Kamala Rally in Arizona... MASSIVE!!!

That woman is hideous. She is the ultimate political climber using whatever sexuality she has to manipulate men. I have to give her credit, she got to the top of the Democratic Party very quickly.
I always wonder what videos YouTube censors. I have learned my lesson.

Every YT video I post now, I include its title and date, to make it easier to find on alternate platforms later.
There had to be eleventeen people there!!!

Dude, it's not eleventeen, it's onety-one.

Ten is supposed to be onety, Twenty is supposed to be twoty, thirty threety, and almost close on "forty". They managed to screw it up anyway, fourty for fuck's sake. Fivety, and oh-look, it's sixty, they finally figured their shit out. But like a govt. entity, didn't know how to fix it.

I think there is more going on than I can find out. . . I believe what you are saying about her sexuality, and the salacious gossip we know about in the corporate press and gossip rags is meant to be a distraction from some other story far more sinister.

I would like to know, if she has British citizenship.

India is still a commonwealth nation, and the Bahamas did not become independent till 1973, is it in the commonwealth? I am suspicious that both her parents were probably royal subjects, thus, it is possible she herself is a British subject . . . though, I cannot say. :tinfoil:

Not sure what it means, or if there are other political or intel contacts we do not know about. . . . but "they," would, and will, always distract you with things to don't really matter in the corporate and gossip press. Anything that is really important, you will never find out about until it is too late.
". . . Sir Nigel is a fellow director of SGO Smartmatic with Lord George Mark Malloch-Brown that controls NV, WI, PA, GA, MI voting machines from Dominion, Smartmatic, ES&S, Sequoia, Premier, Diebold and OpTech voting machines responsible for the massive 2020 voting fraud. .. "







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