Kanavaugh makes history, all of his law clerks are women, left wing hysterics continue...

I hope they are all prepared.....black belts in karate....exit plans.....CC if they are allowed to.
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

That wasn't just a political decision. It may be a strategic one. Women lawyers are....scary. They know they're up against it and are twice as vicious as their male counterparts. Unrelenting too. Women are the olympic champions of carrying a grudge and would be way less likely to settle a case and instead take it in for the full fight...and harass the losers in collection hearings for many months and years after the fact *shudder*. Whereas men are more likely to bury the hatchet, move on and go have drinks with the judges at the (typically) all-male lawyer's lounge.
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

On Sunday, Kavanaugh began the process of getting familiar with the arguments the court will be hearing this month, and, as the New York Times reports, he did so by meeting with his historic collections of clerks.

"Justice Kavanaugh met with his four law clerks, all women — a first for the Supreme Court — in chambers that had until recently been occupied by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has moved to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s old chambers," the Times reports.

The Times notes that Kavanaugh stated in his testimony in September that he would continue to take steps to address the underrepresentation of women among law clerks, as he has done for over a decade.

"A majority of my 48 law clerks over the last 12 years have been women," Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee in his testimony. "In my time on the bench, no federal judge — not a single one in the country — has sent more women law clerks to clerk on the Supreme Court than I have."
all well and good; but, does he practice Tolerance on Thursdays?
Is it just me or do you find it strange someone who was accused of rape surrounds himself with nothing but women? Falsely accused but still.

It would be like a man falsely accused of child molestation immediately getting a job as a middle school girls PE teacher.

If you need 4 people or whatnot, hire 2 men and 2 women. Otherwise it looks like you're going out of your way to hire women, which, given the past two weeks, looks creepy to me.
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Is it just me or do you find it strange someone who was accused of rape surrounds himself with nothing but women? Falsely accused but still.
It would be like a man falsely accused of child molestation immediately getting a job as a middle school girls PE teacher.
If you need 4 people or whatnot, hire 2 men and 2 women. Otherwise it looks like you're going out of your way to hire women, which, given the past two weeks, looks creepy to me.

Guess those silver bullets go without saying since claiming self defense for immaculate drug conceptions in order to license lynching enforcement self incriminations for baptizing eyes by urinations in that more perfect union Islam Christiananality pedophilia business tradition where a supreme swastika up Uranus court needs to follow federal sedition tradition in confirming yet another sexual assault justice. Seems one cannot worship what doesn't exist in taking any roads to D.C. anymore.
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

On Sunday, Kavanaugh began the process of getting familiar with the arguments the court will be hearing this month, and, as the New York Times reports, he did so by meeting with his historic collections of clerks.

"Justice Kavanaugh met with his four law clerks, all women — a first for the Supreme Court — in chambers that had until recently been occupied by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has moved to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s old chambers," the Times reports.

The Times notes that Kavanaugh stated in his testimony in September that he would continue to take steps to address the underrepresentation of women among law clerks, as he has done for over a decade.

"A majority of my 48 law clerks over the last 12 years have been women," Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee in his testimony. "In my time on the bench, no federal judge — not a single one in the country — has sent more women law clerks to clerk on the Supreme Court than I have."
I like the idea of women doing the research work they are outstanding research people, ever have a woman clean out your wallet. Better watch out they are really good at it. You don't have to manage them, most are self starters and if they hit a trail they will howl when they have treed the varmint
Speaking of SCJs...anyone see Ruthie at the swearing in? She looks like something they dug up in Peru.
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

On Sunday, Kavanaugh began the process of getting familiar with the arguments the court will be hearing this month, and, as the New York Times reports, he did so by meeting with his historic collections of clerks.

"Justice Kavanaugh met with his four law clerks, all women — a first for the Supreme Court — in chambers that had until recently been occupied by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has moved to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s old chambers," the Times reports.

The Times notes that Kavanaugh stated in his testimony in September that he would continue to take steps to address the underrepresentation of women among law clerks, as he has done for over a decade.

"A majority of my 48 law clerks over the last 12 years have been women," Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee in his testimony. "In my time on the bench, no federal judge — not a single one in the country — has sent more women law clerks to clerk on the Supreme Court than I have."
That announcement is like a catholic priest proud of heading an all male after school program....we ain't buying it. The man's a liar, a drunk and a coward...perfect fit for white trash americans

Could it be a first with a eunuch having his own harem …...

Remember, I called it first.

One of those women is a plant.
Is it just me or do you find it strange someone who was accused of rape surrounds himself with nothing but women? Falsely accused but still.
It would be like a man falsely accused of child molestation immediately getting a job as a middle school girls PE teacher.
If you need 4 people or whatnot, hire 2 men and 2 women. Otherwise it looks like you're going out of your way to hire women, which, given the past two weeks, looks creepy to me.

Guess those silver bullets go without saying since claiming self defense for immaculate drug conceptions in order to license lynching enforcement self incriminations for baptizing eyes by urinations in that more perfect union Islam Christiananality pedophilia business tradition where a supreme swastika up Uranus court needs to follow federal sedition tradition in confirming yet another sexual assault justice. Seems one cannot worship what doesn't exist in taking any roads to D.C. anymore.

Is it just me or do you find it strange someone who was accused of rape surrounds himself with nothing but women? Falsely accused but still.

It would be like a man falsely accused of child molestation immediately getting a job as a middle school girls PE teacher.

If you need 4 people or whatnot, hire 2 men and 2 women. Otherwise it looks like you're going out of your way to hire women, which, given the past two weeks, looks creepy to me.
He has always given women a chance.
But but but.....unless they are all fugly Leftards it just doesn’t count.
And if they aren’t, he’s hired them so he can rape at will :eek:

Have I missed anything, Leftards?
But but but.....unless they are all fugly Leftards it just doesn’t count.
And if they aren’t, he’s hired them so he can rape at will :eek:

Have I missed anything, Leftards?
I bet he's out raping right now.
Is it just me or do you find it strange someone who was accused of rape surrounds himself with nothing but women? Falsely accused but still.
It would be like a man falsely accused of child molestation immediately getting a job as a middle school girls PE teacher.
If you need 4 people or whatnot, hire 2 men and 2 women. Otherwise it looks like you're going out of your way to hire women, which, given the past two weeks, looks creepy to me.

Guess those silver bullets go without saying since claiming self defense for immaculate drug conceptions in order to license lynching enforcement self incriminations for baptizing eyes by urinations in that more perfect union Islam Christiananality pedophilia business tradition where a supreme swastika up Uranus court needs to follow federal sedition tradition in confirming yet another sexual assault justice. Seems one cannot worship what doesn't exist in taking any roads to D.C. anymore.

Well if one considers just how many witnesses there were at lunch in a restaurant to Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops baptizing eyes by urinations that Rehnquist rubber stamped with an immaculate drug conception for their second coming thru 9/11 as they were only good to be on......
Is it just me or do you find it strange someone who was accused of rape surrounds himself with nothing but women? Falsely accused but still.

It would be like a man falsely accused of child molestation immediately getting a job as a middle school girls PE teacher.

If you need 4 people or whatnot, hire 2 men and 2 women. Otherwise it looks like you're going out of your way to hire women, which, given the past two weeks, looks creepy to me.

You are truly one sick puppy.

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