Kavanaugh accuser admits she lied, never met him

It will not stop Democrats or even slow them down.

The ONLY thing that will stop them is this...........


People think I'm just mean or bluffing.........but really, the only thing they understand is greed, destruction, and death.
They cannot comprehend any human capacity for understanding, compassion, or sympathy of any kind.
Coordinated mayhem by Democrat Senators.

It has been admitted by at least one Democratic member of the Judiciary Committee that from the outset top Democratic senators had been coordinating with the protesters – many of them paid – to disrupt the hearings and to create a false sense of outrage, some in the most despicable manner imaginable.​

Will they be investigated for disrupting an official proceeding? :no_text11:
'Politics Of Personal Destruction'

When Herman Cain ran for President Democrats dragged out a host of women launching accusations of sexual misconduct and law suits against him.

'Amazingly' enough, within a week of him dropping out of the race every law suit was gone, every Democrat 'political assassin' bimbo crawled back into the shadows.

EVERYTHING is about personal and party power, profit, and control for Democrats.

Lives aren't worth anything to them, and they have proven they will do everything they can to completely destroy anyone they deem a threat or roadblock.

The road to the political top for the Clintons was / is paved with the bones and dead bodies of their enemies.
The dumb fucking assholes think it's their patriotic duty!

How twisted is that?

These fuckers are way far gone. Lost in space.
/----/ Another milestone for lying democRATs:
/----/ Another milestone for lying democRATs:

lying is the only way tyrants gain and maintain. power that’s why the demafasict do it so often
... It was another chapter how Democrats do not accept the consequences of Elections when it comes to Supreme Court nominees and will stop at nothing in their obstruction attempts.
Duh. Look in the mirror kiddo, and start with your own party, McConnell and your total disregard for who was elected President by we the people, president Obama, and who stopped him from his constitutional supreme court pick!

Kiss my grits, you're just the typical Trumper, republican, brainwashed, blind, hypocrite.

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