Kangaroo Court


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Hysterical House Dems are tightly controlling their impeachment inquiry (pronounced "witch-hunt") by conducting them in secret and severely limiting access to the transcripts ... even to House Repubs. Only our MSM and other IDIOTS won't admit that the process isn't about fact-finding but rather is about leaking only the testimony that suits their narrative because the truth - as we've seen consistently over the last 3 years - just doesn't accomplish their agenda.

JFTR, I consider the use of "unfair" to describe what the Dems are doing to be lame but it is most certainly UN-AMERICAN.

The Closed-Door Impeachment
Except for an initial open hearing, Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee have so far conducted their impeachment investigation entirely behind closed doors. They have yet to release transcripts of their depositions, either to the public or, to the chagrin of Republicans, other lawmakers. The only testimony that’s filtered out has come secondhand from those on the committee or in selective leaks to the press.
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Hysterical House Dems are tightly controlling their impeachment inquiry by conducting them in secret and severely limiting access to the transcripts ... even to House Repubs. Only our MSM and other IDIOTS won't admit that the process isn't about fact-finding but rather is about leaking only the testimony that suits their narrative because the truth - as we've seen consistently over the last 3 years - just doesn't accomplish their agenda.

JFTR, I consider the use of "unfair" to describe what the Dems are doing to be lame but it is most certainly UN-AMERICAN.

The Closed-Door Impeachment
Except for an initial open hearing, Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee have so far conducted their impeachment investigation entirely behind closed doors. They have yet to release transcripts of their depositions, either to the public or, to the chagrin of Republicans, other lawmakers. The only testimony that’s filtered out has come secondhand from those on the committee or in selective leaks to the press.
After the GOP's conduct over the last 20 years, you have some gall to complain about fairness
Dem's are denying witnesses counsel and threatening them with retaliation if they refuse to lie and support the impeachment narrative. That's why its being done in secret.
I'm not surprised. That how they put the ACA together and hung it around the neck of the American tax payer.

It was all done in secret with not one Rep in attendance.

It was the most transparent administration in history. Oh and if you believe that I've got some prime swamp land to sell you in New Mexico.
I'm not surprised. That how they put the ACA together and hung it around the neck of the American tax payer.

It was all done in secret with not one Rep in attendance.

It was the most transparent administration in history. Oh and if you believe that I've got some prime swamp land to sell you in New Mexico.
Yes all the GOP amendments in it are just figments of the imagination
Hysterical House Dems are tightly controlling their impeachment inquiry by conducting them in secret and severely limiting access to the transcripts ... even to House Repubs. Only our MSM and other IDIOTS won't admit that the process isn't about fact-finding but rather is about leaking only the testimony that suits their narrative because the truth - as we've seen consistently over the last 3 years - just doesn't accomplish their agenda.

JFTR, I consider the use of "unfair" to describe what the Dems are doing to be lame but it is most certainly UN-AMERICAN.

The Closed-Door Impeachment
Except for an initial open hearing, Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee have so far conducted their impeachment investigation entirely behind closed doors. They have yet to release transcripts of their depositions, either to the public or, to the chagrin of Republicans, other lawmakers. The only testimony that’s filtered out has come secondhand from those on the committee or in selective leaks to the press.
After the GOP's conduct over the last 20 years, you have some gall to complain about fairness
You need to have an adult help you understand my words. I specifically said I consider "unfair" to be a lame characterization of what the Hysterical House Dems are doing. Dems carried on about the second-hand leaks by the so-called "whistleblower" who turned out to be a Dem Party operative, and they were once again exposed as frauds when Trump released the transcript.

Bet they didn't see that coming. :lol:
You need to have an adult help you understand my words. I specifically said I consider "unfair" to be a lame characterization of what the Hysterical House Dems are doing. Dems carried on about the second-hand leaks by the so-called "whistleblower" who turned out to be a Dem Party operative, and they were once again exposed as frauds when Trump released the transcript.
Talking points, talking points, talking points. And you do it for free like a street whore. :dunno:
It's funny how quickly the parrots repeat a talking point given to them, how widely it spreads. F

Today's phrase for the parrots: "Kangaroo court!"

Frankly, I'm surprised it took so long for one of the rubes to start a topic with that as the title.

Mike Pompeo accuses Adam Schiff of running 'kangaroo court,' putting America's safety at risk

Trump defends blocking witness before 'kangaroo court'

This isn't 'Captain Kangaroo' ... it's a political circus - CNN Video

The Closed-Door Impeachment
Except for an initial open hearing, Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee have so far conducted their impeachment investigation entirely behind closed doors. They have yet to release transcripts of their depositions, either to the public or, to the chagrin of Republicans, other lawmakers. The only testimony that’s filtered out has come secondhand from those on the committee or in selective leaks to the press.
The last impeachment process started with closed door hearings. As did the Benghazi and Clinton email hearings.

Let's see if you have the brainpower to figure out why that is.

I'm betting you don't.
Jesus, how many topics have we had from these parroting rubes the last couple weeks whining about closed door hearings? What a bunch of brainless echo bots!

Over three days, February 1–3, House managers took videotaped closed-door depositions from Monica Lewinsky, Clinton's friend Vernon Jordan, and White House aide Sidney Blumenthal.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

It's Okay When Republicans Do It!™
Another one?

It's Déjà vu all over again. Trumpyberra style:

Benghazi probe: Democrats cry foul | IOL News

Washington - Democrats on Tuesday accused a Republican lawmaker of hiding witnesses from members of a special panel investigating the deadly 2012 attacks on US diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya.

The panel chairman, Representative Trey Gowdy, countered that Democrats were looking for excuses to leave the committee, which many Democrats say is aimed at undermining the possible presidential bid of Hillary Clinton, who was US Secretary of State at the time of the attacks.

Gowdy also announced that he would subpoena documents from the Obama administration about the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. Republicans accused Clinton of failing to put in place security measures to protect US personnel in Libya.

Obama administration officials said during a hearing that they had already handed over 40 000 pages of documents to the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

Representative Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the panel, said he could no longer be silent about the committee's “partisan path”.

“We have a situation where witnesses have been hidden from us,” Cummings told reporters after a hearing Tuesday. Cummings said Democrats had learned that Gowdy and his staff interviewed five people without telling Democrats, then “buried” extracted information that did not fit Republican allegations.

Gowdy responded that he had the right to interview witnesses separately, arguing in a letter to Cummings that people who work for the Obama administration might not be so frank if Democrats were present.
Hysterical House Dems are tightly controlling their impeachment inquiry by conducting them in secret and severely limiting access to the transcripts ... even to House Repubs. Only our MSM and other IDIOTS won't admit that the process isn't about fact-finding but rather is about leaking only the testimony that suits their narrative because the truth - as we've seen consistently over the last 3 years - just doesn't accomplish their agenda.

JFTR, I consider the use of "unfair" to describe what the Dems are doing to be lame but it is most certainly UN-AMERICAN.

The Closed-Door Impeachment
Except for an initial open hearing, Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee have so far conducted their impeachment investigation entirely behind closed doors. They have yet to release transcripts of their depositions, either to the public or, to the chagrin of Republicans, other lawmakers. The only testimony that’s filtered out has come secondhand from those on the committee or in selective leaks to the press.

This isn't a Kangaroo Court. This is an investigation of impeachable offences. Trump hasn't been formally charged with anything - yet. But he will be.

Once he is charged, the Committee will release the relevent evidence and the House will vote on it. When the Articles of Impeachment are passed by the House, there will be a trial in the Senate.

So just cut out the Bullshit!!
What the Right Wing Trumpian pundits won't tell you, and what you're incapable of realizing yourselves is there must be an investigation before articles of impeachment are drafted.

Look at precedent. Before the House drafted articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon there was a big glossy report of an investigation conducted by a Special Prosecutor. Likewise, Ken Starr provided a report of his investigation of Bill Clinton.

In this case, there has been no investigation or report. A whistleblower filed a complaint with the William Barr led Department of Justice, but he declined to conduct an investigation. "Nothing to see here! Move along now!"

But we are finding out just what machinations Trump and his henchmen have been doing to get dirt on Biden and the Democrats.

Investigations, as conducted concerning Benghazi, collusion with the Russians, Whitewater and Watergate were conducted in secret prior to the release of the Prosecutor's reports.

In the words of Mick Mulvaney, get over it.
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Hysterical House Dems are tightly controlling their impeachment inquiry by conducting them in secret and severely limiting access to the transcripts ... even to House Repubs. Only our MSM and other IDIOTS won't admit that the process isn't about fact-finding but rather is about leaking only the testimony that suits their narrative because the truth - as we've seen consistently over the last 3 years - just doesn't accomplish their agenda.

JFTR, I consider the use of "unfair" to describe what the Dems are doing to be lame but it is most certainly UN-AMERICAN.

The Closed-Door Impeachment
Except for an initial open hearing, Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee have so far conducted their impeachment investigation entirely behind closed doors. They have yet to release transcripts of their depositions, either to the public or, to the chagrin of Republicans, other lawmakers. The only testimony that’s filtered out has come secondhand from those on the committee or in selective leaks to the press.

This isn't a Kangaroo Court. This is an investigation of impeachable offences. Trump hasn't been formally charged with anything - yet. But he will be.

Once he is charged, the Committee will release the relevent evidence and the House will vote on it. When the Articles of Impeachment are passed by the House, there will be a trial in the Senate.

So just cut out the Bullshit!!

When the hearings are concluded, the transcripts of those hearings will be made public.

And Republicans are on the committees holding those hearings. They are not being excluded. In fact, they are being allowed unlimited time to question the witnesses.
It's funny how quickly the parrots repeat a talking point given to them, how widely it spreads. F

Today's phrase for the parrots: "Kangaroo court!"

Frankly, I'm surprised it took so long for one of the rubes to start a topic with that as the title.

Mike Pompeo accuses Adam Schiff of running 'kangaroo court,' putting America's safety at risk

Trump defends blocking witness before 'kangaroo court'

This isn't 'Captain Kangaroo' ... it's a political circus - CNN Video

LOL. Enjoy 3 comical minutes of talking points:

Their chief objection to these hearings is that Trump cannot launch a PR campaign against the impeachment until he knows what the articles of impeachment will be. Trump wants to control the narrative, just like he did with the Mueller Investigation and the release of Mueller's Report. After blocking the public release of the Mueller Report, and having Bill Barr write a false summary of its findings, Trump and Barr went on a six week campaign of misdirection, lies and deflections. By the time the actual Mueller Report was released, Trump's base and casual observers had bought into the "No collusion, no obstruction" lies.

This time, Trump can't control the narrative, and he's watching the polls drop like a stone, and he's losing his mind. Hence all of this bullshit like "lynching" and "kangaroo court" the troll farm are magnifying on his behalf.
Their chief objection to these hearings is that Trump cannot launch a PR campaign against the impeachment until he knows what the articles of impeachment will be. Trump wants to control the narrative, just like he did with the Mueller Investigation and the release of Mueller's Report. After blocking the public release of the Mueller Report, and having Bill Barr write a false summary of its findings, Trump and Barr went on a six week campaign of misdirection, lies and deflections. By the time the actual Mueller Report was released, Trump's base and casual observers had bought into the "No collusion, no obstruction" lies.

This time, Trump can't control the narrative, and he's watching the polls drop like a stone, and he's losing his mind. Hence all of this bullshit like "lynching" and "kangaroo court" the troll farm are magnifying on his behalf.

that my friend is called KARMA

F Trump and his little pony -

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