Kasich suddenly a real contender in White House race

I don't think that Trump has ruled out third party so that should be kept in mind .
Trump 3rd party gives the Dems a complete sweep of the WH, the Senate, and the House.
Well , Perot sure messed you guys up and the question to Mr, Trump about third party at the socalled debate shows what 'rinos' are worried about Jake .
E="JakeStarkey, post: 12065421, member: 20412"]Trump 3rd party gives the Dems a complete sweep of the WH, the Senate, and the House.[/QUOTE]
ok with me Jake , as I've said in many threads . A rino nominee gets me to vote 'dem' . I won't just sit it out and cry , I'll vote AGAINST the rinos / moderates .
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dems will bring real terror to you moderates and , well , thats ok with me Jake . Get that reparations money saved up so that the cost doesn't hit you unexpectedly Jake .
Well , Perot sure messed you guys up and the question to Mr, Trump about third party at the socalled debate shows what 'rinos' are worried about Jake .
No RINOs, as defined by the far right exist, while, in fact, the WrHINOs of the far right do exist. The far right's problem is numbers: they don't have a critical mass.
The dems are far less a worry to doing harm to American than is the far right.

All good pubs know that and will not let the pismoes have their way.
numbers , schnumbers --------------- I won't argue the numbers , mostly talking tactics of what I will do . Also hoping that Trump does what I think he should do Jake .
more news for you Jake , TRUMP campaign related I guess !! Walker is riding his 'harley' , roobio is towing his 24 foot boot fishing boat and MR. Trump is bringing his 'Sikorsky ' 12 passenger helicopter to give 'IOWAs ' kids a ' helicopter' ride . --- Trump state fair helicopter rides still on Politics - WYFF Home --- IOWA kids are probably excited and the kids parents probably like the Donalds generosity . If 'yeb boosh' shows up he'll be strolling the fair grounds with his guitar and 'sombrero' .
The problem with the Rino concept is the crazies apply it to anyone who will compromise. Kasich is, and was, a budget hawk, but he compromised often to eventually achieve a balanced (briefly) budget. Reagan compromised repeatedly, trading higher overall revenues for a broadening of what is taxes and lower rates. If you compromise on the details of how to achieve something, like a balanced budget or a govt that gets out of deciding econ winners in free markets, you are then a Rino if you accept even $1 in revenue for $3 in spending cuts, or take in more revenue while reducing rates is a heresy to the self anointing arbiter of who is a conservative, Grover Norquist. And, if you don't compromise, you'll never reach your objective. Life consists of compromises and accepting no one gets it totally their way. Although Norquist may because his actual goal may be to make American ungovernable.

Even with Citizens United, the 400 plutocrats realize they will have to compromise on a candidate. I realize it is unacceptable for the RW and tea party to accept that compromise is necessary to achieve conservative policy victories, but it is a fact of life.

Mitt gave into the crazies on the social issues, and lumping in retirees with welfare cheats. Nether the crazies nor the moderates were impressed.

I don't see Kasich flip flopping his positions on immigration or accepting the Medicaid money. I do expect him to argue Obamacare is fundamentally flawed because it's unintended effect is to reduce hours worked by the least skilled.

My expectation is that even if he wins in NH, he'll lose in SC without it being very close. The wild card is of course the Donald. Is he even going to be in the race in 2016. And, the polls are meaningless because his popularity has nothing to do with issues, and in truth he's more a social moderate than anyone else in the GOP field. Who will eventually emerge as the fav of the tea party folks ... I really don't know.
main thing is that Donald sounds good on things that matter to me Ben .
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main ting is that Donald sounds good on things that matter to me Ben .
I don't hear him offering any specifics. And given his past positions, he may be center right on anything but immigration, and even there I don't buy is machismo. (-: I really think he jumped in initially to parlay a campaign into a commentator job on Fox, and now he's trying to figure out what to do, and part of his ego thinks being Potus would be cool. But, NH is a long way away.
of course he has given specifics on a few things but its still early and his specifics so far are good enough for me and other supporters . That's pretty much it as I don't get excited by many of the things that you talk about in your post #33 . Secure the border , stop the rampant immigration and I'm good as I take care of my economy and healthcare if I even want healthcare Ben .
... But imagine what a Kasich win in NH would do to Jeb. SC coming up with is a batshite crazy gop state.

And crazy's probably the dems only chance. At this point Biden running on a promise to seek only one term and appeal to bipartisan reform is looking .... not so bad compared to Hillary and her emails and foundation's CONTINUED fundraising.

Excuse me... sorry to interrupt you GOPers, but Biden is no longer the pantsuit's runner-up.

After the media blackout of the massive rallies held on the West Coast this last weekend, I'm not surprised that you didn't know -- I mean, how could you? -- but the 70,000+ people who showed up to cheer madly for Bernie Sanders have managed to tip the scales nationally. While still way behind RHC, after only entering in the race in late April he's already ahead of the rest of the pack, and I predict he'll pass Hillary in the polls by November 1.


So whoever your GOP candidate is, Bernie Sanders is the one you'll have to beat -- not the pantsuit.

-- Paravani


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main ting is that Donald sounds good on things that matter to me Ben .
I don't hear him offering any specifics. And given his past positions, he may be center right on anything but immigration, and even there I don't buy is machismo. (-: I really think he jumped in initially to parlay a campaign into a commentator job on Fox, and now he's trying to figure out what to do, and part of his ego thinks being Potus would be cool. But, NH is a long way away.

What T-Rump calls "specifics" the rest of the sane world calls hucksterism.

You won't believe what I can do with foreign policy. (He's right, I don't believe he even has a coherent foreign policy.)

I will be the greatest for women. (Greatest what? Male chauvinist pig?)

You don't need plans. (Actually you do if you want to get things accomplished in government. Eisenhower had plans for D-Day and the Interstate system.)

Do you want specifics? Just wait and you will see the greatest specifics you ever saw. (Really? Like they will greet our soldiers with flowers and candy in Iraq?)

See the pattern emerging?

T-Rump just spouts whatever makes him sound good on every single topic with no practical details or even any concept of what the problem actually is and what it will take to solve it.

T-Rump is full of himself which is the same thing as saying he is FOS.

He doesn't have anything of any merit whatsoever. He is all hat and no cattle, where's the beef and an empty suit combined.

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