Kansas City Orders Churches To Turn Over Membership Roles


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
pastors in KC need to tell city officials to fuck off

we are not talking about public safety anymore

too many lines are being crossed and it is time to take our country back

anyone that attempts to enforce this order should receive a minimum of 15 years in prison

just following orders did not work on Nuremberg...

For surveillance purposes. That's pretty clear.

You now know what Ben Franklin had in mind when he said "Those who would give up an essential liberty for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." He should have said "will get neither liberty nor safety."
pastors in KC need to tell city officials to fuck off

we are not talking about public safety anymore

too many lines are being crossed and it is time to take our country back

anyone that attempts to enforce this order should receive a minimum of 15 years in prison

just following orders did not work on Nuremberg...

The entire County of Jackson, in the state of Missouri has just 9 COVID 19 deaths. This has nothing to do with "public safety", it has to do with giving a thrill up the leg of the Kansas City gauleiter. Makes him feel like Kim Jong Fucking Un.

The Dumbass in charge of that area should rightfully be Tarred and/or Feathered, as is the tradition here in America for these little Eichmanns.
pastors in KC need to tell city officials to fuck off

we are not talking about public safety anymore

too many lines are being crossed and it is time to take our country back

anyone that attempts to enforce this order should receive a minimum of 15 years in prison

just following orders did not work on Nuremberg...

Orwell tried to warn us about the Democrats
pastors in KC need to tell city officials to fuck off

we are not talking about public safety anymore

too many lines are being crossed and it is time to take our country back

anyone that attempts to enforce this order should receive a minimum of 15 years in prison

just following orders did not work on Nuremberg...

WOW. Such anger, and to attack the integrity of Pols who seem to be using common sense to protect the flocks of pastors who claim God will protect their flock.

Ever hear this one:

A man is stranded on a deserted Island, no fresh water, no food to eat and no way to light a fire. He prayed to God.

The next day a ship appeared, and sent a small boat to the shore to save him. He rejected the offer saying, God will save me.

A few days later a helicopter landed on the beach and offered to save him. He once again rejected the offer, telling the pilot God would save him.

Four weeks later he died. When he arrived at the pearly gate he was met by God, and he said, "God, why didn't you save me".

God replied, " First I sent you a ship, then I sent you a helicopter and you rejected me and my offer. So sorry, you don't belong in my heaven. And with that the pearly gate slammed shut.
WOW. Such anger, and to attack the integrity of Pols who seem to be using common sense to protect the flocks of pastors who claim God will protect their flock.
How is compiling a list of church members "protecting" anyone? Who gave Kansas City officials the power
and authority to compile lists of church goers?

When I saw your name on the post I knew it would be stupid and ridiculous. But I didn't think it would
be this stupid and ridiculous.
pastors in KC need to tell city officials to fuck off

we are not talking about public safety anymore

too many lines are being crossed and it is time to take our country back

anyone that attempts to enforce this order should receive a minimum of 15 years in prison

just following orders did not work on Nuremberg...

WOW. Such anger, and to attack the integrity of Pols who seem to be using common sense to protect the flocks of pastors who claim God will protect their flock.

Ever hear this one:

A man is stranded on a deserted Island, no fresh water, no food to eat and no way to light a fire. He prayed to God.

The next day a ship appeared, and sent a small boat to the shore to save him. He rejected the offer saying, God will save me.

A few days later a helicopter landed on the beach and offered to save him. He once again rejected the offer, telling the pilot God would save him.

Four weeks later he died. When he arrived at the pearly gate he was met by God, and he said, "God, why didn't you save me".

God replied, " First I sent you a ship, then I sent you a helicopter and you rejected me and my offer. So sorry, you don't belong in my heaven. And with that the pearly gate slammed shut.
WOW. Such anger, and to attack the integrity of Pols who seem to be using common sense to protect the flocks

How does the list of members help the pols protect the flocks?

Be specific.
pastors in KC need to tell city officials to fuck off

we are not talking about public safety anymore

too many lines are being crossed and it is time to take our country back

anyone that attempts to enforce this order should receive a minimum of 15 years in prison

just following orders did not work on Nuremberg...

WOW. Such anger, and to attack the integrity of Pols who seem to be using common sense to protect the flocks of pastors who claim God will protect their flock.

Ever hear this one:

A man is stranded on a deserted Island, no fresh water, no food to eat and no way to light a fire. He prayed to God.

The next day a ship appeared, and sent a small boat to the shore to save him. He rejected the offer saying, God will save me.

A few days later a helicopter landed on the beach and offered to save him. He once again rejected the offer, telling the pilot God would save him.

Four weeks later he died. When he arrived at the pearly gate he was met by God, and he said, "God, why didn't you save me".

God replied, " First I sent you a ship, then I sent you a helicopter and you rejected me and my offer. So sorry, you don't belong in my heaven. And with that the pearly gate slammed shut.
WOW. Such anger, and to attack the integrity of Pols who seem to be using common sense to protect the flocks

How does the list of members help the pols protect the flocks?

Be specific.

Can't be specific, too early. But here are the models:

From the LINK:

Models have taken center stage in many key policy discussions surrounding COVID-19, largely due to the unprecedented nature of the situation, the many uncertainties about the disease and the way ahead, and the need to make informed policy decisions now on how best to manage that path forward. The White House has used models to initially estimate somewhere between 100,000 and 240,000 Americans may die from coronavirus (more recently the estimates have been revised downward). States and cities are using models to shape their health system responses as the virus spreads in their communities. Researchers are using models to estimate important epidemiological characteristics of the disease such as the incubation period, transmissibility, asymptomaticity, and severity, as well as the likely impacts of different public health interventions such as social distancing, airport screening, travel restrictions, and contact tracing.

While clearly models can be important tools for understanding the disease and policy responses, their approaches and assumptions vary widely, and can give widely divergent results. To their credit, many modelers are transparent about the variables and assumptions used.

In this post, we look at the primary uses for disease models, basic model approaches, and a number of key existing models in the context of COVID-19. We build on many excellent news articles and modeling overviews that have already been published
pastors in KC need to tell city officials to fuck off

we are not talking about public safety anymore

too many lines are being crossed and it is time to take our country back

anyone that attempts to enforce this order should receive a minimum of 15 years in prison

just following orders did not work on Nuremberg...

WOW. Such anger, and to attack the integrity of Pols who seem to be using common sense to protect the flocks of pastors who claim God will protect their flock.

Ever hear this one:

A man is stranded on a deserted Island, no fresh water, no food to eat and no way to light a fire. He prayed to God.

The next day a ship appeared, and sent a small boat to the shore to save him. He rejected the offer saying, God will save me.

A few days later a helicopter landed on the beach and offered to save him. He once again rejected the offer, telling the pilot God would save him.

Four weeks later he died. When he arrived at the pearly gate he was met by God, and he said, "God, why didn't you save me".

God replied, " First I sent you a ship, then I sent you a helicopter and you rejected me and my offer. So sorry, you don't belong in my heaven. And with that the pearly gate slammed shut.

What does your example have to do with pastor being required to turn over their membership roles?

What possible reason does the government have for needing to use surveillance and tracking on innocent Americans that are not doing anything wrong?

We keep moving the lines on privacy. We keep giving more and more away and for no real reason.

Are there any real liberals left in America or are they all now spineless regressive lefties such as yourself.
pastors in KC need to tell city officials to fuck off

we are not talking about public safety anymore

too many lines are being crossed and it is time to take our country back

anyone that attempts to enforce this order should receive a minimum of 15 years in prison

just following orders did not work on Nuremberg...

WOW. Such anger, and to attack the integrity of Pols who seem to be using common sense to protect the flocks of pastors who claim God will protect their flock.

Ever hear this one:

A man is stranded on a deserted Island, no fresh water, no food to eat and no way to light a fire. He prayed to God.

The next day a ship appeared, and sent a small boat to the shore to save him. He rejected the offer saying, God will save me.

A few days later a helicopter landed on the beach and offered to save him. He once again rejected the offer, telling the pilot God would save him.

Four weeks later he died. When he arrived at the pearly gate he was met by God, and he said, "God, why didn't you save me".

God replied, " First I sent you a ship, then I sent you a helicopter and you rejected me and my offer. So sorry, you don't belong in my heaven. And with that the pearly gate slammed shut.

What does your example have to do with pastor being required to turn over their membership roles?

What possible reason does the government have for needing to use surveillance and tracking on innocent Americans that are not doing anything wrong?

We keep moving the lines on privacy. We keep giving more and more away and for no real reason.

Are there any real liberals left in America or are they all now spineless regressive lefties such as yourself.

Read the link. Innocent American's self isolate themselves, when a pastor or a president tells them differently, they are as complicit as trump and pence in not doing the right thing.
pastors in KC need to tell city officials to fuck off

we are not talking about public safety anymore

too many lines are being crossed and it is time to take our country back

anyone that attempts to enforce this order should receive a minimum of 15 years in prison

just following orders did not work on Nuremberg...

WOW. Such anger, and to attack the integrity of Pols who seem to be using common sense to protect the flocks of pastors who claim God will protect their flock.

Ever hear this one:

A man is stranded on a deserted Island, no fresh water, no food to eat and no way to light a fire. He prayed to God.

The next day a ship appeared, and sent a small boat to the shore to save him. He rejected the offer saying, God will save me.

A few days later a helicopter landed on the beach and offered to save him. He once again rejected the offer, telling the pilot God would save him.

Four weeks later he died. When he arrived at the pearly gate he was met by God, and he said, "God, why didn't you save me".

God replied, " First I sent you a ship, then I sent you a helicopter and you rejected me and my offer. So sorry, you don't belong in my heaven. And with that the pearly gate slammed shut.

What does your example have to do with pastor being required to turn over their membership roles?

What possible reason does the government have for needing to use surveillance and tracking on innocent Americans that are not doing anything wrong?

We keep moving the lines on privacy. We keep giving more and more away and for no real reason.

Are there any real liberals left in America or are they all now spineless regressive lefties such as yourself.

I don't like it because it helps enable a Hostile government to persecute churches they don't agree with. BTW, aren't we supposed to be on the back end of this Lock Down protocol anyhow?

What would libs have said during the salad days of the aids epidemic, if Conservatives asked the Gay Community for a complete list of their members, so they could be tracked? Would homosexuals have said "sure" and just given it to them, no questions asked?

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