Will russia win the ukraine war thanks to china?

No, that's the stupidity of a smaller country picking a fight they can't win.

Then again, what kind of idiots elect the son of their last dictator, as the Filipinos did?
sure, whatever china wants, china gets

Until they get greedy and overreach
Well, when they go after something bigger than an Island so small, the Filipinos have to beach a ship to have somewhere to stand, I'll worry about it.
If its so insignificant why does china want it so badly?
Nah, more like thanks to the GOP in congress. They're the best friends the soviets have ever had.
You turned people who do not vote Progressive Socialist Communist into your enemies. Every day it is repeated over and over. And then you get surprised. Your true selves were revealed when the Republican voters got tired of wars in which they were led by shills. You became the war mongers out of default and took to it like a drug addict waiting for their next fix. All of those decades of antiwar gone in a moment's time. You even support the hated white race who you want exterminated in this one. White versus white. So, Trump is hated because he tried to be a man of peace. Take the RINOS and NEO CONS with you. You can still be a Republican without the craziness of agendas expanded to silly insanity and trying to deter war while ring home manufacturing again. That is what I support. And I will even get a tax cut out of it as Progs do not do that anymore.
Xi only cares about one thing: CHINA

He knows that Western Civilization and China are economically joined at the hip.

Meanwhile, he knows that Russia is China's eternal enemy. He wants, at least, to get outer Manchuria and Western Mongolia back.

He'll play Russia as much as he can, but when Russia collapses, he'll move in for the kill.
Xi only cares about one thing: CHINA

He knows that Western Civilization and China are economically joined at the hip.

Meanwhile, he knows that Russia is China's eternal enemy. He wants, at least, to get outer Manchuria and Western Mongolia back.

He'll play Russia as much as he can, but when Russia collapses, he'll move in for the kill.
Again, I don't see it

There's nothing keeping him from taking Outer Mongolia now. Russia certainly doesn't care about it. The country is a trainwreck with little infrastructure, and a population smaller than Los Angeles.

Their nominal GDP is only 18 Billion compared to 18 TRILLION for China. So it has 1/1000 of China's GDP and only 0.2% of China's population. There are in fact, more Mongolians living IN China than outside of it.
Again, sovereignty... it's a big issue for them.

Look up "Century of Humliation" if you are still unclear on the point.
China has a 100 year grudge against Vietnam and the Philippines?

Thats news

And their punishment is to steal territory away from those countries?
Lol... China only gives a damn about China. China is using the Russians just to look tough. China is waiting for Vlad demise so Xi, if still around after Vlad's regime, to make a move into parts of Siberia. China wants the oil there. It's easier than competing with 5 countries plus the US in the S. China Sea.
Lol... China only gives a damn about China. China is using the Russians just to look tough. China is waiting for Vlad demise so Xi, if still around after Vlad's regime, to make a move into parts of Siberia. China wants the oil there. It's easier than competing with 5 countries plus the US in the S. China Sea.

That's kind of stupid.

Why would China want to take over the oil fields when they can just buy from the Russians, or the Iranians, or whoever else happens to be selling.
Are you fucking stupid? Am I dealing with a retard? Do you lack basic reasoning skills? Did someone try to steal your helmet today?
Communist China is not stealing territory from the Brits or the other Euro former colonizers who pissed in China’s rice bowl in the 19th Century of Shame

No, the chicoms are bullying Vietnam, the Philippines or any other small neighbor that has something Peking wants

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