Kasich suddenly a real contender in White House race

... But imagine what a Kasich win in NH would do to Jeb. SC coming up with is a batshite crazy gop state.

And crazy's probably the dems only chance. At this point Biden running on a promise to seek only one term and appeal to bipartisan reform is looking .... not so bad compared to Hillary and her emails and foundation's CONTINUED fundraising.

Excuse me... sorry to interrupt you GOPers, but Biden is no longer the pantsuit's runner-up.

After the media blackout of the massive rallies held on the West Coast this last weekend, I'm not surprised that you didn't know -- I mean, how could you? -- but the 70,000+ people who showed up to cheer madly for Bernie Sanders have managed to tip the scales nationally. While still way behind RHC, after only entering in the race in late April he's already ahead of the rest of the pack, and I predict he'll pass Hillary in the polls by November 1.


So whoever your GOP candidate is, Bernie Sanders is the one you'll have to beat -- not the pantsuit.

-- Paravani
no problem with 'bernie' . While I support Trump , Cruz or maybe Carson if its not one of those 3 I'll be voting for the 'dem' and 'bernie' is a heck of a good dem [socialist] . I figure that he would be even more hated by the moderate rinos so he's my man if I don't get my first choice of Trump , Cruz or Carson Paravani .

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