Kari Lake election challenge "fizzles" at second day of trial

Actually Lastamender doesn't have a bad idea.

Ballot contain no personally identifiable information, as such they should be available - in electronic format - for public viewing. I mean hell, if someone wants to download and image of 1,500,000 ballots from a Maricopa County server one by one. Have at it.
As soon as you place ballots into public view, you will have people take advantage of their ballot being on the internet, and attach anything from personal information to political attacks, to profanity on their ballot.

Anything outside of the scanned area is ignored by the tabulators. But a ballot picture scanner would save the entire image, "warts and all" as the expression goes. So you would have to have people look at each image to make sure any extraneous markings are suitable for public release, and to either censor, or explain the ballots absence from public view.
This thread has been derailed for 10 pages.

Here is what Lake must prove:

“The Court can — and does — hold Plaintiff to her counsels’ representation of the scope of her claim at Trial, that no signature verification was conducted,” he wrote, in a ruling issued on Tuesday.

Here is what her key witness said:

“They (supervisors) told us, ‘You need to be very cautious. You need to pay attention to what you’re doing and remember that whatever you reject or approve, you can be called in to testify,’ ” she testified. “I was very focused on verifying signatures and making sure the signatures matched"

In fact BOTH WHISTLEBLOWERS said they personally cured and approved thousands of signatures.

Then they showed a video of a guy approving signatures too quickly... then they found out that the guy was removed for not doing it correctly since the county took it seriously which was a huge blow to the prosecution.

The Lake lawyers will likely never ever practice again.

He did not help with the 270,000 that were done in 36 hours. That is impossible. You cannot fight the law of physics.

Trump wants to destroy our institutions. He lives for revenge.. Always has.
What do you think the politicians have done to the FBI and DOJ? Those agencies are destroyed. No one can trust them anymore. Stop projecting.
The government is corrupt. There is no excuse for that. Christie is part of the problem. Wray is a traitor.
Lol, the old Johnny told me to do it excuse. Hilarious 😂 Lol my kids use to give it to me. Around age 6 they figured out it was not gunna save an ass whooping. Lol, how old are you?
What do you think the politicians have done to the FBI and DOJ? Those agencies are destroyed. No one can trust them anymore. Stop projecting.
Trump was the only one to corrupt DOJ. He was the only president to hire the best person for the job, only to fire them and replace them with somebody politically loyal instead.
Lol, the old Johnny told me to do it excuse. Hilarious 😂 Lol my kids use to give it to me. Around age 6 they figured out it was not gunna save an ass whooping. Lol, how old are you?
Pretty bad comparison. You can do better, anyone could. My age is NOYB.
How can you have left, and right dictatorship? Think hard. If they are both dictatorships, what is the difference?
Economic policy. Right-wing dictatorships embrace crony capitalism, left-wing dictatorships embrace socialism.

Social policy. Right-wing dictatorships are regressive, seeking to wind back the clock, left-wing dictatorships are progressive, seeking change.

Thus, the Nazis were right-wing, given their regressive social policies and crony capitalist economic system. The Soviets were left-wing.

Anarchism is generally placed on the far-left, given how it's usually kind of anti-capitalist.

So what's the point of Westwall's gaslighting? If he simply auto-defines anything evil as being leftist, he can define the left as TheUltimateEvil. That will allow him to invoke TheGreaterGood to justify gulags for leftists.

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