Kasich Beats Clinton By 16 Points in Pennsylvania

Democrats want Kasich because they know it will be a guaranteed Democrat landslide.

Based on what other than your own ignorant bias?
Based on electoral votes.


Present your evidence.
Dude you need to change your medication, Kasich has less electoral votes than Rubio who already quit. 2016 Delegate Count Tracker: 2016 Election Do you live in a cave????
I heard Kasich won a state.................is there any truth to this...............

Kasich would defeat Clinton by 16 points in Pennsylvania if the election were held today. Other polls have shown he would defeat her in Ohio by 17 points, by 14 points in Wisconsin, and 6 points in Michigan.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Yet Republicans want to continue backing Trump who would lose all of these states badly
Kasich is not a conservative... 100% progressive. Lol

Anyone to the left of Hitler looks progressive to you. Enjoy your misery.
Hitler was a progressive socialist. Dumbass
Democrats want Kasich because they know it will be a guaranteed Democrat landslide.

Based on what other than your own ignorant bias?
Based on electoral votes.


Present your evidence.
Dude you need to change your medication, Kasich has less electoral votes than Rubio who already quit. 2016 Delegate Count Tracker: 2016 Election Do you live in a cave????

We're talking about the general election, dumb ass. Try to keep up.

And those aren't electoral votes; those are delegates. Learn the difference
Democrats want Kasich because they know it will be a guaranteed Democrat landslide.

Based on what other than your own ignorant bias?
Based on electoral votes.


Present your evidence.
Dude you need to change your medication, Kasich has less electoral votes than Rubio who already quit. 2016 Delegate Count Tracker: 2016 Election Do you live in a cave????

We're talking about the general election, dumb ass. Try to keep up.

And those aren't electoral votes; those are delegates. Learn the difference
First of all dude, you are not talking, you are writing, as am I.
Next as I said, I know you are referring to the general election, and as I said you need different medication if you believe that Kasich is running against Clinton in the general election, either now or in the future. Why, because Kasich has LESS electoral votes than Rubio who already was doing so poorly that he dropped out. Do you understand that electoral votes, earned from people voting for a candidate get a candidate to the general election?

Go back to your cave and grill some more pterodactyl wings.

Sheesh, this guy believes that Kasich is running against Clinton.
Why, because Kasich has LESS electoral votes than Rubio who already was doing so poorly that he dropped out. Do you understand that electoral votes, earned from people voting for a candidate get a candidate to the general election?

Nobody has any electoral votes because electors cast their vote in a general election. What the candidates have now are convention delegates. As I said before, learn the difference.
Why, because Kasich has LESS electoral votes than Rubio who already was doing so poorly that he dropped out. Do you understand that electoral votes, earned from people voting for a candidate get a candidate to the general election?

Nobody has any electoral votes because electors cast their vote in a general election. What the candidates have now are convention delegates. As I said before, learn the difference.
Are you from a Lithuanian cave? because that might explain your cluelessness. ElectoralVote
Why, because Kasich has LESS electoral votes than Rubio who already was doing so poorly that he dropped out. Do you understand that electoral votes, earned from people voting for a candidate get a candidate to the general election?

Nobody has any electoral votes because electors cast their vote in a general election. What the candidates have now are convention delegates. As I said before, learn the difference.
Are you from a Lithuanian cave? because that might explain your cluelessness. ElectoralVote


Okay, I'm done. You're just too easy
Then why isn't he winning anything?
Shit man, maybe he should take the clue and run as a Democrat..
Republican voters are tired of the establishment. Obviously..

Republicans are only 29% of voters. Independents are 42% of voters.
I have a hard time trusting the media and their polls and opinions, when it comes to the media bloodsucking Trump for ratings and employment, he's far more likely to be correct than they are.

Yeah, yeah! Just like when Trump said he was going to win in Wisconsin, but the polls said he was going to lose.
Kasich would defeat Clinton by 16 points in Pennsylvania if the election were held today. Other polls have shown he would defeat her in Ohio by 17 points, by 14 points in Wisconsin, and 6 points in Michigan.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Yet Republicans want to continue backing Trump who would lose all of these states badly

It would be interesting to see how he would actually fare against her once people started learning more about him. In the end, I think Hillary would still beat him. He has not had to face up to any of his negatives, because nobody really knows much about him.
Kasich is backed by Soros associates to the tune of over half a million bucks for his promise on amnesty. How could any self respecting conservative vote for him?

As opposed to the person who has backed Clinton to the tun of half a million bucks?
Kasich would defeat Clinton by 16 points in Pennsylvania if the election were held today. Other polls have shown he would defeat her in Ohio by 17 points, by 14 points in Wisconsin, and 6 points in Michigan.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Yet Republicans want to continue backing Trump who would lose all of these states badly

Redneck country. Hard working blue color workers whom don't want to hear her garbage.

Shadow 355
First of all dude, you are not talking, you are writing, as am I.
Next as I said, I know you are referring to the general election, and as I said you need different medication if you believe that Kasich is running against Clinton in the general election, either now or in the future. Why, because Kasich has LESS electoral votes than Rubio who already was doing so poorly that he dropped out. Do you understand that electoral votes, earned from people voting for a candidate get a candidate to the general election?

Go back to your cave and grill some more pterodactyl wings.

Sheesh, this guy believes that Kasich is running against Clinton.


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