Kansas could put teachers in prison for assigning books prosecutors don’t like

Failed 6th grade English class for refusing to read and do book report on that BORING shit...skipped school the day they forced us to watch that dumb ass movie.
Since you deny the Holocaust I'm not exactly shocked. I would have had you read this:

But you would have skipped that was well...
Never even heard of it. Oh and denying the holohoax has nothing to do with it. Its white guilt garbage I was not going to take part in. On top of being fucking BORING book and movie.
Just out of curiosity, what was this, nap time at a nudist camp?

And people wonder why I call humanity a disease.
They are jews who gives a shit? Those were Jews from the Mizocz Ghetto who attacked the German Army. Act like terrorists get executed like terrorists. :)
And just how many Jews do you think actually died during WWII? Since that is also something people get uncomfortable with when it's taught in schools.

BTW, they look pretty darn white to me? No tanning beds maybe?
I dunno..you tell me..

Is the Holocaust a Hoax

Facts don't back up the allegations.

The obsessive invocation of the cabalistic fable of “6,000,000 dead or dying Jews” dating back at least four decades prior to the events of WWII directly undermines and betrays the notion that 6,000,000 Jews perished in Europe between 1939-1945, as Jews have claimed. It was a lie the first time, and it is a lie today!
6 Million ZionCrimeFactory
Research shows that the reason for this bizarre Jewish fixation on the number 6,000,000 primarily stems from an ancient religious prophecy in the Torah. According to some sources, the prophecy envisioned that before the Jewish people could reclaim and reconquer Palestine to establish a Jewish homeland called “Israel”, 6,000,000 Jews would first have to perish in a fiery burnt offering (i.e. “Holocaust”), as a sacrifice to their bloodthirsty tribal deity, YHWH. (See: Weintraub, Ben. The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism: Keystone of the New World Order. Washington, D.C.: Cosmo Pub., 1995.) Jewish author, Benjamen Blech, confirmed this reality in his book “The Secrets of Hebrew Words” (J Aronson Inc., 1991, p. 241), stating,

“You shall return minus 6,000,000″; Jewish scripture relates a prophecy that 6,000,000 Jews must vanish before they can reclaim Palestine as their ancient ancestral homeland.

“The Hebrew word for ‘ye shall return’(TaShuVU), seems to have been spelled incorrectly. Grammatically it requires another (vav). It ought to read (TaShUVU). Why is it lacking the letter (vav) which stands for six?. [TaShuVU] without the vav is a prediction to the Jewish people of ultimate return to their national homeland. TaShuVU in numbers adds up to 708: tav=400, shin=300, vei=2, vey=6. When we write the year, we ignore the millennia. In 1948 on the secular calendar, we witnessed the miracle of Jewish return to Israel. On the Hebrew calendar it was the year 5708. That was the year predicted by the incomplete word (TaShuVu), you shall return. We did return, lacking 6 – an all important 6 million of our people who perished in the holocaust. Yet the fulfillment of the prediction of return in precisely that year implied by the gematria of TaShuVU gives us firm hope that the words of the prophets for Final Redemption will come true as well.”
Since you deny the Holocaust I'm not exactly shocked. I would have had you read this:

But you would have skipped that was well...
Never even heard of it. Oh and denying the holohoax has nothing to do with it. Its white guilt garbage I was not going to take part in. On top of being fucking BORING book and movie.
Just out of curiosity, what was this, nap time at a nudist camp?

And people wonder why I call humanity a disease.
They are jews who gives a shit? Those were Jews from the Mizocz Ghetto who attacked the German Army. Act like terrorists get executed like terrorists. :)
And just how many Jews do you think actually died during WWII? Since that is also something people get uncomfortable with when it's taught in schools.

BTW, they look pretty darn white to me? No tanning beds maybe?
I dunno..you tell me..

Is the Holocaust a Hoax

Facts don't back up the allegations.

The obsessive invocation of the cabalistic fable of “6,000,000 dead or dying Jews” dating back at least four decades prior to the events of WWII directly undermines and betrays the notion that 6,000,000 Jews perished in Europe between 1939-1945, as Jews have claimed. It was a lie the first time, and it is a lie today!
6 Million ZionCrimeFactory
Thanks. I get a kick out of propaganda sites.
Never even heard of it. Oh and denying the holohoax has nothing to do with it. Its white guilt garbage I was not going to take part in. On top of being fucking BORING book and movie.
Just out of curiosity, what was this, nap time at a nudist camp?

And people wonder why I call humanity a disease.
They are jews who gives a shit? Those were Jews from the Mizocz Ghetto who attacked the German Army. Act like terrorists get executed like terrorists. :)
And just how many Jews do you think actually died during WWII? Since that is also something people get uncomfortable with when it's taught in schools.

BTW, they look pretty darn white to me? No tanning beds maybe?
I dunno..you tell me..

Is the Holocaust a Hoax

Facts don't back up the allegations.

The obsessive invocation of the cabalistic fable of “6,000,000 dead or dying Jews” dating back at least four decades prior to the events of WWII directly undermines and betrays the notion that 6,000,000 Jews perished in Europe between 1939-1945, as Jews have claimed. It was a lie the first time, and it is a lie today!
6 Million ZionCrimeFactory
Thanks. I get a kick out of propaganda sites.
Great thing about those sites is they give credit for their sources of information...ALL are fact...not made up fiction..
Just out of curiosity, what was this, nap time at a nudist camp?

And people wonder why I call humanity a disease.
They are jews who gives a shit? Those were Jews from the Mizocz Ghetto who attacked the German Army. Act like terrorists get executed like terrorists. :)
And just how many Jews do you think actually died during WWII? Since that is also something people get uncomfortable with when it's taught in schools.

BTW, they look pretty darn white to me? No tanning beds maybe?
I dunno..you tell me..

Is the Holocaust a Hoax

Facts don't back up the allegations.

The obsessive invocation of the cabalistic fable of “6,000,000 dead or dying Jews” dating back at least four decades prior to the events of WWII directly undermines and betrays the notion that 6,000,000 Jews perished in Europe between 1939-1945, as Jews have claimed. It was a lie the first time, and it is a lie today!
6 Million ZionCrimeFactory
Thanks. I get a kick out of propaganda sites.
Great thing about those sites is they give credit for their sources of information...ALL are fact...not made up fiction..
Facts are funny things, in the hands of people who want a race war.
Are we going to ban the internet? Ever look at what is available there? And you think the kids don't look? Hell, most of them know more about how the computer and net works than do their parents.

There are many kids with good sense to stay away from it, and the school giving them pornography and highly sexually explicit material to read gives the smut legitimacy.
Are radical lefties even aware that a civilian can be prosecuted for possession of literature featuring child porn. Do they think we are drifting into Nazism if we prevent teachers from distributing or forcing children to read sexually explicit junk?
A person in the article described this legislation as a "solution looking for a problem." I couldn't agree more.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure


Let me guess, you consider yourself a "small govenrment" Conservative, right?

I consider myself a parent and one who cares about my children. The "small government" Conservative has nothing to do with it. Again, why would anyone think a ban on porn in schools is a bad idea...unless of course they have an ulterior motive towards children?
Your ignorant posts would indicate you didn't bother to read the article, or if you did you failed to comprehend it.

There is no 'pornography problem' in the schools, and no one is 'advocating' pornography be allowed in schools; the issue is an unnecessary, unwarranted measure whose only intent is to intimidate teachers and undermine educational integrity by promoting a social conservative agenda hostile to facts and the truth.

Social conservatives are the bane of the American Nation.

Again, why would anyone object to a ban of porn in schools?

It is a stupid issue. No school anywhere is "promoting" porn. That's nonsense. The fact that it is EVERYWHERE else in our society to a greater or lesser degree just makes it clear that the students that get bombarded with soft porn all the way to sexual acts have already developed mechanisms to defend themselves against it. No school computer or library forces anyone to digest anything that the student is not actively looking for.

In short "porn" isn't a problem in schools. There is no need of an extra layer of legislation to take on this non existent problem.

This is just another one of the many "hot button" false issues that the Christian Fascists rely upon to make it appear they are keeping America "safe" from evil. Sexuality is not evil. So called conservative christians are mentally defective. I believe that their own sexual repression and sense of guilt for having had "dirty" thoughts when passing from puberty to physical maturity is the root cause of focusing on this non issue.

I do have a question for you retarded perverts though.

Is the watching of a church burning to the ground "porn" if it gives me a woody?
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure


Let me guess, you consider yourself a "small govenrment" Conservative, right?

I consider myself a parent and one who cares about my children. The "small government" Conservative has nothing to do with it. Again, why would anyone think a ban on porn in schools is a bad idea...unless of course they have an ulterior motive towards children?
Your ignorant posts would indicate you didn't bother to read the article, or if you did you failed to comprehend it.

There is no 'pornography problem' in the schools, and no one is 'advocating' pornography be allowed in schools; the issue is an unnecessary, unwarranted measure whose only intent is to intimidate teachers and undermine educational integrity by promoting a social conservative agenda hostile to facts and the truth.

Social conservatives are the bane of the American Nation.

Again, why would anyone object to a ban of porn in schools?

It is a stupid issue. No school anywhere is "promoting" porn. That's nonsense. The fact that it is EVERYWHERE else in our society to a greater or lesser degree just makes it clear that the students that get bombarded with soft porn all the way to sexual acts have already developed mechanisms to defend themselves against it. No school computer or library forces anyone to digest anything that the student is not actively looking for.

In short "porn" isn't a problem in schools. There is no need of an extra layer of legislation to take on this non existent problem.

This is just another one of the many "hot button" false issues that the Christian Fascists rely upon to make it appear they are keeping America "safe" from evil. Sexuality is not evil. So called conservative christians are mentally defective. I believe that their own sexual repression and sense of guilt for having had "dirty" thoughts when passing from puberty to physical maturity is the root cause of focusing on this non issue.

I do have a question for you retarded perverts though.

Is the watching of a church burning to the ground "porn" if it gives me a woody?

no school anywhere huh? you a fly on all their walls or what?
I think a bill keeping porn out of schools is a no brainer.

Ya...right! All those young humans with the raging hormones. That'l keep em from thinking about sex. :lol:

No sense in promoting it. Again why would anyone disagree with keeping porn out of schools?

OK ...name a publicly funded school that "promotes porn". Can't name one? Gee Wizz! Imagine THAT. You people are so full of shit that it REALLY isn't funny.

Let me guess, you consider yourself a "small govenrment" Conservative, right?

I consider myself a parent and one who cares about my children. The "small government" Conservative has nothing to do with it. Again, why would anyone think a ban on porn in schools is a bad idea...unless of course they have an ulterior motive towards children?
Your ignorant posts would indicate you didn't bother to read the article, or if you did you failed to comprehend it.

There is no 'pornography problem' in the schools, and no one is 'advocating' pornography be allowed in schools; the issue is an unnecessary, unwarranted measure whose only intent is to intimidate teachers and undermine educational integrity by promoting a social conservative agenda hostile to facts and the truth.

Social conservatives are the bane of the American Nation.

Again, why would anyone object to a ban of porn in schools?

It is a stupid issue. No school anywhere is "promoting" porn. That's nonsense. The fact that it is EVERYWHERE else in our society to a greater or lesser degree just makes it clear that the students that get bombarded with soft porn all the way to sexual acts have already developed mechanisms to defend themselves against it. No school computer or library forces anyone to digest anything that the student is not actively looking for.

In short "porn" isn't a problem in schools. There is no need of an extra layer of legislation to take on this non existent problem.

This is just another one of the many "hot button" false issues that the Christian Fascists rely upon to make it appear they are keeping America "safe" from evil. Sexuality is not evil. So called conservative christians are mentally defective. I believe that their own sexual repression and sense of guilt for having had "dirty" thoughts when passing from puberty to physical maturity is the root cause of focusing on this non issue.

I do have a question for you retarded perverts though.

Is the watching of a church burning to the ground "porn" if it gives me a woody?

no school anywhere huh? you a fly on all their walls or what?

Name the public school that promotes porn or shut your dumb ass fucking pie holes.
I think a bill keeping porn out of schools is a no brainer.

It should be and for years it was a matter of common sense. Welcome to the new world where anything goes, but some still try to make laws to replace what common sense used to take care of.


It's still a matter of common sense - that's my point - and it's not the liberals who are trying to make laws to replace common sense here, it's the hysterical social cons who think that teachers need a law to prevent them from showing their students porn.

If it happened once, a few times or some times, it will happen a lot in the future without penalties.

Let me guess, you consider yourself a "small govenrment" Conservative, right?

I consider myself a parent and one who cares about my children. The "small government" Conservative has nothing to do with it. Again, why would anyone think a ban on porn in schools is a bad idea...unless of course they have an ulterior motive towards children?
Your ignorant posts would indicate you didn't bother to read the article, or if you did you failed to comprehend it.

There is no 'pornography problem' in the schools, and no one is 'advocating' pornography be allowed in schools; the issue is an unnecessary, unwarranted measure whose only intent is to intimidate teachers and undermine educational integrity by promoting a social conservative agenda hostile to facts and the truth.

Social conservatives are the bane of the American Nation.

Again, why would anyone object to a ban of porn in schools?

It is a stupid issue. No school anywhere is "promoting" porn. That's nonsense. The fact that it is EVERYWHERE else in our society to a greater or lesser degree just makes it clear that the students that get bombarded with soft porn all the way to sexual acts have already developed mechanisms to defend themselves against it. No school computer or library forces anyone to digest anything that the student is not actively looking for.

In short "porn" isn't a problem in schools. There is no need of an extra layer of legislation to take on this non existent problem.

This is just another one of the many "hot button" false issues that the Christian Fascists rely upon to make it appear they are keeping America "safe" from evil. Sexuality is not evil. So called conservative christians are mentally defective. I believe that their own sexual repression and sense of guilt for having had "dirty" thoughts when passing from puberty to physical maturity is the root cause of focusing on this non issue.

I do have a question for you retarded perverts though.

Is the watching of a church burning to the ground "porn" if it gives me a woody?

no school anywhere huh? you a fly on all their walls or what?

Stefunny. There is really something wrong with your brain. I can gaurandamntee that there are more young sexually repressed boys drilling peep holes into the girls locker rooms and restrooms and spanking their little monkeys than there are teachers or librarians promoting pornography.
I think a bill keeping porn out of schools is a no brainer.

It should be and for years it was a matter of common sense. Welcome to the new world where anything goes, but some still try to make laws to replace what common sense used to take care of.


It's still a matter of common sense - that's my point - and it's not the liberals who are trying to make laws to replace common sense here, it's the hysterical social cons who think that teachers need a law to prevent them from showing their students porn.

If it happened once, a few times or some times, it will happen a lot in the future without penalties.

You people need professional mental health evaluations. Seriously.
The post belongs on the education forum. The world is falling apart and all lefties can come up with is obscure "Salon" spins on obscure state regulations.

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