Karl Rove ‘offended’ by Clint Eastwood’s Chrysler ad

Karl Rove ‘offended’ by Clint Eastwood’s Chrysler ad - The Washington Post

A Chrysler ad aired during the Super Bowl Sunday night has inspired ire among some Republicans and admiration among some Democrats — with both sides seeing a political message that boosts President Obama.

In an ad touting the resurgence of the American auto industry, Clint Eastwood declared that it’s “halftime in America and our second half’s about to begin,” which could be interpreted as a reference to Obama’s second term. 

The ad’s themes seem to echo Obama’s own argument that his administration brought the auto industry back from the brink of disaster.

“They almost lost everything,” Eastwood says of Detroit. “But we all pulled together. Now Motor City is fighting again.”

“I was, frankly, offended by it,” said Karl Rove on Fox News Monday. “I'm a huge fan of Clint Eastwood, I thought it was an extremely well-done ad, but it is a sign of what happens when you have Chicago-style politics, and the president of the United States and his political minions are, in essence, using our tax dollars to buy corporate advertising.”

Honestly, when I think of liberal celebrities, Clint Eastwood does not immediately come to mind.

Clint's actually one of the few conservatives in Hollywood.

The problem here is what I see the problem with the GOP in general. When there is a fight between teh working man and the interests of the wealthy, they take the side of the wealthy every time.

What happened to Chrysler was a good thing. We saved an American Icon- albeit with Italian help.
I thought it was about cars, knew the admin would like it politically and their opponents would attack it.

I don't think Eastwood is pro-Obama or big government. Is he?
In all the excitement I can't remember if Obama spent $545 million or $546 on Solyndra. Question is Keystone, do you feel lucky? Well do ya punk?
The only thing that would make the far right haters happy would be a total melt down of Chrysler and GM. If they have gone belly up, it would have been happy days for the GOP. Blue Collars mean nothing to repubs...They have pretty much shown that for some time.
Obama was talking about getting rid of bad teacher in the SOTU. Pretty aggressive anti union stance right there.

Chrysler and GM did go belly up. They restructured under bankruptcy and are doing well now after cutting the unions to the bone. Again under Obama.
Christ, I thought it was an ad about cars...nothing more, nothing less...

We Americans have the ability to politicize a loaf of bread.

The only thing that would make the far right haters happy would be a total melt down of Chrysler and GM. If they have gone belly up, it would have been happy days for the GOP. Blue Collars mean nothing to repubs...They have pretty much shown that for some time.

Provided the meltdown occurred during a democratic administration; if Obama were a republican the right would think the commercial wonderful.
A little bit of Italian help?

Fiat owns 58.5% now. And apparently can end up owning 70% in the near future.

Before Fiat, Daimler Benz (German). Chrysler is not an American company.

And the American taxpayer lost 1.3 billion in the bailout.
Obama was talking about getting rid of bad teacher in the SOTU. Pretty aggressive anti union stance right there.

Chrysler and GM did go belly up. They restructured under bankruptcy and are doing well now after cutting the unions to the bone. Again under Obama.

The amount of plants closed, well one can only say it was a huge slash and burn.

Chinese workers on the other hand are rejoicing.
Obama saves the auto industry, and Ham Rove is offended.

Rove is going to burn in hell.
Ham Rove is the perfect spokesman for the Republican Party.

He is a shinning example of what being a Republican is all about.
The only thing that would make the far right haters happy would be a total melt down of Chrysler and GM. If they have gone belly up, it would have been happy days for the GOP. Blue Collars mean nothing to repubs...They have pretty much shown that for some time.

the problem is, chapter 11 exists and works, they didn't get off the canvas at all, they got the referee to stop the fight and give them a win.

and now we have that car co. where in it has been documented that we will not get all of the money plowed into it back, making a commercial to tell just how well they are doing:eusa_eh:....add to that Cerberus is a private equity/capital mgt. co. THEY owned con controlling interest in Chrysler, there weren't even a public co. ( like BAIN Capital hello), theres something off with that, don't you think?
Obama saves the auto industry, and Ham Rove is offended.

Rove is going to burn in hell.

I will defend the autoworkers. I'm not exactly super pro union here, but a lot of good men and women who worked very hard on a daily basis truly have lost their jobs to the Chinese.

When a plant closes the ripple effect in communities is devastating.

There should have been serious legal conditions put on the bail outs to protect the workers.
Obama's bailout of the American auto industry was a HUGE SUCCESS.

Anybody who tries to claim otherwise is a liar.
Obama's bailout of the American auto industry was a HUGE SUCCESS.

Anybody who tries to claim otherwise is a liar.

Oh come on the Nobel Prize money was only a million. Congress bailed GM out and it delayed the recovery by six to eight months. The bankruptcy saved Chrysler and GM.

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