Kamala Harris Proposes $100 Billion Plan for Black Home Ownership

This is Senator Harris pandering for votes. In the debate she castigated Sen Biden over busing. Now, she is continuing this theme of hers.
She wants to hurt Biden in South Carolina-it is a smart political move to get black votes. It will hurt her in Iowa and New Hampshire-probable losses anyway.
Democrats are just making campaign promises in the hopes that low IQ voters will sell their votes. 99% of campaign promises are forgotten ten seconds after the new president is announced. The rest depends on which lobbies pay the most money.

May be. It still begs the question, "who voted for such a person and why?"

Sorry, this is outright racism. Forget the term "reverse racism", that's a cop out. This is just blatant racism meant to divide citizens and keep some sucking on bone instead of steak, relying on a crutch that is never without cost.
Not trying to be racist but just brutally honest. There are people that will vote for anyone if they think they can get something for free. A large amount of blacks have been taught to believe that whites owe them, whites hate them, whites want them to be and remain poor. So even though on some level they may not believe what she is pushing they may vote for her simply because of the offer.

There are a lot of ideas that the democrat party is trying to float that is and would tear the country apart. Sanctuary cities and states. Medicare for all, free collage, reparations erosion of history. Worried that some slip of a word or image will offend or be considered racist.
Anyone want to garner a guess how the government, in it's socialized manner, will determine if one has enough racial qualifications for this program?

What in the hell is going on in America? Who voted for these racist clowns?

Kamala Harris announces $100B plan for black homeownership, tackling racial wealth gap

According to this article, what she wants to do is exactly what led to the housing bubble and bust; giving people loans they can't repay. It's virtually "no credit check" as the applicants current and past borrowing history will not be considered.

Is she also going to consider this reparations since it only applies to minorities? Divide and conquer?

I seen what the housing bubble did to my neighborhood. It destroyed it. Lowlifes from the inner-city moved into the suburbs that didn't have the qualifications to own here, and brought their crime with them. Now, many blacks who were foreclosed on will never get a home because of that do-gooder attempt at having more minority home ownership.

She also made reference to red lining, something that was outlawed for banks to do in the Carter administration. How is that still going on?

Owning is not for everybody, just like running your own business is not for everybody, or having a large sum of money. Some people just can't handle home ownership, because home ownership comes with a lot of responsibilities.
Democrats are just making campaign promises in the hopes that low IQ voters will sell their votes. 99% of campaign promises are forgotten ten seconds after the new president is announced. The rest depends on which lobbies pay the most money.

May be. It still begs the question, "who voted for such a person and why?"

Sorry, this is outright racism. Forget the term "reverse racism", that's a cop out. This is just blatant racism meant to divide citizens and keep some sucking on bone instead of steak, relying on a crutch that is never without cost.
Not trying to be racist but just brutally honest. There are people that will vote for anyone if they think they can get something for free. A large amount of blacks have been taught to believe that whites owe them, whites hate them, whites want them to be and remain poor. So even though on some level they may not believe what she is pushing they may vote for her simply because of the offer.

There are a lot of ideas that the democrat party is trying to float that is and would tear the country apart. Sanctuary cities and states. Medicare for all, free collage, reparations erosion of history. Worried that some slip of a word or image will offend or be considered racist.

If she is nominated, she doesn't have to do anything to get the black vote. Blacks have more solidarity than whites, and no matter what her platform is, those votes are guaranteed.

However whites (even liberal whites) may see this a different way. If so, what she's doing is pandering to the votes she'll already have, and may be losing votes she needs to get in order to beat Trump.

Who is advising her?
Anyone want to garner a guess how the government, in it's socialized manner, will determine if one has enough racial qualifications for this program?

What in the hell is going on in America? Who voted for these racist clowns?

Kamala Harris announces $100B plan for black homeownership, tackling racial wealth gap

According to this article, what she wants to do is exactly what led to the housing bubble and bust; giving people loans they can't repay. It's virtually "no credit check" as the applicants current and past borrowing history will not be considered.

Is she also going to consider this reparations since it only applies to minorities? Divide and conquer?

I seen what the housing bubble did to my neighborhood. It destroyed it. Lowlifes from the inner-city moved into the suburbs that didn't have the qualifications to own here, and brought their crime with them. Now, many blacks who were foreclosed on will never get a home because of that do-gooder attempt at having more minority home ownership.

She also made reference to red lining, something that was outlawed for banks to do in the Carter administration. How is that still going on?

Owning is not for everybody, just like running your own business is not for everybody, or having a large sum of money. Some people just can't handle home ownership, because home ownership comes with a lot of responsibilities.

So her and her sponsors want another massive bailout, as that which Obama gave to his pals and not one person went to prison for malfeasance.

Yeah, I'd vote for Biden in a heartbeat compared to her, and he would be almost as bad with his pandering to Communist China.

Shades of 2006 all over again! It's the Todd/Frank regime all over again mixed with reparations with a little affirmative action thrown in. HooBoy! One more effort to artificially raise Blacks up again in equity because somehow they just don't manage to do it on their own.

Best of all, ONE MORE PLAY to a democratic special interest group to both identify them as victims and to somehow raise them out of the pits of that victimization by the glory hand of BIG GOVERNMENT, paid for of course by the actual hard working people of the country, putting THEM further behind. Good thing Harris will never live to be president!
Anyone want to garner a guess how the government, in it's socialized manner, will determine if one has enough racial qualifications for this program?

What in the hell is going on in America? Who voted for these racist clowns?

Kamala Harris announces $100B plan for black homeownership, tackling racial wealth gap

According to this article, what she wants to do is exactly what led to the housing bubble and bust; giving people loans they can't repay. It's virtually "no credit check" as the applicants current and past borrowing history will not be considered.

Is she also going to consider this reparations since it only applies to minorities? Divide and conquer?

I seen what the housing bubble did to my neighborhood. It destroyed it. Lowlifes from the inner-city moved into the suburbs that didn't have the qualifications to own here, and brought their crime with them. Now, many blacks who were foreclosed on will never get a home because of that do-gooder attempt at having more minority home ownership.

She also made reference to red lining, something that was outlawed for banks to do in the Carter administration. How is that still going on?

Owning is not for everybody, just like running your own business is not for everybody, or having a large sum of money. Some people just can't handle home ownership, because home ownership comes with a lot of responsibilities.

So her and her sponsors want another massive bailout, as that which Obama gave to his pals and not one person went to prison for malfeasance.

Yeah, I'd vote for Biden in a heartbeat compared to her, and he would be almost as bad with his pandering to Communist China.

No, this is much more serious than a bailout. If she did become President and moved this forward, the 100 billion would be petty change compared to the outcome just like in the last housing crash.

She would give minorities money for homes simply because they are minorities, and not because they are credit worthy. So she spends this 100 billion dollars, and then the recipients of this money will sooner or later find themselves in the position of not being able to repay the loans. They didn't make enough money for the loan to begin with, but banks will not give unworthy borrowers fixed loan rates. They will have to be put on an ARM. When the interest rates increase, those minorities will no longer be able to afford the payments.
The Democrats have lost what little is left of their tiny little minds.

I cannot think of anything short of actual Reparations (in-name) that will drive Whites to the GOP in the millions.
Democrats are just making campaign promises in the hopes that low IQ voters will sell their votes. 99% of campaign promises are forgotten ten seconds after the new president is announced. The rest depends on which lobbies pay the most money.

May be. It still begs the question, "who voted for such a person and why?"

Sorry, this is outright racism. Forget the term "reverse racism", that's a cop out. This is just blatant racism meant to divide citizens and keep some sucking on bone instead of steak, relying on a crutch that is never without cost.
Not trying to be racist but just brutally honest. There are people that will vote for anyone if they think they can get something for free. A large amount of blacks have been taught to believe that whites owe them, whites hate them, whites want them to be and remain poor. So even though on some level they may not believe what she is pushing they may vote for her simply because of the offer.

There are a lot of ideas that the democrat party is trying to float that is and would tear the country apart. Sanctuary cities and states. Medicare for all, free collage, reparations erosion of history. Worried that some slip of a word or image will offend or be considered racist.

If she is nominated, she doesn't have to do anything to get the black vote. Blacks have more solidarity than whites, and no matter what her platform is, those votes are guaranteed.

However whites (even liberal whites) may see this a different way. If so, what she's doing is pandering to the votes she'll already have, and may be losing votes she needs to get in order to beat Trump.

Who is advising her?
While I would have agreed with you a number of years ago. In fact 44 proved you right. I think the fact that more blacks are bussiness owners and have jobs now then even a few years back may make them hesitant to just vote for anyone. They will want that trend to continue.

As far as the white vote you are mostly correct but there is a small number that will vote against their own best intrests for reasons such as self hatred, thinking that such a thing will somehow be better for others. There are also those that will vote for one party or the other no matter what. You could prove that one party was going to kill every member of the oppiisite party and hand the country to China and they would still vote for their party.
This is Senator Harris pandering for votes. In the debate she castigated Sen Biden over busing. Now, she is continuing this theme of hers.
Frankly, most successful politicians are Vote Whores, to some extent or another... she's typical in that regard.
Democrats are just making campaign promises in the hopes that low IQ voters will sell their votes. 99% of campaign promises are forgotten ten seconds after the new president is announced. The rest depends on which lobbies pay the most money.

May be. It still begs the question, "who voted for such a person and why?"

Sorry, this is outright racism. Forget the term "reverse racism", that's a cop out. This is just blatant racism meant to divide citizens and keep some sucking on bone instead of steak, relying on a crutch that is never without cost.
Not trying to be racist but just brutally honest. There are people that will vote for anyone if they think they can get something for free. A large amount of blacks have been taught to believe that whites owe them, whites hate them, whites want them to be and remain poor. So even though on some level they may not believe what she is pushing they may vote for her simply because of the offer.

There are a lot of ideas that the democrat party is trying to float that is and would tear the country apart. Sanctuary cities and states. Medicare for all, free collage, reparations erosion of history. Worried that some slip of a word or image will offend or be considered racist.

If she is nominated, she doesn't have to do anything to get the black vote. Blacks have more solidarity than whites, and no matter what her platform is, those votes are guaranteed.

However whites (even liberal whites) may see this a different way. If so, what she's doing is pandering to the votes she'll already have, and may be losing votes she needs to get in order to beat Trump.

Who is advising her?
While I would have agreed with you a number of years ago. In fact 44 proved you right. I think the fact that more blacks are bussiness owners and have jobs now then even a few years back may make them hesitant to just vote for anyone. They will want that trend to continue.

As far as the white vote you are mostly correct but there is a small number that will vote against their own best intrests for reasons such as self hatred, thinking that such a thing will somehow be better for others. There are also those that will vote for one party or the other no matter what. You could prove that one party was going to kill every member of the oppiisite party and hand the country to China and they would still vote for their party.

I would agree with you if not for the color of her skin. If a white candidate would have came up with the same nonsense, you might be correct. But again, blacks have a strong solidarity with their own kind. All you have to do is look up either Obama's elections. It was something like 97% blacks voting for him. And what did he do for the blacks come his second term? Nothing. In fact if anything, made it worse on them. They still voted for him because he was a Mulatto.

I live in the greater Cleveland area which was one of the cities that had districts that didn't record one Romney vote.
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...That would make her a vote whore whore?
Pandering to a base... holding-out a shiny bauble in order to get votes... most of them do it... she's no different in that respect.

No, yea, I understand the concept. But if she slept her way to the top, she could qualify as a whore. Now for the pandering, that would be a vote whore whore.
... in the form of free housing assistance.
White and poor.... fuck you.
Black and poor...step right up.

And it would be an interesting conversation in just how in the hell would free houses close income gaps between races??
Bit of course that doesn't matter. This isn't about reality, it's about buying votes.

Kamala Harris announces $100B plan for black homeownership, tackling racial wealth gap
That's all the whole Democratic Party has become. A bunch of vote bribers$$, but with taxpayers' money.

Has become? It's been that way for many years now.
Actually, not a bad move by Kamala! Not towards being elected President (since most of America is too smart to ever support something as stupid as what she's proposing!) but it'll make her a local heroine in liberal California! She can tell them that she's a CHAMPION of black people by pointing to her housing plan (something that she knows only too well would never be passed!) and telling them that she's THERE for them! All smoke and mirrors of course but it'll sell in her district!
More money chasing the same amount of ghetto houses- this stupid program will just raise the prices in the American Ghetto.

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