Kamala Harris's approval rating falls to 28%, a historic low for any modern vice president

Biden will not be any smarter or less senile next year than he is now

True, but he will have less to deal with I suspect.

And I suspect the economy is not going go magically right itself

Watch china

It will not be magic, but it will keep improving. The economy does not really suck right now, in fact that is why we are seeing the inflation we are, supply cannot keep up with demand, It is easier to fix supply than create demand out of nothing.
If I believed that America was sinking it would be the Neo-GOP and the Trumpybear's post election antics that I would blame.
The extremist left-fluffing demagogues have gravely injected Democrat supporters with lies of the deep state sociocommunists. I'm so sorry to see how their deceptions have brought good men and women so very low.
You better keep tabs on when to pull out of the market.
I understand the Fed is going to taper off lending money to the US.
Some people predict an August 2022 crash.

you do not pull out in a crash, you go all in and buy more. It will come back up.
I'm asking on various threads and, surprisingly, no one has yet admitted it. :disbelief:

Stand up and be counted, Democrats!
Well seeing as there are 81 million of them, this post should go viral.:rolleyes: Cept none of them will admit their stupidity and cheat, and the dead voters can't really respond can they. All they can do is vote dem, by proxy.
I'm asking on various threads and, surprisingly, no one has yet admitted it. :disbelief:

Stand up and be counted, Democrats!
That would be the 81 million that voted his win by a landslide.

And a reminder. Joe Biden is your President

He's Donald Trumps President too.
I'm asking on various threads and, surprisingly, no one has yet admitted it. :disbelief:

Stand up and be counted, Democrats!
I like Biden. Don’t care if anyone knows it really. He certainly isn’t perfect, but damn is better than the orange sack of shit before him.
That would be the 81 million that voted his win by a landslide.

And a reminder. Joe Biden is your President

He's Donald Trumps President too.
I wonder whether you or Biden is more demented.
You are certainly emotionally disturbed.
He will always be blamed for that and more by the Hyper-hyperbole press coverage of Faux news. Debt? Our politicians debt they racked up in our name was over 27.5 trillion when Biden took over.
And until Trump took office, he had absolutely NOTHING to do with it. Biden has for over 45 years!
The china virus threw a monkey wrench into the economy
Yet somehow that is compermentalized in your head as something completely separate from the wonderful Trump years when everyone was just so damn tired of winning.
Biden's record:

Brought Afghanistan to a close.
Record Stock Market highs.
Vaccines distributed, available, effective, abundant.
Vaccines for children approved..rollout happening at this time.
Stimulus done.
Jobs being added every month
Infrastructure done.
BBB will be done.
Normalcy being returned....

Again, your insecurity is that Biden is finding success where your blob found only failure.
Ah, Candy? Joe Biden is DESPERATELY LOOKING for success at the moment because to be quite blunt...everything he's touched since becoming President has turned to shit!
I'm asking on various threads and, surprisingly, no one has yet admitted it. :disbelief:

Stand up and be counted, Democrats!
Love the thread, but still, regardless if Biden sucks, to many conservatives put their hopes in a re-ascension of Trump.

If Trump runs against Biden, Trump will destroy them; but that is NOT the real scenario. The odds are far less than 50-50 that Biden is going to run again. What Trump will face is an un-named Democrat who will pretend to be moderate. This will give independents a reason to vote again for the Democrats, as Trump has to much baggage.

Trump has to prove his case BEFORE the mid terms are concluded, and MOST of the GOP is NOT going to help him! All RINOS are swamp creatures as much as Leftists are, and they didn't want him rocking the boat in 16, and will be MORE against him in 24.

I would NEVER tell anyone NOT to support Trump as far as for the country as a whole, he was by far the best since Reagan. But, what I would tell you is to consider an alternative plan if you hear that Biden is not running and Trump hasn't proven enough as far as being screwed to keep independents off of the Democratic train.

Understand that it is better to have the 2nd best option winning, then allowing the WORST option!

But, for this point in time, let us all work on 2022. We can revisit Trump afterwards. As of today, it is one year away, and the Leftists are pooping their collective panties. Lets get that done, and continue on from there.
I wonder whether you or Biden is more demented.
You are certainly emotionally disturbed.

  • Best stock market of all time
  • 531,000 new jobs added last month
  • Highest wage growth in 40 years
  • Passed the infrastructure bill
  • No longer in Afghanistan
  • Dropping Covid cases
  • Appreciating house prices
  • At forefront of environment leadership again
He is. He has had one of the worst years of any POTUS in my lifetime, much of it self-inflicted. But COVID is slowing moving behind us, Afghanistan is over and will not be an issue, if the supply chain issues get fixed and oil production increases by this time next year none of what we are talking about now will be an issue.
Afghanistan is "over"? How so? It's being run by the Taliban with help from China now. I'm glad we're not embroiled in a never ending conflict there but don't be naive enough to think it's not going to be a trouble spot for the US!
How is oil production going to increase? OPEC basically told Joe to go pound sand when he begged them for more production and Sleepy Joe can't back off his clamp down on Big Oil & Gas because that will anger the progressive wing of his party.

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