Kamala Harris said Trump is a racist.

Kamala Harris on whether she thinks Trump is a racist: 'I do'

Why does this surprise anyone?

Trump is a racist.

He proved it when he said African countries were shit hole countries.

When he said some Mexicans don’t rape.

When he said a Mexican can’t be a judge.

Court cases he’s had involving race and renters.

So how do you make a big story out of her story that’s about something everybody from both parties already know?

In fact the entire world already knows.
Kamala's a slut and African countries are shitholes. Neither of those facts have anything to do witht racism.
Race baiting whore is at it again...

View attachment 247883

So she approves of Trayvon's homophobia? Didn't she hear the testimony of the fat chick at the trial?

Trayvon called Zimmerman a creepy "ass-cracker", a clear attack on his perception that Zimmerman was a homosexual and that's why Martin attacked.

Good you mentioned it. Those were the glory days. :D

They should play this video on airports instead of CNN.

It starts at 5 minute mark.

Kamala Harris on whether she thinks Trump is a racist: 'I do'

Why does this surprise anyone?

Trump is a racist.

He proved it when he said African countries were shit hole countries.

When he said some Mexicans don’t rape.

When he said a Mexican can’t be a judge.

Court cases he’s had involving race and renters.

So how do you make a big story out of her story that’s about something everybody from both parties already know?

In fact the entire world already knows.
this has been debunked many times on USMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Mexican is not a race
2.the Mexican judge was a conflict of interest---RIGHT there your whole OP is undeniably WRONG
3. renters/etc = he had NOTHING to do with
Harris, you ,etc show that YOU/they are the racists--not Trump
Harris and Smollet are best of friends and think exactly alike
TNHarley makes a point on the OP here. Trump's identified nationalism platform can be possibly delineated from racism. During African colonialism all Africa was supposed to support their respective European Nations, so then they'd be Nationalists to support European states. Racists said only a white guiding hand led to development in these lands, that's the belief in some inherent superiority, and its horribly gone wrong with an immediate flash of death with the 5 million Jews under Hitler, so its a broad term too.

Nationalism is also from the turn of the 20th Century so people Clearly intended two different meanings to two words made at the exact same time! Racist/Nationalist! The end of a Christendom perspective led to a Nationalist perspective. This is very accurate, most pre-1900 wars were along Christian lines, you can check, or leaving a Christian brotherhood for European powers. Post-1900 wars were concerned with the support of different types of alignments, and even Nationalism, the institutions superior to one of these country-region-states, over others. Especially Hitler. The Japanese saw their Nation in a more favorable culturally, technologically, or morally, in its fiber, than their neighbors. They can harm more than anybody in history and be so incredibly against "racism".
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Race baiting whore is at it again...

View attachment 247883

So she approves of Trayvon's homophobia? Didn't she hear the testimony of the fat chick at the trial?

Trayvon called Zimmerman a creepy "ass-cracker", a clear attack on his perception that Zimmerman was a homosexual and that's why Martin attacked.
A young boy being chased by a crazy right wing loon with a gun? What was the kid to think?
When Trayvon Martin stopped and "stood his ground", he was brutally shot to death. Obviously, when Republicans pushed "stand your ground", they didn't mean for African Americans.
Race baiting whore is at it again...

View attachment 247883

So she approves of Trayvon's homophobia? Didn't she hear the testimony of the fat chick at the trial?

Trayvon called Zimmerman a creepy "ass-cracker", a clear attack on his perception that Zimmerman was a homosexual and that's why Martin attacked.
A young boy being chased by a crazy right wing loon with a gun? What was the kid to think?
When Trayvon Martin stopped and "stood his ground", he was brutally shot to death. Obviously, when Republicans pushed "stand your ground", they didn't mean for African Americans.

Sitting on a man's chest and beating him while he screams for help, is not "standing your ground".
Race baiting whore is at it again...

View attachment 247883

So she approves of Trayvon's homophobia? Didn't she hear the testimony of the fat chick at the trial?

Trayvon called Zimmerman a creepy "ass-cracker", a clear attack on his perception that Zimmerman was a homosexual and that's why Martin attacked.
A young boy being chased by a crazy right wing loon with a gun? What was the kid to think?
When Trayvon Martin stopped and "stood his ground", he was brutally shot to death. Obviously, when Republicans pushed "stand your ground", they didn't mean for African Americans.

Zimmerman is hardly a "crazy right wing loon" at all. Just proud Latino oozing with machismo that Trayvon insulted with a Gay Slur.

A jury determined Zimmerman to be as innocent as a new born babe.
He proved it when he said African countries were shit hole countries.
Trump was just stating a fact that everybody knows is true.

It had nothing to do with race. ... :cool:
Only it has everything to do with race.
we've been over this a million times
stating facts is not racist--even if he was referring to race--but Africa is NOT a race
Africa IS a shithole --LITERALLY/etc
no sanitation = SHIT HOLE

potable water

illiteracy/starvation/etc etc etc --Africa leads = SHITHOLE
Man, how old is this talk, though? Like Robert E Lee was saying, well, its better than Africa. I mean, are we psychologically looking at a blackhole in humanity's brains around networking solutions with black people? Weird.

They got the word race from 1600, for the Dutch race making all the kids toys, and the Chinese race having the long histories. Nobody is going to ever be sympathetic are they, for this outright Campaign to End Race, that's the Black solution, totally ignorant from some people , they'd have been the Moor from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. We're just heading toward globalization status, who else does what the Euro-Brit system does? Brazil had 50 times the slaves, no one likes saying 'black' or 'african' or 'races', they're all mixed, and nobody there calls Colin Powell or Condeleeza Rice Black in South America, they'd be called White or mestizo, but we're all using a oned-rop rule plantation mindset and they're called black in North American. Arabs never had races either. They all studied one language and one quran and one race mindset all the time and one-state. We're the odd people out then.
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Smollett is undeniably a racist/hater--but Harris won't call him that because--------------------------------------------he's BLACK
..they are obsessed with race
Harris also said her own father was a Rasta dread locks dope smoking Jamaican while he is a well respected college professor.

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