Kamala, NOT Biden, will deliver the Democrat ticket's counter to Trump's RNC Speech thursday! HUH?

Trump responded with the biggest blunders in US history. What retarded fool could ever think you could contain a virus with just a China travel ban? That idiotic fool of Trump, that's who. And when he stopped Europe it was too late. He has failed us for 8 months and 180,000 people are dead because of him.

I just told you that POTUS has limited Constitutional authority over a pandemic. The states have massive authority, as SCOTUS has said several times since the early 1800s.

It was Blue State Governors who forced nursing homes to accept people diagnosed with the Wuhan virus. New York State has a death rate percentage far higher than in Italy or in Spain.

Trump was attacked for the China travel ban by Demonrats, who themselves offered nothing but critique. In fact, had that idiot Schumer got his way, they would have called witnesses for the fauxpeachment trial in the Senate and keeping that crap going well into February.
Yea, it was so limited, he called it a hoax and ignored it. If he was that limited, then how was he able to implement a travel ban on China, but ignored an even important ban on Europe until it was too late? Limited my ass. You people are always looking for an excuse. It's disgusting.

And by the way, if the states had the power, they wold have signed off on implementing the federal emergency production act long before Trump ever thought of it. And they certainly wouldn't have held all that back by putting material production up for bid. WTF? People were losing their lives and the survival PPE was being bid out? Are you fucking kidding me?
Trump responded with the biggest blunders in US history. What retarded fool could ever think you could contain a virus with just a China travel ban? That idiotic fool of Trump, that's who. And when he stopped Europe it was too late. He has failed us for 8 months and 180,000 people are dead because of him.

I just told you that POTUS has limited Constitutional authority over a pandemic. The states have massive authority, as SCOTUS has said several times since the early 1800s.

It was Blue State Governors who forced nursing homes to accept people diagnosed with the Wuhan virus. New York State has a death rate percentage far higher than in Italy or in Spain.

Trump was attacked for the China travel ban by Demonrats, who themselves offered nothing but critique. In fact, had that idiot Schumer got his way, they would have called witnesses for the fauxpeachment trial in the Senate and keeping that crap going well into February.

donny has all the authority he needs to implement the DPA.

the Defense Production Act. he hasn't. at all.

instead, we donated 17 TONS of PPE to china at the beginning of this, NOT keeping it HERE... for OUR people - thus forcing our essential first responders to resort to wearing garbage bags & reusing their masks over & over again.

he STILL refuses to put that into action, instaed whines that the 'cub boards were bare' regarding the national stockpile... the stockpile that he also had oversight for the past 3 years.

that there is sheer - willful ignorance & leads to part of his genocide thru policy.
They are all cowards putting it off on the states, when the necessary needs required a federal response of the FPA.

At this point, how sick do they have to be to defend this imbecile?
Comma-la Harris is the most radical member of the U.S. Senate.

And a complete incompetent.
Knee Pads Kamala is a good example of how being good in bed can take you places in politics ;) :auiqs.jpg:

she was duly elected both for her AG gig & as senator.... what's melania's reason for being trophy wife #3 & married to the man whore of NYC who's now in politics?

She was banging her married boss...who was 30 years older than she was...and who appointed her to positions she wasn't qualified for BECAUSE she was sleeping with him! Duh?

she was DULY elected as AG ... & did such a great job - on her own ... that she was elected to the US senate.

lol ... you failed.

now - if you wanna talk about a female using her cooch to further her career - one only hasta look at the 3rd trophy wife/5th baby mama/ of the current potus. what's the expertise of the mail order bride who dropped an anchor baby & used chain migration to get her parents here?

not going to law school, not passing the bar, not becoming an effective prosecutor, not becoming attorney general for a state with a population of 40,000,000 thru election, nor becoming a congressional senator thru election.

but rather the flotus was a nude model, photographed in bed with another woman & sleazy pics using her sliced & diced botox injected silicone implanted body.

Do you really not grasp that Melania Trump is the WIFE of a politician...not the politician herself? Get a clue...

that doesn't matter.

you are using the 'excuse' of a woman using her body to further herself. that's the point - or don't you even realize that? what happens once a female does - it's all up to her & the results.

kamala executed her job with the education she acquired & passed the bar on her own. her experience after getting the gigs she got has proven she was more than capable of filling the job requirements... hence the election wins.

melania? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kamala used sex to get promoted at work. If she's the Democratic Party's new "poster girl" for modern feminism then it just goes to show how fucked your values are!
She fucked a powerful married Black politician significantly older than her to get ahead.

donny is 74 & melania is 50.

lol ... you were saying?
Yeah, but nothing like Bill Clintoon taking advantage of a 20 year old intern, old enough to be his daughter, by making her give BJ's to him under the Oval Office desk. Cause that's how you respect the presidency and the sanctity of the Oval Office. And then his crooked wife Hillary went around calling the girl a slut and every name in the book, when she came out and admitted what had happened. 'Cause you Democrats are the epitomy of morality, ethics, justice, and women's rights! :lmao:
Trump responded with the biggest blunders in US history. What retarded fool could ever think you could contain a virus with just a China travel ban? That idiotic fool of Trump, that's who. And when he stopped Europe it was too late. He has failed us for 8 months and 180,000 people are dead because of him.

I just told you that POTUS has limited Constitutional authority over a pandemic. The states have massive authority, as SCOTUS has said several times since the early 1800s.

It was Blue State Governors who forced nursing homes to accept people diagnosed with the Wuhan virus. New York State has a death rate percentage far higher than in Italy or in Spain.

Trump was attacked for the China travel ban by Demonrats, who themselves offered nothing but critique. In fact, had that idiot Schumer got his way, they would have called witnesses for the fauxpeachment trial in the Senate and keeping that crap going well into February.
Yea, it was so limited, he called it a hoax and ignored it. If he was that limited, then how was he able to implement a travel ban on China, but ignored an even important ban on Europe until it was too late? Limited my ass. You people are always looking for an excuse. It's disgusting.

And by the way, if the states had the power, they wold have signed off on implementing the federal emergency production act long before Trump ever thought of it. And they certainly wouldn't have held all that back by putting material production up for bid. WTF? People were losing their lives and the survival PPE was being bid out? Are you fucking kidding me?
Trump recognized the danger of the virus and tried to stop it by placing necessary bans, while you people were accusing him of being a racist. Unfortunately enoguh of the virus had already spread out across the country, which is what happened all over the world and Europe. So there is no blaming anybody, this is a worldwide catastrophe.

Notice how you guys say nothing about New York's Coumo killing tens of thousands of seniors by shoving Covid positive patients back into nursing homes. In other words directly responsible for killing people, but eh, whatever, he's actually a hero and should consider running for president, say the Democrats. You gotta love the delusion and brainwashing.
How about you answer the question none of Obama supporters have been able to:

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Iran doesn't have a bomb, isn't making a bomb, and will not have a bomb.

The europeans who signed off on the deal are still holding up their end, as is Iran in not seeking to make a nuke.

Facts is facts.
Iran has killed thousands of American soldiers in Iraq, and kidnapped and tortured Americans. Iran also tortures and kills many of its own people. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. But Hussein Obama shipped billions in cash to these Islamic lunatics and strengthened and legitimized them, because Europe wanted to profit from doing business with the Iranians.
It wasn't our money, and your argument is absent of any facts. Try again.
It was frozen assets to be paid to the victims of their terror, their hostage taking, and other crimes against humanity, which coincidently the courts had ruled that Iran is responsible and should pay. But no, Obama thought sending a planeload of cash to a bunch of murderous Islamic thugs would be a good idea. He did this even against the advice of the leaders of his own party. And now your party is even more hostage to the radicals like AOC and Sanders who would do even more stupid things like that.
Nothing all that new, the Dems do not want Biden in front of a camera any more than absolutely necessary. Actions speak much larger than words IMHO, and they want us to vote for this guy?

The VP is a classic "attack dog" position. George W. Bush had Dick Cheney. Richard Nixon had Spiro Agnew. John McCain had Sarah Palin.

You make it sound like it's something new.
that is because they are morons.......

And it means nothing, because if Biden himself addressed the situation on the streets of Portland, Kenosha, wherever -- these same morons will still be complaining about something else stupid asf....
If Biden renounces the rioters and looters, he will lose a big chunk of his base. That's how depraved the Democratic Party has become.
Comma-la Harris is the most radical member of the U.S. Senate.

And a complete incompetent.
Knee Pads Kamala is a good example of how being good in bed can take you places in politics ;) :auiqs.jpg:

she was duly elected both for her AG gig & as senator.... what's melania's reason for being trophy wife #3 & married to the man whore of NYC who's now in politics?

She was banging her married boss...who was 30 years older than she was...and who appointed her to positions she wasn't qualified for BECAUSE she was sleeping with him! Duh?

she was DULY elected as AG ... & did such a great job - on her own ... that she was elected to the US senate.

lol ... you failed.

now - if you wanna talk about a female using her cooch to further her career - one only hasta look at the 3rd trophy wife/5th baby mama/ of the current potus. what's the expertise of the mail order bride who dropped an anchor baby & used chain migration to get her parents here?

not going to law school, not passing the bar, not becoming an effective prosecutor, not becoming attorney general for a state with a population of 40,000,000 thru election, nor becoming a congressional senator thru election.

but rather the flotus was a nude model, photographed in bed with another woman & sleazy pics using her sliced & diced botox injected silicone implanted body.

Do you really not grasp that Melania Trump is the WIFE of a politician...not the politician herself? Get a clue...

that doesn't matter.

you are using the 'excuse' of a woman using her body to further herself. that's the point - or don't you even realize that? what happens once a female does - it's all up to her & the results.

kamala executed her job with the education she acquired & passed the bar on her own. her experience after getting the gigs she got has proven she was more than capable of filling the job requirements... hence the election wins.

melania? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kamala used sex to get promoted at work. If she's the Democratic Party's new "poster girl" for modern feminism then it just goes to show how fucked your values are!

who said she was a poster girl for anything? thems yer words, jr. & whether she used 'sex' to get her foot in the door - matters not.

it's what she did once she got in. & it's pretty impressive.

melania is a glorified model... she really hasn't done much with her life except spend donny's cash & dropped a kid - cementing her cash flow for a very long time.
Dude, you're obsessed with Melania. Here's a hint, she's not running for office, nor is she trying to get my vote for anything. Thus, as you said, matters not. waddaboudism lives.
Presidents run on their record. And Trumps record is over 10% unemployment, deficits of 18% of GDP, and losing more than 200,000 americans on his watch.

Trumps record prior to the chink virus:

3.5% unemployment
Record low black unemployment
Record low hispanic unemployment
Record payroll growth
Record job growth and bringing jobs back to America
Over 150 stock market records

Nobody can blame Trump for the chink virus and be serious about it.

After all you voted for Obama in 2012 and 60 MILLION AMERICANS were infected with swine flu in 2009 and 2010. But since a half-black oreo democrat was in charge you had the media on your side blowing it off as nothing. So no gov't forced shutdowns of businesses, no bailouts necessary, nothing.
Thanks, you just gave us the results of Obama's recovery package. Trump said the virus was a hoax. There was no virus according to him.
Not what he said.
Comma-la Harris is the most radical member of the U.S. Senate.

And a complete incompetent.
Knee Pads Kamala is a good example of how being good in bed can take you places in politics ;) :auiqs.jpg:

she was duly elected both for her AG gig & as senator.... what's melania's reason for being trophy wife #3 & married to the man whore of NYC who's now in politics?

She was banging her married boss...who was 30 years older than she was...and who appointed her to positions she wasn't qualified for BECAUSE she was sleeping with him! Duh?

she was DULY elected as AG ... & did such a great job - on her own ... that she was elected to the US senate.

lol ... you failed.

now - if you wanna talk about a female using her cooch to further her career - one only hasta look at the 3rd trophy wife/5th baby mama/ of the current potus. what's the expertise of the mail order bride who dropped an anchor baby & used chain migration to get her parents here?

not going to law school, not passing the bar, not becoming an effective prosecutor, not becoming attorney general for a state with a population of 40,000,000 thru election, nor becoming a congressional senator thru election.

but rather the flotus was a nude model, photographed in bed with another woman & sleazy pics using her sliced & diced botox injected silicone implanted body.

Do you really not grasp that Melania Trump is the WIFE of a politician...not the politician herself? Get a clue...

that doesn't matter.

you are using the 'excuse' of a woman using her body to further herself. that's the point - or don't you even realize that? what happens once a female does - it's all up to her & the results.

kamala executed her job with the education she acquired & passed the bar on her own. her experience after getting the gigs she got has proven she was more than capable of filling the job requirements... hence the election wins.

melania? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kamala used sex to get promoted at work. If she's the Democratic Party's new "poster girl" for modern feminism then it just goes to show how fucked your values are!
She fucked a powerful married Black politician significantly older than her to get ahead.

donny is 74 & melania is 50.

lol ... you were saying?
Yeah, but nothing like Bill Clintoon taking advantage of a 20 year old intern, old enough to be his daughter, by making her give BJ's to him under the Oval Office desk. Cause that's how you respect the presidency and the sanctity of the Oval Office. And then his crooked wife Hillary went around calling the girl a slut and every name in the book, when she came out and admitted what had happened. 'Cause you Democrats are the epitomy of morality, ethics, justice, and women's rights! :lmao:

Yeah, but nothing like Bill Clintoon taking advantage of a 20 year old intern, old enough to be his daughter,

she was 21 & a legal consenting adult.

by making her give BJ's to him under the Oval Office desk.

it was consensual per monica's very own words.

Cause that's how you respect the presidency and the sanctity of the Oval Office.

absolutely not - it cheapened it immensely. slick willy got impeached over it too.
remember? now donny has joined the ranks of impeached presidents.

And then his crooked wife Hillary went around calling the girl a slut and every name in the book, when she came out and admitted what had happened.

as well she should have ... poor melania - either she has no dignity, or more than likely- doesn't care what donny does, cause she dropped his anchor baby AND got a pretty sweet pre nup no doubt.

'Cause you Democrats are the epitomy of morality, ethics, justice, and women's rights!

i'm not a (D) ... nor voted for bill - so there is that. & MY conscience is clear.

oh & i've said many MANY times that if giselle maxwell coughs up clinton's name in some kinda plea deal - then he should be nailed to the wall.... but will you extend that same nailing to donny ( who wished giselle well, with out EVER mentioning the victims of epstein & her )?
Comma-la Harris is the most radical member of the U.S. Senate.

And a complete incompetent.
Knee Pads Kamala is a good example of how being good in bed can take you places in politics ;) :auiqs.jpg:

she was duly elected both for her AG gig & as senator.... what's melania's reason for being trophy wife #3 & married to the man whore of NYC who's now in politics?

She was banging her married boss...who was 30 years older than she was...and who appointed her to positions she wasn't qualified for BECAUSE she was sleeping with him! Duh?

she was DULY elected as AG ... & did such a great job - on her own ... that she was elected to the US senate.

lol ... you failed.

now - if you wanna talk about a female using her cooch to further her career - one only hasta look at the 3rd trophy wife/5th baby mama/ of the current potus. what's the expertise of the mail order bride who dropped an anchor baby & used chain migration to get her parents here?

not going to law school, not passing the bar, not becoming an effective prosecutor, not becoming attorney general for a state with a population of 40,000,000 thru election, nor becoming a congressional senator thru election.

but rather the flotus was a nude model, photographed in bed with another woman & sleazy pics using her sliced & diced botox injected silicone implanted body.

Do you really not grasp that Melania Trump is the WIFE of a politician...not the politician herself? Get a clue...

that doesn't matter.

you are using the 'excuse' of a woman using her body to further herself. that's the point - or don't you even realize that? what happens once a female does - it's all up to her & the results.

kamala executed her job with the education she acquired & passed the bar on her own. her experience after getting the gigs she got has proven she was more than capable of filling the job requirements... hence the election wins.

melania? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kamala used sex to get promoted at work. If she's the Democratic Party's new "poster girl" for modern feminism then it just goes to show how fucked your values are!

who said she was a poster girl for anything? thems yer words, jr. & whether she used 'sex' to get her foot in the door - matters not.

it's what she did once she got in. & it's pretty impressive.

melania is a glorified model... she really hasn't done much with her life except spend donny's cash & dropped a kid - cementing her cash flow for a very long time.
Dude, you're obsessed with Melania. Here's a hint, she's not running for office, nor is she trying to get my vote for anything. Thus, as you said, matters not. waddaboudism lives.

obsession? <pfffft>

just pointing out the hypocrisy about which women can use their sex to get ahead. & only women are whores? look at what you voted for.

Comma-la Harris is the most radical member of the U.S. Senate.

And a complete incompetent.
Knee Pads Kamala is a good example of how being good in bed can take you places in politics ;) :auiqs.jpg:

she was duly elected both for her AG gig & as senator.... what's melania's reason for being trophy wife #3 & married to the man whore of NYC who's now in politics?

She was banging her married boss...who was 30 years older than she was...and who appointed her to positions she wasn't qualified for BECAUSE she was sleeping with him! Duh?

she was DULY elected as AG ... & did such a great job - on her own ... that she was elected to the US senate.

lol ... you failed.

now - if you wanna talk about a female using her cooch to further her career - one only hasta look at the 3rd trophy wife/5th baby mama/ of the current potus. what's the expertise of the mail order bride who dropped an anchor baby & used chain migration to get her parents here?

not going to law school, not passing the bar, not becoming an effective prosecutor, not becoming attorney general for a state with a population of 40,000,000 thru election, nor becoming a congressional senator thru election.

but rather the flotus was a nude model, photographed in bed with another woman & sleazy pics using her sliced & diced botox injected silicone implanted body.

Do you really not grasp that Melania Trump is the WIFE of a politician...not the politician herself? Get a clue...

that doesn't matter.

you are using the 'excuse' of a woman using her body to further herself. that's the point - or don't you even realize that? what happens once a female does - it's all up to her & the results.

kamala executed her job with the education she acquired & passed the bar on her own. her experience after getting the gigs she got has proven she was more than capable of filling the job requirements... hence the election wins.

melania? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kamala used sex to get promoted at work. If she's the Democratic Party's new "poster girl" for modern feminism then it just goes to show how fucked your values are!
She fucked a powerful married Black politician significantly older than her to get ahead.

donny is 74 & melania is 50.

lol ... you were saying?
Yeah, but nothing like Bill Clintoon taking advantage of a 20 year old intern, old enough to be his daughter, by making her give BJ's to him under the Oval Office desk. Cause that's how you respect the presidency and the sanctity of the Oval Office. And then his crooked wife Hillary went around calling the girl a slut and every name in the book, when she came out and admitted what had happened. 'Cause you Democrats are the epitomy of morality, ethics, justice, and women's rights! :lmao:

Yeah, but nothing like Bill Clintoon taking advantage of a 20 year old intern, old enough to be his daughter,

she was 21 & a legal consenting adult.

by making her give BJ's to him under the Oval Office desk.

it was consensual per monica's very own words.

Cause that's how you respect the presidency and the sanctity of the Oval Office.

absolutely not - it cheapened it immensely. slick willy got impeached over it too.
remember? now donny has joined the ranks of impeached presidents.

And then his crooked wife Hillary went around calling the girl a slut and every name in the book, when she came out and admitted what had happened.

as well she should have ... poor melania - either she has no dignity, or more than likely- doesn't care what donny does, cause she dropped his anchor baby AND got a pretty sweet pre nup no doubt.

'Cause you Democrats are the epitomy of morality, ethics, justice, and women's rights!

i'm not a (D) ... nor voted for bill - so there is that. & MY conscience is clear.

oh & i've said many MANY times that if giselle maxwell coughs up clinton's name in some kinda plea deal - then he should be nailed to the wall.... but will you extend that same nailing to donny ( who wished giselle well, with out EVER mentioning the victims of epstein & her )?
With all due respect, Playtime...I think Trump's comment that he wished Maxwell well was a tongue in cheek reference to how long Epstein lasted in prison. It's a safe bet at this point that just as many influential people who wanted to See Epstein silenced also want to see Ms. Maxwell shut up for good! I wish her well also...because I think she's going to die in prison before she can name names.
From West Virginia coal miners to California fruit pickers, the working class of America will deliver a landslide win for Trump, my friends!
Comma-la Harris is the most radical member of the U.S. Senate.

And a complete incompetent.
Knee Pads Kamala is a good example of how being good in bed can take you places in politics ;) :auiqs.jpg:

she was duly elected both for her AG gig & as senator.... what's melania's reason for being trophy wife #3 & married to the man whore of NYC who's now in politics?

She was banging her married boss...who was 30 years older than she was...and who appointed her to positions she wasn't qualified for BECAUSE she was sleeping with him! Duh?

she was DULY elected as AG ... & did such a great job - on her own ... that she was elected to the US senate.

lol ... you failed.

now - if you wanna talk about a female using her cooch to further her career - one only hasta look at the 3rd trophy wife/5th baby mama/ of the current potus. what's the expertise of the mail order bride who dropped an anchor baby & used chain migration to get her parents here?

not going to law school, not passing the bar, not becoming an effective prosecutor, not becoming attorney general for a state with a population of 40,000,000 thru election, nor becoming a congressional senator thru election.

but rather the flotus was a nude model, photographed in bed with another woman & sleazy pics using her sliced & diced botox injected silicone implanted body.

Do you really not grasp that Melania Trump is the WIFE of a politician...not the politician herself? Get a clue...

that doesn't matter.

you are using the 'excuse' of a woman using her body to further herself. that's the point - or don't you even realize that? what happens once a female does - it's all up to her & the results.

kamala executed her job with the education she acquired & passed the bar on her own. her experience after getting the gigs she got has proven she was more than capable of filling the job requirements... hence the election wins.

melania? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kamala used sex to get promoted at work. If she's the Democratic Party's new "poster girl" for modern feminism then it just goes to show how fucked your values are!
She fucked a powerful married Black politician significantly older than her to get ahead.

donny is 74 & melania is 50.

lol ... you were saying?
Yeah, but nothing like Bill Clintoon taking advantage of a 20 year old intern, old enough to be his daughter, by making her give BJ's to him under the Oval Office desk. Cause that's how you respect the presidency and the sanctity of the Oval Office. And then his crooked wife Hillary went around calling the girl a slut and every name in the book, when she came out and admitted what had happened. 'Cause you Democrats are the epitomy of morality, ethics, justice, and women's rights! :lmao:

Yeah, but nothing like Bill Clintoon taking advantage of a 20 year old intern, old enough to be his daughter,

she was 21 & a legal consenting adult.

by making her give BJ's to him under the Oval Office desk.

it was consensual per monica's very own words.

Cause that's how you respect the presidency and the sanctity of the Oval Office.

absolutely not - it cheapened it immensely. slick willy got impeached over it too.
remember? now donny has joined the ranks of impeached presidents.

And then his crooked wife Hillary went around calling the girl a slut and every name in the book, when she came out and admitted what had happened.

as well she should have ... poor melania - either she has no dignity, or more than likely- doesn't care what donny does, cause she dropped his anchor baby AND got a pretty sweet pre nup no doubt.

'Cause you Democrats are the epitomy of morality, ethics, justice, and women's rights!

i'm not a (D) ... nor voted for bill - so there is that. & MY conscience is clear.

oh & i've said many MANY times that if giselle maxwell coughs up clinton's name in some kinda plea deal - then he should be nailed to the wall.... but will you extend that same nailing to donny ( who wished giselle well, with out EVER mentioning the victims of epstein & her )?
With all due respect, Playtime...I think Trump's comment that he wished Maxwell well was a tongue in cheek reference to how long Epstein lasted in prison. It's a safe bet at this point that just as many influential people who wanted to See Epstein silenced also want to see Ms. Maxwell shut up for good! I wish her well also...because I think she's going to die in prison before she can name names.

mmmmm..... i find it extremely odd that he never uttered one word for all the victims - wishing them well.
Comma-la Harris is the most radical member of the U.S. Senate.

And a complete incompetent.
Knee Pads Kamala is a good example of how being good in bed can take you places in politics ;) :auiqs.jpg:

she was duly elected both for her AG gig & as senator.... what's melania's reason for being trophy wife #3 & married to the man whore of NYC who's now in politics?

She was banging her married boss...who was 30 years older than she was...and who appointed her to positions she wasn't qualified for BECAUSE she was sleeping with him! Duh?

she was DULY elected as AG ... & did such a great job - on her own ... that she was elected to the US senate.

lol ... you failed.

now - if you wanna talk about a female using her cooch to further her career - one only hasta look at the 3rd trophy wife/5th baby mama/ of the current potus. what's the expertise of the mail order bride who dropped an anchor baby & used chain migration to get her parents here?

not going to law school, not passing the bar, not becoming an effective prosecutor, not becoming attorney general for a state with a population of 40,000,000 thru election, nor becoming a congressional senator thru election.

but rather the flotus was a nude model, photographed in bed with another woman & sleazy pics using her sliced & diced botox injected silicone implanted body.

Do you really not grasp that Melania Trump is the WIFE of a politician...not the politician herself? Get a clue...

that doesn't matter.

you are using the 'excuse' of a woman using her body to further herself. that's the point - or don't you even realize that? what happens once a female does - it's all up to her & the results.

kamala executed her job with the education she acquired & passed the bar on her own. her experience after getting the gigs she got has proven she was more than capable of filling the job requirements... hence the election wins.

melania? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kamala used sex to get promoted at work. If she's the Democratic Party's new "poster girl" for modern feminism then it just goes to show how fucked your values are!
She fucked a powerful married Black politician significantly older than her to get ahead.

donny is 74 & melania is 50.

lol ... you were saying?
Yeah, but nothing like Bill Clintoon taking advantage of a 20 year old intern, old enough to be his daughter, by making her give BJ's to him under the Oval Office desk. Cause that's how you respect the presidency and the sanctity of the Oval Office. And then his crooked wife Hillary went around calling the girl a slut and every name in the book, when she came out and admitted what had happened. 'Cause you Democrats are the epitomy of morality, ethics, justice, and women's rights! :lmao:

Yeah, but nothing like Bill Clintoon taking advantage of a 20 year old intern, old enough to be his daughter,

she was 21 & a legal consenting adult.

by making her give BJ's to him under the Oval Office desk.

it was consensual per monica's very own words.

Cause that's how you respect the presidency and the sanctity of the Oval Office.

absolutely not - it cheapened it immensely. slick willy got impeached over it too.
remember? now donny has joined the ranks of impeached presidents.

And then his crooked wife Hillary went around calling the girl a slut and every name in the book, when she came out and admitted what had happened.

as well she should have ... poor melania - either she has no dignity, or more than likely- doesn't care what donny does, cause she dropped his anchor baby AND got a pretty sweet pre nup no doubt.

'Cause you Democrats are the epitomy of morality, ethics, justice, and women's rights!

i'm not a (D) ... nor voted for bill - so there is that. & MY conscience is clear.

oh & i've said many MANY times that if giselle maxwell coughs up clinton's name in some kinda plea deal - then he should be nailed to the wall.... but will you extend that same nailing to donny ( who wished giselle well, with out EVER mentioning the victims of epstein & her )?
With all due respect, Playtime...I think Trump's comment that he wished Maxwell well was a tongue in cheek reference to how long Epstein lasted in prison. It's a safe bet at this point that just as many influential people who wanted to See Epstein silenced also want to see Ms. Maxwell shut up for good! I wish her well also...because I think she's going to die in prison before she can name names.

mmmmm..... i find it extremely odd that he never uttered one word for all the victims - wishing them well.
You know what I find extremely odd? That you want to paint Trump as someone who supported Epstein and Maxwell when he kicked them out of Mar A Lago years and years ago when he learned what Epstein was up to. Give Trump credit...when the Bill Clinton's and Prince Andrew's of the world were still hanging out with Epstein...Trump cut him off.
Comma-la Harris is the most radical member of the U.S. Senate.

And a complete incompetent.
Knee Pads Kamala is a good example of how being good in bed can take you places in politics ;) :auiqs.jpg:

she was duly elected both for her AG gig & as senator.... what's melania's reason for being trophy wife #3 & married to the man whore of NYC who's now in politics?

She was banging her married boss...who was 30 years older than she was...and who appointed her to positions she wasn't qualified for BECAUSE she was sleeping with him! Duh?

she was DULY elected as AG ... & did such a great job - on her own ... that she was elected to the US senate.

lol ... you failed.

now - if you wanna talk about a female using her cooch to further her career - one only hasta look at the 3rd trophy wife/5th baby mama/ of the current potus. what's the expertise of the mail order bride who dropped an anchor baby & used chain migration to get her parents here?

not going to law school, not passing the bar, not becoming an effective prosecutor, not becoming attorney general for a state with a population of 40,000,000 thru election, nor becoming a congressional senator thru election.

but rather the flotus was a nude model, photographed in bed with another woman & sleazy pics using her sliced & diced botox injected silicone implanted body.

Do you really not grasp that Melania Trump is the WIFE of a politician...not the politician herself? Get a clue...

that doesn't matter.

you are using the 'excuse' of a woman using her body to further herself. that's the point - or don't you even realize that? what happens once a female does - it's all up to her & the results.

kamala executed her job with the education she acquired & passed the bar on her own. her experience after getting the gigs she got has proven she was more than capable of filling the job requirements... hence the election wins.

melania? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kamala used sex to get promoted at work. If she's the Democratic Party's new "poster girl" for modern feminism then it just goes to show how fucked your values are!
She fucked a powerful married Black politician significantly older than her to get ahead.

donny is 74 & melania is 50.

lol ... you were saying?
Yeah, but nothing like Bill Clintoon taking advantage of a 20 year old intern, old enough to be his daughter, by making her give BJ's to him under the Oval Office desk. Cause that's how you respect the presidency and the sanctity of the Oval Office. And then his crooked wife Hillary went around calling the girl a slut and every name in the book, when she came out and admitted what had happened. 'Cause you Democrats are the epitomy of morality, ethics, justice, and women's rights! :lmao:

Yeah, but nothing like Bill Clintoon taking advantage of a 20 year old intern, old enough to be his daughter,

she was 21 & a legal consenting adult.

by making her give BJ's to him under the Oval Office desk.

it was consensual per monica's very own words.

Cause that's how you respect the presidency and the sanctity of the Oval Office.

absolutely not - it cheapened it immensely. slick willy got impeached over it too.
remember? now donny has joined the ranks of impeached presidents.

And then his crooked wife Hillary went around calling the girl a slut and every name in the book, when she came out and admitted what had happened.

as well she should have ... poor melania - either she has no dignity, or more than likely- doesn't care what donny does, cause she dropped his anchor baby AND got a pretty sweet pre nup no doubt.

'Cause you Democrats are the epitomy of morality, ethics, justice, and women's rights!

i'm not a (D) ... nor voted for bill - so there is that. & MY conscience is clear.

oh & i've said many MANY times that if giselle maxwell coughs up clinton's name in some kinda plea deal - then he should be nailed to the wall.... but will you extend that same nailing to donny ( who wished giselle well, with out EVER mentioning the victims of epstein & her )?
With all due respect, Playtime...I think Trump's comment that he wished Maxwell well was a tongue in cheek reference to how long Epstein lasted in prison. It's a safe bet at this point that just as many influential people who wanted to See Epstein silenced also want to see Ms. Maxwell shut up for good! I wish her well also...because I think she's going to die in prison before she can name names.

mmmmm..... i find it extremely odd that he never uttered one word for all the victims - wishing them well.
You know what I find extremely odd? That you want to paint Trump as someone who supported Epstein and Maxwell when he kicked them out of Mar A Lago years and years ago when he learned what Epstein was up to. Give Trump credit...when the Bill Clinton's and Prince Andrew's of the world were still hanging out with Epstein...Trump cut him off.

who knows whether he still supported epstein or not.... you only believe he didn't after he supposedly 'cut him off'...

i'm going on donny's 40 yr documented record of being just as much a pig as epstein, not to mention epstein still had some 15 phone numbers connected to donny even after all those years.
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Presidents run on their record. And Trumps record is over 10% unemployment, deficits of 18% of GDP, and losing more than 200,000 americans on his watch.

Trumps record prior to the chink virus:

3.5% unemployment
Record low black unemployment
Record low hispanic unemployment
Record payroll growth
Record job growth and bringing jobs back to America
Over 150 stock market records

Nobody can blame Trump for the chink virus and be serious about it.

After all you voted for Obama in 2012 and 60 MILLION AMERICANS were infected with swine flu in 2009 and 2010. But since a half-black oreo democrat was in charge you had the media on your side blowing it off as nothing. So no gov't forced shutdowns of businesses, no bailouts necessary, nothing.
Thanks, you just gave us the results of Obama's recovery package. Trump said the virus was a hoax. There was no virus according to him.
Not what he said.
Sure it is. He compared it to the Russia hoax, and that ended up not being a hoax either;
Comma-la Harris is the most radical member of the U.S. Senate.

And a complete incompetent.
Knee Pads Kamala is a good example of how being good in bed can take you places in politics ;) :auiqs.jpg:

she was duly elected both for her AG gig & as senator.... what's melania's reason for being trophy wife #3 & married to the man whore of NYC who's now in politics?

She was banging her married boss...who was 30 years older than she was...and who appointed her to positions she wasn't qualified for BECAUSE she was sleeping with him! Duh?

she was DULY elected as AG ... & did such a great job - on her own ... that she was elected to the US senate.

lol ... you failed.

now - if you wanna talk about a female using her cooch to further her career - one only hasta look at the 3rd trophy wife/5th baby mama/ of the current potus. what's the expertise of the mail order bride who dropped an anchor baby & used chain migration to get her parents here?

not going to law school, not passing the bar, not becoming an effective prosecutor, not becoming attorney general for a state with a population of 40,000,000 thru election, nor becoming a congressional senator thru election.

but rather the flotus was a nude model, photographed in bed with another woman & sleazy pics using her sliced & diced botox injected silicone implanted body.

Do you really not grasp that Melania Trump is the WIFE of a politician...not the politician herself? Get a clue...

that doesn't matter.

you are using the 'excuse' of a woman using her body to further herself. that's the point - or don't you even realize that? what happens once a female does - it's all up to her & the results.

kamala executed her job with the education she acquired & passed the bar on her own. her experience after getting the gigs she got has proven she was more than capable of filling the job requirements... hence the election wins.

melania? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kamala used sex to get promoted at work. If she's the Democratic Party's new "poster girl" for modern feminism then it just goes to show how fucked your values are!
She fucked a powerful married Black politician significantly older than her to get ahead.

donny is 74 & melania is 50.

lol ... you were saying?
Yeah, but nothing like Bill Clintoon taking advantage of a 20 year old intern, old enough to be his daughter, by making her give BJ's to him under the Oval Office desk. Cause that's how you respect the presidency and the sanctity of the Oval Office. And then his crooked wife Hillary went around calling the girl a slut and every name in the book, when she came out and admitted what had happened. 'Cause you Democrats are the epitomy of morality, ethics, justice, and women's rights! :lmao:

Yeah, but nothing like Bill Clintoon taking advantage of a 20 year old intern, old enough to be his daughter,

she was 21 & a legal consenting adult.

by making her give BJ's to him under the Oval Office desk.

it was consensual per monica's very own words.

Cause that's how you respect the presidency and the sanctity of the Oval Office.

absolutely not - it cheapened it immensely. slick willy got impeached over it too.
remember? now donny has joined the ranks of impeached presidents.

And then his crooked wife Hillary went around calling the girl a slut and every name in the book, when she came out and admitted what had happened.

as well she should have ... poor melania - either she has no dignity, or more than likely- doesn't care what donny does, cause she dropped his anchor baby AND got a pretty sweet pre nup no doubt.

'Cause you Democrats are the epitomy of morality, ethics, justice, and women's rights!

i'm not a (D) ... nor voted for bill - so there is that. & MY conscience is clear.

oh & i've said many MANY times that if giselle maxwell coughs up clinton's name in some kinda plea deal - then he should be nailed to the wall.... but will you extend that same nailing to donny ( who wished giselle well, with out EVER mentioning the victims of epstein & her )?
With all due respect, Playtime...I think Trump's comment that he wished Maxwell well was a tongue in cheek reference to how long Epstein lasted in prison. It's a safe bet at this point that just as many influential people who wanted to See Epstein silenced also want to see Ms. Maxwell shut up for good! I wish her well also...because I think she's going to die in prison before she can name names.

mmmmm..... i find it extremely odd that he never uttered one word for all the victims - wishing them well.
You know what I find extremely odd? That you want to paint Trump as someone who supported Epstein and Maxwell when he kicked them out of Mar A Lago years and years ago when he learned what Epstein was up to. Give Trump credit...when the Bill Clinton's and Prince Andrew's of the world were still hanging out with Epstein...Trump cut him off.
Was that along about the same time when Trump was raping thirteen year old girls?
Comma-la Harris is the most radical member of the U.S. Senate.

And a complete incompetent.
Knee Pads Kamala is a good example of how being good in bed can take you places in politics ;) :auiqs.jpg:

she was duly elected both for her AG gig & as senator.... what's melania's reason for being trophy wife #3 & married to the man whore of NYC who's now in politics?

She was banging her married boss...who was 30 years older than she was...and who appointed her to positions she wasn't qualified for BECAUSE she was sleeping with him! Duh?

she was DULY elected as AG ... & did such a great job - on her own ... that she was elected to the US senate.

lol ... you failed.

now - if you wanna talk about a female using her cooch to further her career - one only hasta look at the 3rd trophy wife/5th baby mama/ of the current potus. what's the expertise of the mail order bride who dropped an anchor baby & used chain migration to get her parents here?

not going to law school, not passing the bar, not becoming an effective prosecutor, not becoming attorney general for a state with a population of 40,000,000 thru election, nor becoming a congressional senator thru election.

but rather the flotus was a nude model, photographed in bed with another woman & sleazy pics using her sliced & diced botox injected silicone implanted body.

Do you really not grasp that Melania Trump is the WIFE of a politician...not the politician herself? Get a clue...

that doesn't matter.

you are using the 'excuse' of a woman using her body to further herself. that's the point - or don't you even realize that? what happens once a female does - it's all up to her & the results.

kamala executed her job with the education she acquired & passed the bar on her own. her experience after getting the gigs she got has proven she was more than capable of filling the job requirements... hence the election wins.

melania? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kamala used sex to get promoted at work. If she's the Democratic Party's new "poster girl" for modern feminism then it just goes to show how fucked your values are!
She fucked a powerful married Black politician significantly older than her to get ahead.

donny is 74 & melania is 50.

lol ... you were saying?
Yeah, but nothing like Bill Clintoon taking advantage of a 20 year old intern, old enough to be his daughter, by making her give BJ's to him under the Oval Office desk. Cause that's how you respect the presidency and the sanctity of the Oval Office. And then his crooked wife Hillary went around calling the girl a slut and every name in the book, when she came out and admitted what had happened. 'Cause you Democrats are the epitomy of morality, ethics, justice, and women's rights! :lmao:

Yeah, but nothing like Bill Clintoon taking advantage of a 20 year old intern, old enough to be his daughter,

she was 21 & a legal consenting adult.

by making her give BJ's to him under the Oval Office desk.

it was consensual per monica's very own words.

Cause that's how you respect the presidency and the sanctity of the Oval Office.

absolutely not - it cheapened it immensely. slick willy got impeached over it too.
remember? now donny has joined the ranks of impeached presidents.

And then his crooked wife Hillary went around calling the girl a slut and every name in the book, when she came out and admitted what had happened.

as well she should have ... poor melania - either she has no dignity, or more than likely- doesn't care what donny does, cause she dropped his anchor baby AND got a pretty sweet pre nup no doubt.

'Cause you Democrats are the epitomy of morality, ethics, justice, and women's rights!

i'm not a (D) ... nor voted for bill - so there is that. & MY conscience is clear.

oh & i've said many MANY times that if giselle maxwell coughs up clinton's name in some kinda plea deal - then he should be nailed to the wall.... but will you extend that same nailing to donny ( who wished giselle well, with out EVER mentioning the victims of epstein & her )?
With all due respect, Playtime...I think Trump's comment that he wished Maxwell well was a tongue in cheek reference to how long Epstein lasted in prison. It's a safe bet at this point that just as many influential people who wanted to See Epstein silenced also want to see Ms. Maxwell shut up for good! I wish her well also...because I think she's going to die in prison before she can name names.

mmmmm..... i find it extremely odd that he never uttered one word for all the victims - wishing them well.
You know what I find extremely odd? That you want to paint Trump as someone who supported Epstein and Maxwell when he kicked them out of Mar A Lago years and years ago when he learned what Epstein was up to. Give Trump credit...when the Bill Clinton's and Prince Andrew's of the world were still hanging out with Epstein...Trump cut him off.
Was that along about the same time when Trump was raping thirteen year old girls?

or when he was bragging about going into the changing rooms of his 15 & 16 yr old pageant contestants unannounced as they were in various stages of undress to 'inspect them'?
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Comma-la Harris is the most radical member of the U.S. Senate.

And a complete incompetent.
Knee Pads Kamala is a good example of how being good in bed can take you places in politics ;) :auiqs.jpg:

she was duly elected both for her AG gig & as senator.... what's melania's reason for being trophy wife #3 & married to the man whore of NYC who's now in politics?

She was banging her married boss...who was 30 years older than she was...and who appointed her to positions she wasn't qualified for BECAUSE she was sleeping with him! Duh?

she was DULY elected as AG ... & did such a great job - on her own ... that she was elected to the US senate.

lol ... you failed.

now - if you wanna talk about a female using her cooch to further her career - one only hasta look at the 3rd trophy wife/5th baby mama/ of the current potus. what's the expertise of the mail order bride who dropped an anchor baby & used chain migration to get her parents here?

not going to law school, not passing the bar, not becoming an effective prosecutor, not becoming attorney general for a state with a population of 40,000,000 thru election, nor becoming a congressional senator thru election.

but rather the flotus was a nude model, photographed in bed with another woman & sleazy pics using her sliced & diced botox injected silicone implanted body.

Do you really not grasp that Melania Trump is the WIFE of a politician...not the politician herself? Get a clue...

that doesn't matter.

you are using the 'excuse' of a woman using her body to further herself. that's the point - or don't you even realize that? what happens once a female does - it's all up to her & the results.

kamala executed her job with the education she acquired & passed the bar on her own. her experience after getting the gigs she got has proven she was more than capable of filling the job requirements... hence the election wins.

melania? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kamala used sex to get promoted at work. If she's the Democratic Party's new "poster girl" for modern feminism then it just goes to show how fucked your values are!

who said she was a poster girl for anything? thems yer words, jr. & whether she used 'sex' to get her foot in the door - matters not.

it's what she did once she got in. & it's pretty impressive.

melania is a glorified model... she really hasn't done much with her life except spend donny's cash & dropped a kid - cementing her cash flow for a very long time.
Dude, you're obsessed with Melania. Here's a hint, she's not running for office, nor is she trying to get my vote for anything. Thus, as you said, matters not. waddaboudism lives.

obsession? <pfffft>

just pointing out the hypocrisy about which women can use their sex to get ahead. & only women are whores? look at what you voted for.

And you're free to not vote for Melania for president if you really want.

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