Kamalanomics: Vice President Harris Outlines Her Vision Of Inclusive Entrepreneurship

Ivanka never got a Forbes cover, even though she's significantly more wealthy...something to discuss!

First, capital. I recently met Lorena Cantarovici, the owner of an artisan empanada business in Colorado. She started her business, as so many do, in her own kitchen. When she sought out a loan to expand, the banks she approached told her she was, in their words, “not bankable.” Through hard work, she proved them wrong. Her business has since expanded to multiple locations, and she has employed many people.

This is a familiar story. Traditional banks and venture capital firms have not always seen the vision of women entrepreneurs and those of color. Community lenders, on the other hand, were founded to see that vision. Community lenders understand the value in providing access to capital in communities of color and low-income communities—and because they do, they add value to those communities and our country.
What went wrong in this story? The woman had to prove them right - she had to get her business up to a higher standard, because there are dozen upon dozens of tex-mex shops run by Hispanics.
Kamala had one job: Be the woman of color Biden needed at his side to win the presidency. That job was completed in November, and now, it's clear that she doesn't know what to do with herself.

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