Kamala Harris: Pro-ISIS SNOWFLAKE

Basically, Trump did lie when he described Baghdsdi's last few moments.
Pentagon can't confirm Trump's account of Al-Baghdadi 'whimpering'
And maybe Trump also gave out secrets of the Special Op's procedures.
"President Donald Trump’s announcement of the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi revealed a slew of sensitive details about the secret military operation that could imperil future raids, special operations and intelligence, veterans fear."
"“I always get a little bit nervous when people without knowledge of operations start describing operations,” said Michael Nagata, a retired Army lieutenant general who was the senior special operations commander in the Middle East during the early stages of the anti-ISIS campaign. “It’s a good story, and I can understand the impulse to tell a good story. Telling it can have positive benefits. But the benefits are unpredictable and marginal, whereas the harm could be more substantial."
Taken together, some of the details Trump revealed could help terrorist groups piece together new information about how U.S. counterterrorism forces gather intelligence and execute such dangerous missions, said veterans of previous operations"
How Trump gabbed too much about the ISIS raid
Your thread is a perfect example of exactly how far a hyper-partisan goose-stepper's posts will go, with their deranged madness.
I can think of only a few Americans who are sad/mad that the psychopathic butcher Bagdadi is dead and they'd be hyper-partisan goose-steppers from the left.
i agree the dude had to go. i don't think she's commenting on that.

i believe she's commenting on the 12 year old braggadocio crap trump threw in that no one there seems to be able to verify. if they have verified this is how he went out, please offer that link. to date i've not seen anyone there confirm that is how he acted. regardless, it was poor form for trump to carry on like that.

our culture (as shown by trumps rantings on this) seems to be we can't be middle ground anymore. if someone doesn't like HOW trump delivered the message then they are against the message.

that is simply ignorance in motion. i hated the way trump went about it (message delivery) but am very glad he took the dude out.

am i pro-isis now?
sure you are. why do you care how a demon was treated? just curious how he earned your respect?
Harris came out publicly to express how she was / is OFFENDED BY THE president referring to now very deceased ISIS calaphate Founder and ISIS ex-Leader Al Baghdadi as a whimpering, crying coward who was chased though tunnels by a dog before blowing himself up.

She said of the President celebrating the death of this POS, 'He doesn't seem to get the importance of his position as President'.

On the contrary, Harris does not seem to appreciate the significance / importance of taking down the founder of the ISIS Calaphate, the ISIS Leader, the animal who beheaded people, who lowered people in cages for them to drown, who set people on fired and burned them alive....when he had numbers / his armies around and behind him.

She never spoke out about being offended by Baghdadi doing those things...so why is she offended by the President's accurate description of this POS and how he died, thanks to US Special Forces?!


Kamala Harris scolds Trump for remarks on Baghdadi death: It was like he was commenting on a 'video game'

I'm offended to. But not for the same reason as her. It would have been much, much more fitting had a half dozen war dogs attacked the "man". I would have laughed and snapped pictures while the dogs chewed on him. Those haji bastards are scared to death of dogs. That bustard needed to suffer. Matter of fact, I hope the image of his children turning to pink most is what the bastard sees while he gets ass raped in hell. Maybe Kamala should go over to Syria and comfort him family?

Kamala would be a good “comfort woman” to ISIS scum.

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