Kamala Harris's approval rating falls to 28%, a historic low for any modern vice president

I pretend nothing

Biden is on the hot seat because of where he sits RIGHT NOW

  • Best stock market of all time
  • 531,000 new jobs added last month
  • Highest wage growth in 40 years
  • Passed the infrastructure bill
  • No longer in Afghanistan
  • Dropping Covid cases
  • Appreciating house prices
  • At forefront of environment leadership again

In just 10 months.
Is it better to have a Biden Harris sign on your property or one that says I'm an ignoramus and a senseless asshole? Or are they about the same?
  • Best stock market of all time
  • 531,000 new jobs added last month
  • Highest wage growth in 40 years
  • Passed the infrastructure bill
  • No longer in Afghanistan
  • Dropping Covid cases
  • Appreciating house prices
  • At forefront of environment leadership again
With all due respect, Gator...any "wage growth" has been eaten alive by rampant inflation under Biden! Claiming that as an accomplishment by the Biden Administration borders on farce!
Have you looked at gasoline prices are in most of the non-oil producing states lately? It is seven dollars a gallon in some states, up from two dollars last year.

Production was slashed by 30% in 2020 and has not come back, but demand has. Right now the oil companies have no good reason to ramp up production, they are making a killing with the higher prices.

Lucky for me that I no longer have to make a 70 mile round trip to work and back daily
Afghanistan is "over"? How so? It's being run by the Taliban with help from China now. I'm glad we're not embroiled in a never ending conflict there but don't be naive enough to think it's not going to be a trouble spot for the US!

The Taliban was going to take over no matter what, which is why Trump made his deal with them and not the previous Afghan Govt. The Taliban wants international recognition as a legit Govt, China wants to rape their land and take the resources...sounds like they were made for each other.

How is oil production going to increase? OPEC basically told Joe to go pound sand when he begged them for more production and Sleepy Joe can't back off his clamp down on Big Oil & Gas because that will anger the progressive wing of his party.

US oil production was cut 30% in 2020, no reason they cannot ramp that back up. There has been no clamp down, the Biden Admin has been approving oil leases faster than the Trump admin did.

And yet, the White House is on pace to hand out more oil and gas drilling permits this year than any under President Trump and the most since George W. Bush left the Oval Office.
  • Best stock market of all time
  • 531,000 new jobs added last month
  • Highest wage growth in 40 years
  • Passed the infrastructure bill
  • No longer in Afghanistan
  • Dropping Covid cases
  • Appreciating house prices
  • At forefront of environment leadership again
2022 Market Crash...it's going to be a helluva ride!
You guys were wrong about bush 1, 2, Romney, McCain what makes you think you’re right about trump?
Because Trump's platform was nothing like the same old Republican establishment bullshit of the aforementioned.
Oh it was different alright. But all the same bullshit. Deny global warming, trickle down tax breaks, conservative judges and corruption galore
All of which resulted in an all time low unemployment rate.
But, you know...R.
That low unemployment was on obamas watch. Remember trump didn’t believe the numbers until he got in suddenly the numbers were real
Yeah, all time low unemployment serving coffee to self-absorbed scum like yourself.
I'm talking about engineers and trades people who were out of work for years.
Pull your head out of your ass.
When Harris was running for the Democrat Party nomination only 20% of DEMOCRATS wanted her to have any shot at being President.

It seems those 20% ... and a few more idiots ...are the only ones still pulling for her now.


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