Kari Lake: America will 'turn into a Venezuela' unless a judge installs me as governor

Sorry to disappoint you....you'll have to look elsewhere for your chubby fantasies. Maybe here:
Obvious photoshop....
You mentioned fear mongering. There is absolutely no one better at it than democrats, who twist everything they can to promote fear of Republicans. If you are going to play hardball then expect the other team to play hardball too.
The GOP has perfected fear mongering my whole life. They have no practical platform beside fear mongering. Always stoking fear of the 'other' (party, religion, nationality sexual persuasion, etc.) coming to 'replace' them, or take all their shit. The Democrats do this as well to a lesser extent. It's all complete cultural warfare nonsense.

Magaturds like Trump because he's not any representative of who they really are (a rich, entitled, white Boomer), but what they wish they were (rich, womanizer, bigot, tax cheat, nasty shit talking blowhard with lawyers to prevent blowback and accountability, etc.). When the entire premise of magaturd candidates is a grift to gain power, the rest of America needs no more explanation of who they are and what they 'stand for'. The cruelty has, and always been, their point.
The GOP has perfected fear mongering my whole life. They have no practical platform beside fear mongering. Always stoking fear of the 'other' (party, religion, nationality sexual persuasion, etc.) coming to 'replace' them, or take all their shit. The Democrats do this as well to a lesser extent. It's all complete cultural warfare nonsense.

Magaturds like Trump because he's not any representative of who they really are (a rich, entitled, white Boomer), but what they wish they were (rich, womanizer, bigot, tax cheat, nasty shit talking blowhard with lawyers to prevent blowback and accountability, etc.). When the entire premise of magaturd candidates is a grift to gain power, the rest of America needs no more explanation of who they are and what they 'stand for'. The cruelty has, and always been, their point.

Bleats the sheep crying about climate change and whining about vaccine mandates.
The GOP has perfected fear mongering my whole life. They have no practical platform beside fear mongering. Always stoking fear of the 'other' (party, religion, nationality sexual persuasion, etc.) coming to 'replace' them, or take all their shit. The Democrats do this as well to a lesser extent. It's all complete cultural warfare nonsense.

Magaturds like Trump because he's not any representative of who they really are (a rich, entitled, white Boomer), but what they wish they were (rich, womanizer, bigot, tax cheat, nasty shit talking blowhard with lawyers to prevent blowback and accountability, etc.). When the entire premise of magaturd candidates is a grift to gain power, the rest of America needs no more explanation of who they are and what they 'stand for'. The cruelty has, and always been, their point.

The left is far worse when it comes to worsening race relations. What you call nonsense is indeed a fact. Look at anything music/movie related at how white people are being washed out.

You dems also only care about grifting power and keeping it by any means necessary.

You all assault free speech and the 2A regularly and gleefully and there isn't a tragedy you all don't attempt to spin to take more rights away

You're not blind, you're just retarded to even make such a laughable statement as you did above
Bleats the sheep crying about climate change and whining about vaccine mandates.
Why aren't you calling out shit I've actually done, you useless fucking twink? Go ahead, jack wagon. Stop making shit up to support your equally shitty 'point', and have the cajones to point out where I've specifically 'cried' about either issue. I'll wait.
The GOP has perfected fear mongering my whole life. They have no practical platform beside fear mongering. Always stoking fear of the 'other' (party, religion, nationality sexual persuasion, etc.) coming to 'replace' them, or take all their shit. The Democrats do this as well to a lesser extent. It's all complete cultural warfare nonsense.

Magaturds like Trump because he's not any representative of who they really are (a rich, entitled, white Boomer), but what they wish they were (rich, womanizer, bigot, tax cheat, nasty shit talking blowhard with lawyers to prevent blowback and accountability, etc.). When the entire premise of magaturd candidates is a grift to gain power, the rest of America needs no more explanation of who they are and what they 'stand for'. The cruelty has, and always been, their point.
The Democratic party has perfected fear mongering my whole life. They have no practical platform beside fear mongering. Always stoking fear of the 'other' (party, religion, nationality sexual persuasion, etc.) coming to 'replace' them, or take all their shit. The Republicans do this as well to a lesser extent. It's all complete cultural warfare nonsense.

Democrats have fear mongered against Republicans before Trump was ever in the picture. I'm over 60 now and I remember decades ago how Democrats claimed Republicans wanted to take social security away and were fighting a war against women, seniors, the poor, immigrants, minorities, and everyone else they could think of and claimed Republicans were only for the rich. All lies. Now they claim vote suppression whenever they can, even as a recent court case ruled against Stacey Abrams for claiming there was vote suppression when she couldn't even prove any. Democrats also claim Republicans want to take democracy away even as they want to label first amendment speech as hate speech, attack the second amendment, and took away many of our rights during the pandemic.
Why aren't you calling out shit I've actually done, you useless fucking twink? Go ahead, jack wagon. Stop making shit up to support your equally shitty 'point', and have the cajones to point out where I've specifically 'cried' about either issue. I'll wait.
LOL someone's on the rag this morning

Look at anything music/movie related at how white people are being washed out.
I don't see that at all.
You dems also only care about grifting power and keeping it by any means necessary.
I'm not a Dem. I'm an independent. You know, the group that makes sure you magaturds continue losing election after election.
You all assault free speech and the 2A
I do no such thing, lying magaturd.
You're not blind, you're just retarded to even make such a laughable statement as you did above
The truth stings a bit. :itsok:
Bleats the sheep crying about climate change and whining about vaccine mandates.
Too late to do anything about climate change......just spend the money to clean up after each natural disaster.
No more fire season...all year long.
No more hurricane season...all year long.
No more tornado season...all year long.
I don't see that at all.

I'm not a Dem. I'm an independent. You know, the group that makes sure you magaturds continue losing election after election.

I do no such thing, lying magaturd.

The truth stings a bit. :itsok:
>I don't see that at all.

Blind and retarded

>I'm not a Dem. I'm an independent. You know, the group that makes sure you magaturds continue losing election after election.

Sure you are

LOL magaturd. Next HRT injection you get I hope comes with some originality
Sounds like you are saying he's a lizard alien. :heehee:

Maybe you believe this is real?
No, I didn't say that at all. You posted a picture, I said it was photoshopped, you said prove it, I'm just posting my reasons why think it's photoshopped.

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