Kasich Beats Clinton By 16 Points in Pennsylvania

This thread should die, no, it should have never been created in the first place. You seriously want to give significance to this poll, between these two canidates, 6 months before the election? Really, this poll proves something? Oh wait, it does prove something.....if you print a poll some idiot will use it to predict the future.
Why, because Kasich has LESS electoral votes than Rubio who already was doing so poorly that he dropped out. Do you understand that electoral votes, earned from people voting for a candidate get a candidate to the general election?

Nobody has any electoral votes because electors cast their vote in a general election. What the candidates have now are convention delegates. As I said before, learn the difference.
Are you from a Lithuanian cave? because that might explain your cluelessness. ElectoralVote


Okay, I'm done. You're just too easy
The kid who crawled out of a Lithuanian cave and voted for Kasich to beat Clinton babbles.

Seriously, did you play a banjo in Deliverance?
Sanders probably beats Clinton by 16 in Pa if you poll the right demographic. The polls are becoming a tiresome distraction akin to CBS using forged documents.
Kasich would defeat Clinton by 16 points in Pennsylvania if the election were held today. Other polls have shown he would defeat her in Ohio by 17 points, by 14 points in Wisconsin, and 6 points in Michigan.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Yet Republicans want to continue backing Trump who would lose all of these states badly
Kasich is democrate lite.

Trump is more so. He actually funded democrats
Reagan was a Democrat.

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