Kamala Harris Omits “Creator” and Right to “Life” When Quoting Declaration of Independence in Pro-Abortion Speech (VIDEO)

OMG. Clutching Pearls are flying off the shelf.......

Here's my favorite skipped quote from the DOI. "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
What a disgrace and embarrassment she is. She has no soul. She is Godless?


look at the people standing behind bidim

That kinda says it all right there..

Let me guess…..”the Creator” is a White Supremacist.

you got it

God is a racist. If He weren't, He would have made everyone WHITE

No... wait.. Black

He doesn't believe in equality!! How rude..

Actually, all joking aside, He obviously didn't make people all alike... I know that's a DUH for most of us.. .but the libs.. they just don't get it...
These are women and they are bitching about having the right to murder their own babies. And they don't see what is wrong with that.

It's no wonder US males have low testosterone, think they're women and are weak pusscakes.
They whine about needing to make decisions about their own bodies...well here's one. Decide about how to keep your feet on the ground instead of up in the air for a change.
that makes no sense

why am I not surprised?
Well they were the special Camel Toe version of the finest Clutching Pearls on the market, bar none.

I can't believe you said that!

I’ll never understand.. if the constitution and western values are so evil, why not leave and go start your own country?

You can't beat the snivelers off with cattle prods. They could go off to Africa and rescue them with their alleged 'inclusive enlightenment', but the gimps are actually terrified of each other, and their sniveling is just the usual plea for Whitey to take care of them like bottle babies and pet hamsters. Mostly it's just a scam and extortion attempt. These feral animals wouldn't be caught dead doing anything that would actually help others themselves. That's for suckers.

Everywhere I've assisted volunteers it has been almost 100% whites and a few black church ladies carrying the load, while morbidly obese wetbacks with six morbidly obese kids and morbidly obese giant water buffalo with 10 giant fat kids from the hoods clog the lines and clean them out while real poor people can't get transportation to the distribution stations. If charities were smart they would have sets of scales set up and send the 300+ pounders away, and drop the line lengths by over half. We can give the wetbacks Joe Biden's and Bernie Sander's phone numbers and addresses, getting rid of another 45% of the line and finally see to it the charity gets to more people who actually need it.
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Dems keep doing this to themselves. The pledge without "under God" "truth, justive, and . . . all that other stuff." Now it's "uh uh liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

They look dumb every time. Why not just stick with their own quotes like "property is theft" and "gender is racist," and "tax the wealthy?"
Can you prove that there's even a creator? I on the other hand can prove through science that being gay and trans is natural and a biological reality....

Why should such a concept be stated in a governmental speech that isn't supported?
Can you prove that there's even a creator? I on the other hand can prove through science that being gay and trans is natural and a biological reality....

Why should such a concept be stated in a governmental speech that isn't supported?
You can't prove shit. Gay is a mental disorder.
Nobody has ever accused Dimwingers of knowing anything about how this country was founded.

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