Kansas could put teachers in prison for assigning books prosecutors don’t like

This thread is proof that liberals have a serious morality deficit. They see nothing wrong with teachers showing children porn under the guise of "education". What's next, teachers exposing themselves? They would probably approve of that too.
Some in the GOP thinks every teacher is bad. Case closed. They are even agsint the very best of teachers making more than 25,000 a year. After all, education isn't that important.
Are you guys under the impression that teachers are routinely showing their students porn?
Are you guys under the impression that teachers are routinely showing their students porn?
Republicans believe that. It's one of the reasons they believe education is "bad".

Texas GOP s 2012 Platform Opposes Teaching Of Critical Thinking Skills

texas gop platform critical thinking - Google Search

Of course, the other is that children won't listen to their parents if they learn to think for themselves. It's right there in their platform. Written down for the world to see and mock.
I think a bill keeping porn out of schools is a no brainer.

It should be and for years it was a matter of common sense. Welcome to the new world where anything goes, but some still try to make laws to replace what common sense used to take care of.
I think a bill keeping porn out of schools is a no brainer.

It should be and for years it was a matter of common sense. Welcome to the new world where anything goes, but some still try to make laws to replace what common sense used to take care of.


It's still a matter of common sense - that's my point - and it's not the liberals who are trying to make laws to replace common sense here, it's the hysterical social cons who think that teachers need a law to prevent them from showing their students porn.
What is it with the right-wing hatred of teachers and education?

Kansas could put teachers in prison for assigning books prosecutors don t like - Salon.com

Kansas - it's like Nazi Germany. Seriously.

Gee, golly, now when it comes to a Christian photographer who politely declines to service a wedding, you guys are all about obeying the law. "We're just trying to get her to follow the law," you say.

Now, teachers are legally bound to assign only approved books. They are free to recommend other books, but by law they are not supposed to assign books that are not on the approved curriculum reading list. And, yeah, if a teacher deliberately violates that law, uh-huh, they could end up in jail. It's very unlikely that a local prosecutor would try to get jail time for such a teacher, but if the law allowed for jail time for such violations, the prosecutor could seek jail time for the teacher.

How come you guys are all "obey the law" types when it comes to Christian vendors who simply don't want to be forced to attend a ceremony that they find morally offensive, but you're outraged over the idea of jail time for a teacher who knowingly violates the law on what books they can require students to read? What gives?

And to say that Kansas is like Nazi Germany for wanting teachers to obey the law about what books they can require students to read is not only absurd but bizarre.
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Now, teachers are legally bound to assign only approved books. They are free to recommend other books, but by law they are not supposed to assign books that are not on the approved curriculum reading list. And, yeah, if a teacher deliberately violates that law, uh-huh, they could end up in jail. It's very unlikely that a local prosecutor would try to get jail time for such a teacher, but if the law allowed for jail time for such violations, the prosecutor could seek jail time for the teacher.

Jail time for going off the approved curriculum? That's nuts. There is no pornography being given to students by teachers. The bill in question doesn't solve any problem. It creates problems. Because the 'not supposed to go off the approved curriculum reading list' narrative you just gave us, is exactly what this bill is for.

Its a bludgeon to threaten teachers to do as they are told. With jail time if they aren't obedient to a school board. School boards that are, unsurprisingly, trying to force teachers to teach creationism. .

How come you guys are all "obey the law" types when it comes to Christian vendors who simply don't want to be forced to attend a ceremony that they find morally offensive, but you're outraged over the idea of jail time for a teacher who knowingly violates the law on what books they can require students to read? What gives?

Several problems with your narrative. First, this isn't the law. Its a bill. An instant head shot to your manufactured 'but its the law' outrage.

Second, there is no actual problem that this proposed law solves. There is no pornography issue. So its a solution in search of a problem.

Third, the actual purpose was obvious even to you. Its a threat to teachers not to teach anything but the approved curriculum. Or else face JAIL time. The threat is repugnant thuggery. And tells us so much about the conservatives of Kansas.

Fourth, a Christian based sovereign citizen argument that your ilk are forwarding where Christians only have to follow laws they agree with is a non-starter. Its not our system of law nor ever has been. Christians are treated like everyone else. They don't get special treatment or special exemptions.
A person in the article described this legislation as a "solution looking for a problem." I couldn't agree more.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure


Let me guess, you consider yourself a "small govenrment" Conservative, right?

I consider myself a parent and one who cares about my children. The "small government" Conservative has nothing to do with it. Again, why would anyone think a ban on porn in schools is a bad idea...unless of course they have an ulterior motive towards children?
I see nothing wrong with it. BEFORE Teachers and Admins were exempt from these laws...they were a special class..this takes that away...nothing wrong with it. Don't bring porn and other filth to school you won't have a problem. Its just a state taking back its schools from cultural marxism and marxists. Good for them.
I think a bill keeping porn out of schools is a no brainer.

It should be and for years it was a matter of common sense. Welcome to the new world where anything goes, but some still try to make laws to replace what common sense used to take care of.


It's still a matter of common sense - that's my point - and it's not the liberals who are trying to make laws to replace common sense here, it's the hysterical social cons who think that teachers need a law to prevent them from showing their students porn.

Makes one wonder why it is only in Kansas that they hire these "liberal teachers" who "show children porn". Don't they have any conservative teachers in Kansas? Is there some Vast Left Wing Conspiracy that every teacher in a red state must be a "liberal"?


Or is it just a matter of the extreme right wing loonies who were all home schooled have managed to hijack the state legislature and they are now trying to pass laws that out do Sharia law?
LOL being able to prosecute people for bringing porn to school children is outdoing Sharia Law to the left wingers...hilarious stuff..
I think we should just give Republicans a tax credit for teaching their children at home. It would free up school space for kids who really want to learn and give us a generation of homeless who will work for food. The cheapest labor possible.
I think we should just give Republicans a tax credit for teaching their children at home. It would free up school space for kids who really want to learn and give us a generation of homeless who will work for food. The cheapest labor possible.

Home schooled kids have a history of excellent test scores. Now how about the inner city youths under progtard's education? How do they compare?

Study Reveals Homeschool Students Score 37 Points Higher on Standardized Achievement Tests
A newly released study from the Home School Legal Defense Association shows that not only do homeschoolers incur expenses only 5 percent of what public schools spend on each student; they score nearly 40 points higher on standardized achievement tests.

“These results validate the dedication of thousands of homeschool parents who are giving their children the best education possible,” said Michael Smith, president of the advocacy organization.

The HSLDA said homeschooling in the United States already includes about 4 percent of the school-aged population and is growing at about 7 percent a year, now involving some two million children.

Homeschool Programs for Home Education Program Study Reveals Homeschool Students Score 37 Points Higher on Standardized Achievement Tests
ok people. this came from the site: SALON

nothing more needs to be said. if the people at salon had their choice they'd put anyone who disagrees with them in jail if they could, or gas ovens.
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John Holdren is the obama worm's safe schools czar. He has given advice to children on the proper role of fisting for young boys having sex with older men.

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