Trump has done and is doing is why I call you an idiot.

The Dims are the ones undermining Democracy. Failed coup, full of lies. Hillary should be in prison.

It's so fk'n sad; "Hillary, Hillary, Hillary!" WTF are you people going to do when she's dead and gone; dig her up to kick her around some more? It's so pathetic and anyone who approves of some man attacking women the way Trump does is no friend of mines! Calling Kamala Harris a monster? The only fk'n monster in this picture is a old, fat fk. who's about to sustain the biggest arse-kickin' in quite a while! From GOAT to goat; Trump's a very small man after all's said and done! He's holding onto power because the lawsuits, prosecutions, and recriminations will begin the last day he flies off the WH grounds in January! :itsok:

What am I gonna do when Hillary dies?
Crack an ear to ear smile, and thank God for removing that vile piece of shit from this earth.

As for the rest of your post, you’re a fucking loser.
“Look at the way Trump spoke to a woman”... bwahahaha. What happened to your calls for equality?? What’s wrong, calling her a criminal a pig has you all worked up? She is both of those things and more. Even democrats think she is a mean, disgusting person. Look at what has been said about her from people around her.
And Kamala is a piece of shit as well.

Don’t get upset with us because you’re too stupid to see what’s right in your face.

And as far as Trump losing... we will see.
If he wins, please record yourself screaming at the sky and post it here for us.
I know I’ll enjoy it.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.

You're an idiot, Meister.

Q. Do you have kids. If you do, do you read labels or don't you really care about children?

Q. Do you smoke, and ignore the warning sign on the package?

What you need to consider is not that the government would force people to eat less meat, but what this current government is doing to democracy in America. That you can't see what Trump has done and is doing is why I call you an idiot.

The Dims are the ones undermining Democracy. Failed coup, full of lies. Hillary should be in prison.

It's so fk'n sad; "Hillary, Hillary, Hillary!" WTF are you people going to do when she's dead and gone; dig her up to kick her around some more? It's so pathetic and anyone who approves of some man attacking women the way Trump does is no friend of mines! Calling Kamala Harris a monster? The only fk'n monster in this picture is a old, fat fk. who's about to sustain the biggest arse-kickin' in quite a while! From GOAT to goat; Trump's a very small man after all's said and done! He's holding onto power because the lawsuits, prosecutions, and recriminations will begin the last day he flies off the WH grounds in January! :itsok:

She broke the law numerous times and you know it. Classified documents on a private server? Destroying evidence. Complicit in Russiagate. She is filthy.
Last edited:
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.
Publishing guidelines and regulating eating are two entirely different things.

The article, including its title, is blatantly dishonest, but the sheep buy the whole thing.

The alternate universe remains alive, well, paranoid, misguided and ignorant.

You're about as ignorant as it gets kid. You never met a Prog regulation you didn't like.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

And if people like Kamala get their way you will either pay more in "sin" taxes for that, or have to explain to your Obamacare doctor why you are eating it.

The cost for the roast was $80.59, equivalent to two extra large combination pizzas. The roast will be mostly gone on the same it will be cooked, the pizza leftover will be breakfast and possibly eaten for dinner the next day.

The latter, pizza, was a choice in most elementary school cafeterias, along with a sugar pops breakfast, the students will be hooked on sugars, salt and fat. Michelle Obama did a great service as the first lady, she really cared about children unlike the current first lady.

"Sin" tax? That tax was paid to the hospital, the doctors and the pharmacy who provide the life saving treatment for a life of unhealthful eating.
Let's cut to the chase, Rye. You can just say that you're for the government dictating what is consumed and what isn't.
From all that I heard, what Michelle dictated the children to eat in school tasted like crap. That IS NOT THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT
You are a communist, Rye.

You're an idiot, Meister.

Q. Do you have kids. If you do, do you read labels or don't you really care about children?

Q. Do you smoke, and ignore the warning sign on the package?

What you need to consider is not that the government would force people to eat less meat, but what this current government is doing to democracy in America. That you can't see what Trump has done and is doing is why I call you an idiot.

No kids. I read labels because I cook a ton, even if during the week I eat mostly prepared or semi-prepared stuff. I also do weight watchers so i know what im eating.

I smoke a cigar from time to time, maybe 1 a month, and occasionally a certain leafy substance. I know smoking is bad, but the real risk is in heavy smoking, not intermittent.

Yes, Trump has destroyed "democracy", we live in a dictatorship. The funny thing is the Democrats are leftists, and they are far far more likely to implement policies designed to eliminate political opposition, and keep power for as long as they can.

You are just too fucking stupid to see it.

They love calling Trump a dictator and a tyrant. Love it.
But ask them to name/list some things he has done that are tyrannical.
What policies did he force through?
What executive orders has he enacted?
What court decisions has he ignored?
When has he over power local or state governments (even when there has been a good argument that he should and legally could)?

They got nothing.
During a CNN town hall special about climate change Wednesday night, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

"Katie Pavlich
When I was in China two years ago a woman in the communist party, who works with the UN, talked all about the necessity of changing eating habits and eliminating meat. By government force. This is communism and 2020 Democrats are fully embracing it.

Progs want to control everyone's behavior.

Wow, another silly RED SCARE, how prosaic.

That said, my family still enjoys meat, but we don't eat it at every meal, and have followed the advice of doctors to cut down saturated fats.

In fact Sunday my sons, daughter-in-law and grandsons will enjoy a four pound Filet Mignon Roast (Choice, not Prime) for supper; sides of Creamed Spinach, Roasted Potato and Green Beans.

Move to Wuhan
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